《Back to Primo...》Chapter 8


The three Queens are avoiding the three Guardians. And there's one more and it's so weird. Giotto is avoiding Serena, isn't that weird?

Well since you readers didn't know why Giotto is avoiding Serena. Well I'm gonna tell you right now.

This is Giotto before he started avoiding Serena.

Right now, I'm doing paperwork. My three Guardians are hunting the kids (Decimo's) and giving me more paperwork.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened Serena.

"You got more paperwork." Serena said with two stacks of paperwork.

I groaned.

"What's going on? Only Alaude and Daemon are the only that gives me more paperwork. And now, it's Alaude, Asari, and G are now giving me more paperwork." I said.

"Don't forget the Decimo's and also I tried asking the girls but they ran off." Serena said.

"When's Cozart's party?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. I'm gonna go with your mother because she forced me to." Serena said.

I sweatdrop.

Then I saw her ring glow and she quickly cover it.

"Giotto, I gotta go. I got some things to do." Serena said and left the room.

I sigh.

"Should I confess to her?" I ask myself.

"Your future wife is Serena-san."

I blushed.

"Aaaahhhh!!! I would never thought Serena would be my future wife. I need to go to get some fresh air to calm me down." I said and stand up on my seat and went you the garden.

I went to the garden and saw Serena with Chrome?

"I'm sorry, Serena-nee." Chrome said.

I saw Serena silently crying.

"Thank you for telling me, Chrome. He may be gone but I still love him, no matter what." Serena said with a sad smile.

I lower my head, shadowing my eyes by my hair and left the garden.


That what happened and here's what happened right after he left.

Third person Pov and Serena's flashbacks.

"Giotto, is the person I love… and as a Snow Guardian. A Snow Guardian doesn't mean that you just have to protect the person you love but also protect the universe. The universe is also I love… because the universe protected us once but now it's our turn to protect it." Serena continue.

"So I will not let anyone have this curse, so I will take the curse as my own to protect the universe." Serena said.

Chrome smiled.

"You're the same as our Serena-nee." Chrome said.

"That because she is me." Serena laugh.

"Oh about the girl? Did you found her?" Chrome ask.

Serena smiled.

"Yeah… It's your ancestor, Elena." Serena said.


"I didn't realize it sooner because she doesn't wear her the flower pearl earrings and I was VERY busy. And yesterday, I saw her wearing them." Serena said.

"This is the first time I see Serena-nee didn't saw something familiar." Chrome said.

Serena laughed.

Mukuro heard them talking.

"I guess she don't need her ancestors memories anymore." Mukuro said.

Talk about reincarnation.

It was the day of Cozart Shimon party.

"Oh! Giotto, you're here!" Cozart yelled walking towards to Giotto.

"Oh, Cozart. Now…" Giotto said.

Giotto smirked.

"… have you and Camilla finally together?~" Giotto ask with a smirk.

"W-What's with the sudden question, Giotto?!" Cozart yelled while blushing.

Giotto grinned.

"Oh! It's them!"

Giotto and Cozart turned and saw the Queens. (Their clothes are on the top.)

Giotto looked at Serena with sad eyes.

"It's the Queens!"

"Ice Queen! Marry me!"

"Cloud Princess! Run away with me!"

"Rain Empress! Please go on a date with me!"


"Storm Maiden! Come with me and I will take good care of you!"

Cozart sigh.

"Loud as always." Cozart said.

Cozart looked at Giotto who's eyes are filled with sadness.

"Giotto, wh-"


Cozart and turned and saw Camilla running towards them.

"Oh, Camilla. What is it?" Cozart ask.

"Need help. Now!" Camilla yelled and grabbed his arm.


Giotto is finally out of his trance and looked around.

"Eh? Where's Cozart?!" Giotto yelled and keep looking around. He went to the garden and then later he saw Serena under the moonlight.

Giotto widened his eyes.

Crowds. Crowds are everywhere, so I went to the balcony. When I get there, I saw Violet on the balcony.

"Hn. What are you doing here?" I ask.

She turned.


"Hn. Don't even thinking running away from me, Violet." I said blocking her way.

Violet sigh.

"What do you want from me, Alaude?" She asked while folding her arms.

"Hn. Why are you avoiding me?" I ask.

Violet didn't looked at me in the eye.

"That has nothing to do with you!" She yelled.

"Hn. It does have something to do with me." I said.

Violet hold her arms harder.

I sigh.


Violet widen her eyes in shock.


I was walking around the hallways and I bumped to Lilly.

Lilly widen her eyes and turned.

"Wait, Lilly!" I yelled.

She stopped.

"Hahaha. I'm sorry about yesterday." I said.

"It's okay. If you would excuse me, I need to find Clara." She said not looking at me.

"Wait!" I yelled.

I sigh.

"Lilly, I…"

I saw her hold her dress harder.

I was looking for Giotto and then I stopped looking for him because I saw Clara. P.S. they're inside the ballroom.

"Why are looking at me, G?" She knew I'm right here!

"Tch. Nothing, I just saw you standing there." I said.

"I see. Then it's your turn to the ballroom. I was about to leave." Clara said and about leave but I blocked her way.

"Move." She said.

I smirked.

"Not right after we dance." I said while smirking. I took her arm and started dancing on the floor.

"G, let go of me." Clara said.

"Like I said, not right after we dance." I said.

Clara sigh.

Which means I won and also she never turned down a dance!

We finished dancing but I still haven't let her go.

"Now, can you let me go." She said.

"Nope." I said with a smirk.

I looked in her eyes.

"Why… Why are you avoiding me?" I ask.

She looked away from me.

"Tell me, Clara." I said.

She said nothing…

I sigh.

"Clara, look at me." I said.

She didn't looked at me.

I grabbed her and gently made her look at me.


Clara widen her eyes in shock.

Right now, Serena saw Giotto looking at her.

"Oh, Giotto! I didn't know you're here." She said.

He is finally out of his trance… again…

"Ah! Sorry!" He yelled.

"Sorry for what?" She asked.

"For avoiding you…" He said.

Serena smiled with soft eyes.

"Apology accepted, Giotto…" She said.

"Serena, I have something to say to you." Giotto said.

"What is it?" She asked.


Serena shadowed her eyes.

"I'm sorry…"


She raised her head showing eyes with tears.

"Giotto… I'm sorry… but…"

"… I can't love you…"

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