《Finally Us》Wedding
May 16, 2021
It was a gorgeous day; and she wasn't just saying that because it just happened to be her wedding day. It was a truly gorgeous day with the sun beaming up above down on the gardens and vineyard, the fluffiest of clouds streaming across one of the bluest skies she had ever seen and a light breeze that wasn't too powerful that it was taking all the decorations with it, but instead was just walking by to check that things were going as planned...and they were. So why exactly was she sure something was going to go wrong? Was it because she was a Lynch? The only female Lynch in a clan of boys who were bound to do something to ruin everything? Maybe that was it.
Rydel fondly, and not so fondly, remembered her sweet sixteen birthday party and how everything was going perfect before Rocky and Ryland decided to crash - well not crash, they were invited and all - but more actually crash into tables of food and drinks all over a silly argument of which hockey team was superior. But today was her wedding...surely they weren't going to do that...right?
She turned her head, her eyes wider than normal as she realized she said all of that out loud instead of just keeping it in her head. Brittany's long brown hair was tied up into an effortless updo and her blush pink dress was all put on and looked perfect, Rydel noticed as she took a seat next to her. No matter where or when it happened, any kind of hug from Brittany, her childhood best friend who had traveled half way around the world to be here today so she could stand up as her maid of honor, was one of the best feelings in the world.
"Your brothers will not do anything to ruin today, and if they do, they have your parents, myself, all of us here to answer to. I won't go easy on them."
Rydel smirked. "Thanks Brit."
"I mean it. One slip up and they're being dunked in that shallow fountain out there."
She was right, Rydel knew she was right. She just needed to shake this feeling off of her. There were three hours until the actual ceremony where she'd say her "I Dos" to Ellington and leave her Lynch namesake behind for his. She smiled to herself, loving that part a lot. When she was eighteen, she remembered crossing out her scribblings of Mrs. Chris Hemsworth and Rydel Hemsworth to Rydel Ratliff. Pulling her little notebook down that was on the vanity, she flipped to the pages where her vows were written down.
She and Ratliff had discussed going with traditional vows, but in the end, didn't seem like them at all. They were great vows, but she wanted to say a bit more, and catching him up at three a.m. the other night writing his six page of words, she was sure he did too. She was prepared to cry at what he was going to say to her, and she was determined to make him cry a bucket of tears. Not that it was a competition or anything...but it really was. That was them.
The knock on the door sprung her from her thoughts, turning around slightly to see the girl she knew would be her sister-in-law one day. Laura wore a soft yellow dress with pin straight hair and a smile as she greeted each and every one of the women in the room with a giant hug. Seeing her just calmed her own nerves just now and while Laura probably didn't know that, Rydel would make a point to tell her at some time. Most likely after the honeymoon, of course. She tried to get up from her seat before her hairstylist pushed her back down. She had completely forgot for a minute that her hair was almost a two hour process to get done.
She had tried out about six different hairstyles for today a month or so ago and this had been the clear winner from the start. It wasn't really the braid that was taking the time, it was more the hair jewelry that she had picked out and possibly made it even harder for the stylist to perfect. A twinkling headband was broken in half and threaded through her side dutch braid and on top of that, pieces of baby breath were tucked into certain folds. Everything was almost set; the first part of her wedding glow complete. Now there was just makeup and putting her actual dress on, which required every single one of the eight women in this suite for her to get into. Okay, maybe not every one of them, but at least half.
"First, I love this braid. You have to show me how to do this," Laura came up behind her and the stylist, wanting to know the step by step how-to just like she did. "Second, you look amazing." Laura came around, giving her a hug as much as she could.
"First, thank you and second, I am so glad you are here," Rydel told her. "Seriously, so glad."
"I'm always here for you. I made a stop at the guys cabin, which compared to this, is a total frat house, and was given this for you. He told me it was of the utmost importance," Laura tried to mimic Ellington's voice but it wasn't anything like the real thing.
Rydel knew this was coming. They had discussed this earlier and instead of the romantic, soppy gifts that most of their married couple friends had done, they were going with funny. She had opted for a book of "Don'ts for Husbands" for him and she was dying to find out what he had chosen for her. Hopefully he hadn't gone back on his word and chosen something super romantic because then she'd just have kill him. She was hoping for something super silly that she'd be laughing over in two point five seconds and as soon as the top came off the box that's exactly what she did. Two shirts laid side by side. "Married AF" was printed on one, the other with "You think the drummer's hot? I married him."
Six years equals 2,190 days. My mom gave me this idea about writing 2,190 reasons of all the reasons I love you, but I didn't do that. I mean, I could have, but I didn't. Instead, I got you this. Don't worry, I got one for myself too, so we can match. See you at the end of the aisle.
She wasn't exactly sure how he made matching ones - especially for the last one, but she did like this. They were silly and useful and you better believe she'd be wearing the crap out of them throughout their honeymoon which was just days away. "Think anyone would mind if I wore these instead of my dress?"
"Del, you can wear nothing and we'll all still be here," Laura told her, moving the box off of the vanity as Brittany came in with her makeup kit, ready to put the almost last touches on her bridal look before the dress came. "Did you already give your gift to him to one of your brothers?"
"Yea, Ross has it," Rydel nodded as Stormie came over to talk with Laura for a minute. Rydel looked back in the mirror, her skin getting covered up slowly as she started counting down the minutes to where she saw her father and they walked down the grassy aisle together towards Ellington.
Two hours, thirty-six minutes and counting...
"One day, I saw her with a smile on her face, and I wasn't the one to put it there. She was holding hands with this other guy, who shall remain nameless, and I had to hold myself back from unleashing the Hulk version of me, which for those of you who don't know, is pretty vicious..."
"That is the most horrible joke I've ever heard," Rocky snorted, watching Ellington practice just a little bit of his vows in the mirror in their own little house which was a hike from the bridal suite. All the guys were there - his best men - as well as Mark and his own dad, George. Most of them were all suited up and ready to go. Riker was working on his hair (for the third time), Ross was on the phone with Laura, who had just arrived the night before thanks to a delayed flight from Italy, talking about something with Stormie; and Ryland was struggling and failing to tie his tie just right. It wasn't a fancy, shmancy wedding like the one their mothers' had planned, but it was still cocktail attire where Ryland was required to wear that thing he was declaring the evilest thing in the world.
"It's not a joke. It's the truth."
"Okay, sure," Rocky laughed it off, grabbing a seat by Ross and trying to interrupt his conversation with Laura.
Ellington turned back to the mirror, adjusting his suit again, before glancing down at the ring sitting pretty in the box on the table. In just a few hours, that same ring - the one that matched her round heritage engagement ring she was wearing right now - would be on her left hand finger. That ring said that she was now a Ratliff. She was going to be Mrs. Rydel Mary Ratliff...and that's all he wanted in the world. The ring now in his hand, he sized it up, looking at the way it sparkled so gently in the sunlight streaming through the window behind him.
It was going to look perfect on her. Hell, anything on Rydel was perfect. But this little piece of jewelry - a simple little ring was going to officially make them husband and wife. Forever. Letting a deep breath out that he didn't know he was holding, Ellington knew he was ready for it. Absolutely ready. He was ready to tell her and everyone who came to this shindig just how much she truly meant to him and how much he was going to love her until the end of time and he was beyond ready for their honeymoon.
Just days away, they'd be leaving on a 5 o'clock flight to an island nation that no one really thinks of when they think honeymoon. He remembered when they were actually arguing where to actually go and he had quickly nixed Hawaii and Australia. They'd been there so many times as a band that while they hadn't explored every inch of those places, he was looking for something different and something even more relaxing and away from it all. French Polynesia was the answer to it all. It was away from it all, had beaches to pristine that you'd want to bottle them all up and take home with you, and there weren't just beaches for things to do. There was surfing, sailing, snorkeling, mountains, gardens, swimming with dolphins, pearl farms...he could go on with the list, but he didn't have the time.
His dad, and Mark had already gave him some "husband-ly" advice and he was just noticing his best men gathering together just as his mom arriving at the cabin. This shattered his thoughts about their honeymoon that they would be talking about on the long plane ride anyhow. "Hi, Mom."
"Goodness, Ellington. I can't believe this day is here," Cheryl hugged him tight as they guys started to escape the cabin for the outdoors so he had a little time with his mom. "I'll finally have a daughter," she smiled big.
"I think she was already your daughter," he laughed at her.
"True, she was. I'm just so glad we're making it official. Are you ready?"
He nodded. He was, he really was.
Two hours, two minutes and counting...
She was all zipped up, her lace dress fitting like a glove to her body with her hair in a twisty, braidy side ponytail that she minutes before couldn't stop photographing on her phone, nor could her photographer. It was just a gorgeous piece of art and Rydel was convinced that she needed to wear her hair like this for the rest of her life. A little pink shade on her lips and gold glitter sparkling on her eyelids, she was all painted up with somewhere very important to go. Flowers had just been delivered about the same time her veil was being placed safely in the back of her hair. It was all gorgeous and the butterflies she had just gotten rid of, returned with in a flurry.
There was only an hour before everything started, thanks to her mom announcing the real countdown had begun just moments before the photographer came back inside, telling them all it was their turn for group shots. She had made the ultimate decision before the wedding that they should do photos like this before hand so they had time afterwards to spend with all their friends who had made the trip up to Rutherford to celebrate with them. Will, the band's official photographer, had come in earlier to get a few special shots for Ellington that she'd commissioned him for, but they had used another photographer for these photos. They wanted Will to be celebrating with them, not just taking photos all night long. He'd been a good friend all this time and she'd rather him have a good time with them.
Slipping on her sparkly shoes, Rydel held the mini-train of her dress up behind her as they left the suite and she was immediately surprised by the presence of her brothers. A perfect moment that was captured on film for her to look back on for years and years to come.
"Damn, Rydel," Ryland was the first to speak up, obviously impressed with just how nice she looked as a bride. Rocky was more eloquent, with the words beautiful and wow coming out of his mouth more than twice. Ross was a bit choked up and not so secretly, she was loving that.
"Are you tearing up?" she started to tease him.
"Don't tell anyone," Ross smirked, hugging her tight. "You look amazing and he's going to be floored."
"As I want him to be."
Turning over to Riker, her only older brother, he was even tearier than Ross was. Dabbing at his eyes, it was really good thing they weren't wearing any makeup for this because she was sure any eyeliner would've been smeared all across his face. "I don't even have words."
"I don't need them," she said, her arms tightening around him more.
"I can't believe you're getting married today. You're really getting married."
"That's the plan."
"You'll be a Ratliff." Rydel nodded. "And before me!"
"You're going to play the oldest should get married first card?"
Riker pulled away from the hug, shaking his head. "You look so beautiful."
"Thank you," she smiled wide as all four gathered around her. There were more hugs, more posed shots and now, less than an hour until she became a Mrs.
The sun was in prime position and soft music played as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle. He smiled as best he could back at each of them, even though he was trying to rid his palms of sweat more than anything. He looked back at his groomsmen, all of the R's looking sharp in their suits with Ryland and Ross both eyeing their girlfriends in the seats below, before catching a sharp glimpse of the sunlight through a veil. Her veil. His breath hitched in his throat and he took another deep breath. That woman was his bride, and she was gorgeous. She looked even more gorgeous than he ever could have imagined.
Her hand was cupped tightly on her father's arm, a bouquet of blush pink and vibrant violet flowers in her other. Her hair pulled back in an extravagant braid that was just so Rydel. Her lace dress hugged every little curve of her body and while everything on her was beautiful, the most beautiful was her smile. He couldn't take his eyes from her and he was pretty sure it was the same for her. He didn't hear what Mark said to him at all as he took her hand, he didn't even hear the officiant's welcoming or her even start the prayer until Rydel pinched him to close his eyes.
Their story of how they met and fell in love was shared, with a few laughs and corrections from the bridal party coming out before they were asked for their vows. Choosing to do their own, Ellington knew their friends and family were in for a treat now.
"I'm first?" he pointed at himself before clearing his throat. "Okay, I'm first. I'd first like to point out that I had about three full pages of vows and promises to you and until Rocky started making fun of them this morning. I was so prepared to recite them word for word, but now...now, I'm just going to say what's in my heart and in my head right now," he took a deep breath. "When you were walking down the aisle, and sneaking little glances at you just now, I was going to compare you to the sun, but that would be wrong. Mostly because the sun has nothing on you. My mom always told me never to look directly at anything too bright or I'll go blind but I'm pretty sure that you are worth going blind for. I still can't take my eyes off of you. I could compare your laugh to the chorus of our favorite song - you know the lines that once we hear them, we can't help but sing them over and over again - but while I kind of get tired of that song sometimes, I never tire of hearing your laugh. My heart is always warm when you are around. I am never not thinking of you. Rydel, I promise you that I will share my food with you, send you links to everything I find funny, but probably really isn't; I promise that I will not get made if you hog the covers," he turned a bit towards the guests. "She does, by the way. I promise to always answer your calls and text you back; and I promise to do everything I can to make you happy. I love you."
In the corner of his eye, he could see people reach for tissues and Rydel needed one as well. Leaving both of her hands in his right, he reached out and brushed the faint tears away from her cheek. He wanted to kiss her right then, throwing all those so-called rules of not kissing the bride before you're given permission to out the door.
"Once upon a time, there was a little blonde haired girl," Rydel started, sniffing up the little tears that begged to fall from her eyes. "The only girl in a clan of little boys. One day, when her heart was broken and not any of those little boys could cheer her up, her mother told her something important. She told her that one day, she would meet a man who will find out everything. He'd find out how you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell at every point in the day. How your face looks underneath all your makeup. How you have an unhealthy obsession with pink, how you love pink so much, you'll have random 'pink days' where every inch of your body is pink. How you can be hyper at times, how certain games and shows make you really happy. How competitive you are thanks to those little boys. How cranky you can get when you're tired, how you think you look bad in all your photos. He's going to know everything about you.
"The mother also pointed out something so important. This man, will know all of those things...and he's still going to love you. Ellington, that man is you. You know all those things, every single thing. You know how I chomp and when we go to carnivals and I have to make shapes and faces with elephant ears. You know everything; and you still love me.
"Ellington, I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you even when you had the chance to order you own. I will try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I will be the big spoon when you want me to be. I promise we will have weekly foam dart fights. I will send you random texts and leave you silly gifts, whenever I want to. I will hold your hand. I will love you. I will love you. I will love you."
It was his turn to try and hide his tears now, but he wasn't successful in the least. It was her hand now that wiped away his tears. He held her hand there, kissing her palm sweetly before he retrieved her final ring from Rocky standing behind him while she got his from Brittany, who had to hand off two bouquets to Savannah behind her. The officiant announced their exchanging and together, they repeated the words said: "You were my yesterday. You are my today, and you will be my tomorrow. I give you this ring as a reminder that I will live, honor and cherish you in all times, in all places and in all ways. Forever."
He looked down at the new band on her left ring finger, and the black stainless steel ring on his. That was it. She was his wife. He was a husband.
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