《Adventures Of The Warriors And The Dead》Chapter 21 Legolas, Grace, and Tauriel




"Lacy! Lacy!" I yell as I dash the streets of Dale. I can't find her anywhere. I'm starting to worry about her.

I do spot Gandalf and Bilbo though. It's a relief that Bilbo is okay and unhurt.

"We may yet survive this," Gandalf says pensively.

"Gandalf!" Bilbo screams and points at four rams riding up Ravenhill.

"That is Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, and Fili right there," I inform. "Oh and there's Alex in full demon mode chasing after them."

"He's taking his best warriors," Gandalf states. He looks worried.

"To do what?" Bilbo asks.

"To cut the head of the snake."

Azog he's going to face Azog. I hope he kills the motherfucker.




Loyally I follow the dwarves up Ravenhill to the top. I can't just let my super soulmate run off like that.

Once reaching the top the Balrog child melts away and its just me. Just elf me. Exhausted me of course. Running around like a savage demon sucks the energy right out of you.

"Die!" Dwalin growls and smashes more of Azog's minions. There are some orcs up here but it doesn't seem like a lot. You'd think there'd be more guards on the leader.

"This is a trap," I observe. "It is definitely a trap. Congratulations on walking into you first trap you guys!" I give them a slow sarcastic clap and glare to prove my point.

"I doubt care if it's a trap, Azog needs to die," Thorin rumbles.

"If you say so best friend killer," I utter with a scowl.

I know it wasn't his fault because he was sick or some shit but that doesn't make me any less blazing mad.




Anxiously Tauriel, Legolas, and I gallop into Dale on our steeds. Something is not right. Something's wrong I can feel it.


"Gandalf!" Legolas calls and smoothly dismounts to talk to him. I hop off as well but Tauriel doesn't.

"Legolas. Legolas Greenleaf! Oh and Grace Bloodlust," Gandalf greets with a relived grin. He seems to not notice Tauriel. Oh wait no Tauriel has ridden off. That's odd for her to leave without saying a word. It must be a pressing matter.

"There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us," I report.

"Gundabad? Ahh. This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the north," Gandalf grumbles.

"What? Th...the north? Where is the north exactly?" Bilbo inquires. After all this time he still seems oblivious.

"Ravenhill," Gandalf says plainly.

"Ravenhill? Thorin is up there. Alex is up there! And Fili and Kili! They're all up there!" Bilbo exclaims.

"They are in danger. We have to help them!" Sam shouts and wildly waves her axe around. "Emily and Alex need our help."

"I will help you get up there. I can't leave my partner to face this alone. But before that I have to ask where is Allie? Our bond feels off and empty almost."




Coughing and spluttering I try to clear my lungs of the blood that's started to fill them.

"H-help," I whimper as the orc brings his hammer down on me again. He's refused to give me a quick death and instead a slow one.

My head is throbbing and I can't even differentiate where the pain is even coming from anymore.

"Lacy!" a very familiar voice calls out. It's Tauriel!

"T-Tauriel!" I cough out. The orc grabs my throat and holds me off the ground.

"You are a strong elf. You simply refuse to die," he growls. "I'll have to choke the life out of you." His hand tighten around my throat and I struggle kick him.


"LACY!" Tauriel screeches and I see her run up out of the corner of my eye. She rips her daggers out and throw one into the orcs arm. He yelps out and drops me to the ground.

"Ah," I hiss in pain and scratch the ground helplessly. My eyes droop and I can feel the darkness tugging at my heart.

Above me Tauriel digs her knife into the orcs chest and twists it mercilessly. Her other dagger she yanks from his arm and jams in his mouth.

"You messed with the wrong elf," Tauriel growls in his face then shoves him to the ground to let him die.

"T-T," I stammer and try to reach out to her.

"Lacy," Tauriel murmurs and kneels down. Gingerly she lifts my head up and brushes my hair aside. "I'm here to save you."

"Y-you did," I sitter and smile weakly. She's so perfect. "I love you."

"I love you to Lace, just hang in there for me okay? Can you do that?" Tauriel asks and I feel her tears hit my face.

"I can."

"I'm gonna lift you up alright? We're gonna get you to the Great Hall okay? We're gonna get you safe," Tauriel rambles and carefully slips her arms under my legs and back. I groan in pain when she lifts me up.

"M' tired," I utter.

"Hang in there honey please just hang in there," Tauriel begs and starts walking quickly towards the Great Hall.

"M' glad you're here."

"I'm glad I'm here too Lace. Just keep talking to me honey. Tell me about what I missed." Tauriel is crying evidently now.

"Thorin killed Allie Tauriel," I sob. "I don't wanna die Tauriel. Please don't let me die."

"I'm not gonna let you die Lacey. I promise I won't," Tauriel vows but her eyes avoid mine when she says it.

"I'm not ready to join Allie. I'd miss you too much. Tauriel I can't die now."

"You won't die Lacy. I'm not going let you."




White bright light invades my vision and I'm forced awake by its intensity.

"Where am I?" I question and sit up and rub my eyes. I look around curiously and see nothing.

That's when it hits me like a pile of bricks.

Thorin, my soulmate, murdered me.

He's worse that Deren then.

"Oh my Yavanna," I wail and grab at my hair. I'm dead.

My soulmate threw me off a wall so high I died on impact.

"My life is so screwed up," I mutter and wipe away some tears. Sad thing is I already miss him. I miss Grace too. I miss my friends. I can't believe I left them at such a crucial time.

"Allie I'm sorry but you can't come back from this one," Death remarks and appears next to me. "I'm sorry."

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