《Finally Us》Breathless
She looked good. Too good.
There were so many thoughts that were entering his head right now and he only now came to the realization of how true their 'like sex on heels' joke really was. Laura stood at the kitchen counter, brushing back her hair to put her last earring in her ear and there he was, sitting on the couch and just watching her as she moved from the bathroom in the hallway to the kitchen and back again. She wore a dark dress with the galaxy painted over it. A crescent moon and stars glistened and shimmered in gold in the light on top of the dark navy color. The shortness of the frock was showing off her legs again and Ross was having a hard time not coming up to her and running his hands all over them.
Her feet were adorned with Valentino's rockstud heels and the only reason why he knew which shoes they were was because Rydel had about five pairs of them and a few might have been thrown at his head during his teenage years when she got frustrated at him. The reasons were most likely warranted. His eyes back on her face, she was made up with simple makeup which only made her more beautiful. Ross watched her pucker up her lips and put another coat of a neutral color on them, and that made her dress stand out more. In his opinion though, she'd always stand out more than whatever she had on.
"Where are you going again?"
"Really?" Laura turned to him, sealing the tube of gloss up. "I've told you this about ten times today alone." She rolled her eyes. "I'm at Barnes & Noble until nine."
"The one at the Grove, right?"
"Yes...why don't you just come with me?"
"Because it's your event."
"Still, you could come. We can hide you in the storage room until it's over and then we can go wherever you like," Laura rummaged through the purse she was taking with her tonight and came to sit by him.
"Within reason," she pointed out. "You still have your thing early tomorrow morning and I have a few auditions."
"True, true," Ross's hand landed on her knee as she took a seat on the ottoman in front of him. "You look amazing, you know."
Laura looked up and smiled at him before leaning forward and getting a kiss. "Thanks. You sure you don't want to come with me?"
Ross shook his head. At least, he didn't want to go right now. He was actually meeting up with Sean Teale later to catch up and talk shop about the show that was going to be announced in a week's time to the world. Maybe later he would crash her Q&A session and ask her some inappropriate questions about her show. So, as she left to head to the event, Ross was out the door a minute or so later and headed to a hole in the wall diner to meet with his friend. It had been a few years since he saw Sean...three, in fact. They had met when he was still on Austin & Ally, striking up a friendship instantly when they were up for the same part in a movie. Neither had gotten the role, but did start to see each other all over the place. They had met up during R5 Worldwide in Europe and caught up on things, so when Ross heard Sean was definitely cast in Permafrost too, he was even more excited.
The cast was starting to fill up in the weeks that had passed. There was of course, him and Sean, but now his character had a sister in someone who was yet to be cast, a crush on Sofia Vassilieva, an enemy in Maxwell Caulfield and an ally and intrigue in Amber Scott. Announcements were still being made and dates still being confirmed, but he did know that official production was starting in February next year in Vancouver and he was definitely ready to start.
"I was wondering, who do you think Jennifer really belonged with? We saw her go off with Danny at the end of the show, but there are so many more Jarco fans that are mad about that."
"Well," Laura brought the microphone up to her mouth, a little smile emerging from her lips as she considered the fan's question. She knew it was coming, the question of who really belonged with who on the series and she was prepared, just not that prepared. Laura knew about shippers and their extreme passion for fictional couples and was more than glad that the couples happened because of them. "At first I was a big fan of Jennifer and Marco, but I think over time it was always Danny for her. Jennifer and Marco would always have that tension and spark but there was so much distrust of one another, whereas with Danny, when she fell for him, she really fell for him. It was this unbiased and unconditional love and respect from the get go."
She had been answering questions about the show and her co-stars for about an hour and if she had the choice, would answer even more before the moderator, who just happened to be a close friend of hers from the press, signaled that they only had time for two more questions. He pointed out another fan by the back and that's when she spotted the trademark Lynch blonde hair behind them. He crashed her event and she was secretly loving it.
"What about the big mystery that started in the beginning and was never solved? Who really put the spell on the town?"
"I am so glad someone asked that!" Laura said. "I have been wondering the same thing since I actually started working on the show and still have no clue. Who would actually be so selfish to turn them all up into puppets? Who do you think it was?"
"There's a theory that it was David."
Laura's eyes popped open. "That," she paused for a beat, "makes so much sense. David was always a little sinister. I'll support that theory."
"And one more."
Laura looked out to the crowd, which was standing room only now, thanks to a big fan base. No one else was raising their hand until almost the last minute. The girl who had her hand up couldn't be older than 20, if that. How and why would her parents let her watch First Aid at all? "Hi."
"Hi, Laura. When Jennifer first came on the show she wasn't the most liked character. When do you think her turning point was?"
"Jennifer's turning point...well, when I was cast, Jennifer wasn't supposed to last beyond two episodes. My first fate was that the seamstress was the next victim of the spell and it all changed when you all got her trending. The ratings went up and more people tuned in to see if she would die soon. Thankfully, she didn't," Laura spilled the secret. "Over time, her demeanor changed and she became a better character and every week I kept being surprised by her storyline. But her turning point...I want to say it was when she didn't risk herself for Maria. The audience saw that she wasn't the perfect annoying little girl that they thought she was, that she had this side of her that could be evil and would do anything to survive. She had more to her and I'm glad I got to bring her to life."
After the Q&A event, Laura headed into the crowd of fans getting a few pics with the fans that she would definitely be posting later on and was pulled right back out by security and towards the storage room. Walking ahead of security, she headed straight to her handsome boyfriend who, for the last two questions, had been distracting her with his winks and charming smile. She kissed him quickly while Mona reminded her about the next First Aid signing next week. That one she'd be joined by Cassandra and Freddie and she wasn't worried about it at all. What she was more concerned about at this point was getting out of the Grove without the paparazzi outside noticing, but that was a long shot. There were flashes she saw and a bit of a commotion, which caused her to pull Ross back before they went out.
"You okay about this?" Laura asked him.
"Yea. Not letting you go," Ross clutched her hand and kissed the back of her palm just as they stepped outside with a security guard by their sides...and he didn't.
It was more fans than paparazzi that were surrounding the store, she realized as they walked through the crowd, and while she really wanted to stop and meet them all, she was more interested in spending the rest of the night with Ross, wherever he was taking her. They made it to the elevators in safety thanks to the guards and in just a handful of moments, were at his car, ready to go.
She unpinned her hair from the back and ran her fingers through it, straightening it all out again. "So, where are we going?"
"We, are picking up the best fast food around and going to our spot," Ross announced. "It's been a while since we've been there."
Laura nodded and agreed, "It has." She tossed her purse back into the back seat and caught sight of some spare clothes. "You brought me clothes? You thought of everything, didn't you?"
He nodded, "Pretty much."
She didn't have to bet on anything to know that the line into In 'N Out would be backed up...it always was, no matter which location. This one seemed to be a little lighter than usual, but it still took them some time to get through it. By the time they were back on the road, Laura had changed into the cut offs and vintage tee Ross had brought her (totally bragging, but her boyfriend was the best) and she was inhaling the animal style fries he'd ordered double of.
"Don't eat them all."
"But, they're so good," she pulled a few out from the boat and fed them to him in the driver's seat. "See, soooo good."
It didn't take much longer before they were at their spot. Hiding her dress deep in the confines of his trunk, Laura followed Ross down to the beach with half of their take out order in her hands and walked behind him until they reached the coastline which was right were the water was out of reach of the blanket he was laying down and close enough where you could smell the salt and ocean air.
"This was a good idea," she told him before stuffing her face with the rest of the burger she had been eating on. "How was Sean?"
"He was good," Ross leaned back on his hands and spread his legs out in front of him, enjoying the cooling weather and low key date night with Laura. "It's been such a long time since I saw him. It was good to catch up."
"Who is he playing in the show?"
"He's playing Cian, an Antarctian, so I don't trust him from the get go. That's as much as I know and he knows."
"You're making me more and more excited about this show, and don't hold back when it comes to spoilers. I'm not Calum, I want them all the time."
Ross laughed at her and stole a kiss before gathering up the trash from their takeout and putting it under his shoes he had taken off so it wouldn't fly away. "Okay, down to business. Halloween is in a week."
"That it is..."
"And you remember how epic our Halloween parties are, right?"
"Where is this going?" Laura eyed him, sipping on the soda they were sharing together.
"Rydel and Ryland totally challenged us with costumes and we have to wear something that will win this year."
"Wait, you want to do a couple costume? Like Prince Charming and Cinderella?"
"I was thinking more...dominatrix and slave...but yea. We just have to beat Rydel and Ryland. Every year, one or the other always wins and now that I have you, I want to win. We have to win."
"I see how it is. I'm just around to win you prizes," she poked fun at him before laughing at his determination. She remembered the Lynch's famed Halloween parties and how every year they just got bigger and bigger and bigger and she secretly hated when they were off on tour because it meant no Lynch Halloween party. It was something that she always looked forward to with her weird, but very original costumes. She was a one night stand one year, a Caesar salad the next and who could forget her thug like Candy Rapper costume? That one was her favorite.
Normally, she and Vanessa would go as random things and sometimes as a group costume...but now since Vanessa was still in San Francisco until December and their normal after whatever Halloween party to birthday celebration was on hold, she hadn't really thought of her plans for the annual holiday. She had heard Riker talking about the party last week and had been itching to ask Ross about it. Maybe he thought that she just assumed they'd go...either way, she was getting excited about it. But a couple costume...his idea was out, that was obvious and hers definitely was as well.
"What other costume ideas do you have?"
"You're gonna love this...Beetlejuice."
Laura pulled in her legs and wrapped her arms around them, her eyebrows giving him the silent 'are you crazy?' question. "Aragon and Arwen," she argued back, seeing his head shake from side to side immediately.
"Jet Set pilot and stewardess."
"Draco and Pansy."
"The Princess Bride."
"The Princess Bride? You mean, Westley and Buttercup?"
"No, Miracle Max and Valerie."
Laura shook her head, trying not to laugh at Ross. "Do you know how much makeup that would take?"
"They're called masks..."
"What about Clark Kent and Lois Lane?"
"I like that one," he said, surprising her a bit. "What about headless zombies?
Laura gave him another weird look. "What is it with you and scary costumes?"
"I don't actually know..." he trailed off and picked up the drink for a sip.
"I think I have a good idea for one, but you're going to have to trust me."
"I trust you, but not with Halloween costumes. I mean, cereal killer?"
"Come on, that one was good! Everyone loved that one," she argued with him.
"But seriously, we have about a week and your schedule and my schedule next week is a bit tight. Just trust me." Laura scooted closer to him and clasped onto his arm. Smiling up at him, she knew she could convince him other ways, but this way was more fun. Pout out, doe-like eyes...five, four, three, two...
"Okay, fine."
Yes! The doe-y eyes always worked. Always.
"Do I at least get a hint?"
Laura shook her head. "Not one," she smiled before leaning over and kissing him not just once, but three times.
Ross stared down at the clothes on his bed. He was all for the weird and scary, that was him. That was pure Ross Shor Lynch. What he was looking down at was not at all weird or scary or even borderline Ross Shor Lynch. No, what he was staring at was a brighter than the sun trenchcoat (where the hell did she get that?), a yellow stetson panama hat, complete with a black band around it, a red and white striped tie and an italian cut suit, laid out so perfectly that he almost didn't want to touch it. He told her he trusted her to pick out their costumes a week ago and each and every day he was bugging her for a hint to no avail. He really, really, really wished she had given him a hint. He seriously had no idea what this costume was, or what she would be waltzing into the party wearing either.
There were only a handful of hours left and after much smack talk between him, Ryland and Rydel about their costume game, and now seeing the costume, he was seriously doubting him and Laura had even a chance at winning. Goodbye trophy, goodbye honor, goodbye shoving the win in his sibling's faces.
Flopping back on his bed, on top of the trench, Ross pulled the hat from where it lie and over his face. He was a little tired from helping his mom and dad set up the party and transform the house into not the coolest, but definitely the weirdest haunted house one would ever come upon. Fake spiderwebs and witches with cauldrons lined their driveway with lights blazing all over the place in freaky colors like lime green and violent purple. Big, small and scary pumpkins that he had helped carve out earlier in the week would led their friends and family up to the door and scare them even more inside; and fake ghosts and dressed up skeletons would surprise them even more, hopefully making them jump out of their socks.
"Ross, get changed," his mom told him as she passed by his room.
"We've got time."
"Yea, about an hour before guests start getting here, so, shower, and get dressed."
"You know," Ryland poked his head inside after Stormie left, "I don't see why you should. I mean, me and Savannah have you beat. What exactly are you supposed to be, anyhow?"
"Bite me, Ry."
Getting up from his bed, Ross headed to the bathroom to clean up before coming right back and staring at his costume again. Who the hell was he supposed to be? The only thing that came to his mind was the Man with the Yellow Hat and if Laura showed up dressed as Curious George, he would never be talking to her again. That was a lie, but still... Ross pulled off his towel and started to dress. Pants first, tailored shirt next, tie, suit jacket. He quickly returned to the bathroom to slick back his hair. He was assuming that he wasn't the Man in the Yellow Hat and more a 1940s gangster or something and a gangster with shaggy hair just did not work.
"Well, don't you look sharp," Stormie peeked in his room, already in her Foxy Lady costume. "I like Laura's taste."
"So, you know what this is?"
Stormie stared back at Ross. "Honey, you're Dick Tracy. The best police detective ever."
Ross beamed back at her with absolutely no recollection or knowledge about who Dick Tracy was. "Uh, who?"
Stormie just laughed at him, and straightened up his tie. She shook her head and pointed to the coat and hat. "Put those on, your Breathless will be here soon."
And she was. She physically stopped him in his tracks, stopped him from drinking the beer in his hands and stopped him from listening to whatever Ratliff was going on about. Her brunette hair hid underneath a super curly blond wig with red lips adorning her mouth and making him salivate at the sight. On top of just that, her body was something that he, and probably every other single, and taken, guy at the party, would not take their eyes off of. Every curve was on display and if he thought he had been turned on when she was a pilot, this was a whole other ball game. Pun intended.
The dress was black and over the music, he could hear the clicks of heels stop and start again as soon as she saw Rydel and they both were obsessing over the other's costume. It sparkled every which way and blinded him in a way he would most definitely welcome. Shoving his drink into Ratliff's chest, Ross stalked ahead, ignoring anything and everything else around him and headed straight to her.
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