《Finally Us》The 'Here Comes Forever' Girl
The next day wasn't any less busy for Laura or Ross. While he was off performing on Good Morning America with R5, and slipping in a few magazine interviews and photo shoot, she was doing just the same. The first offices she hit were the oldies, but goodies: the Bauer publications that still loved to talk to her of days of the past when she was still Ally Dawson. Laura knew it wasn't relevant anymore, but that didn't mean that she couldn't stop by and say hi and you know, give them the scoop on other things, like music or movies or her opinion on what she really thought of Calum's new show. She ran by Teen Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and Elle before her last run, to InStyle. She wasn't going to lie, InStyle was her favorite and always dreamed for grabbing a cover for them.
During her run on First Aid and after the Emmy, Laura had grabbed the attention of many publications and was lucky enough to be on the cover of Glamour, and Elle for those. But InStyle was the one she really wanted. Hopping along and changing out her heels in the elevator, Laura leaned on Amy for support and double checked that everything was on right. Last appointment of the day also meant last wardrobe change of the day...before she went back to her hotel and grabbed her R5 tee that Ross had recently given to her.
Laura had a few R5 tees, but this was one was her favorite so far. Not only because it was given to her by her boyfriend, but because it said "I'm The 'Here Comes Forever' Girl". She smiled big as the elevator doors opened up and Amy had to shake her out of her Ross trance. "I'm here."
"Yea, right. That's your thinking about Ross face. None of that in this meeting," Amy jokingly warned her. "We talk about fashion, your movie, First Aid."
Laura nodded, like she hadn't heard it ten times before throughout the day. "Yes, mom. What about this next project?"
"The other movie? Not yet. It hasn't been announced."
Of course it hadn't been announced, Laura silently smacked herself for that one. She had only been told she got the role this morning and after texting Ross the exciting news, had been whisked off to the meetings with little to know celebratory happy dance. It wasn't a blockbuster like Ten was poised to be, but just a little made for TV movie that she was actually looking forward to. It meant she could stay in Los Angeles for most of the shoot and actually spend the upcoming holidays with her family - which meant so much to her since her sister's birthday and Halloween were just around the corner.
The role wasn't the lead and she was okay with that. She'd be playing the next door neighbor of Christopher Egan, the one he starts up a relationship with before she up and disappears only to be found brutally murdered. Christopher's character is of course, accused of the crime but didn't do it and vows to find her killer. It was a good role, and her getting to haunt him, leading him towards the right path was something she was looking forward to.
Many hugs were exchanged during her interview with InStyle where she got to talk about anything and everything under the sun about Ten. She talked about the fashion of the film, the plot, the underlying love story. To her knowledge, it would be the first quotes that press would have a hay day over for the anticipated movie.
"Stevenson was great to work with," Laura cleared her throat after getting a sip of water. "He's got so much life that going to set was something that everyone looked forward to. For me, personally, he made my role of Magellan not seem so daunting. She's this girl who gets her whole world flipped upside down and she doesn't know how to handle it or who to trust. Stevenson, who had this thing about calling us all by our characters names, broke it down, scene by scene and since this movie is just so big...we have a huge cast...he was just the best to work with."
"And we hear that your own love life got a boost from the film..." the reporter, who's name she learned was Jenna, flirted her way into the implied question."
"Just a little," Laura looked over at Amy. Technically, she never said she wouldn't or couldn't talk about Ross. But, to be safe... "Ross and I have always had a connection and being reunited with him for this film was such a blessing. I couldn't have imagined doing it without him."
Amy breathed a sigh of relief after the interview concluded and they were headed down the lift. "Good save on that Ross question."
"You're forgetting that I've done this before," Laura winked. It was true. She'd done with with Henry, and they wanted her to talk about Henry and she remembered gushing about the model who she knew nothing about - that was before she found out that she actually had something in common with Henry and it turned into something she didn't want to talk about with press. It was a real relationship and she wanted to protect it - which is what she wanted and would be doing with Ross. Their relationship, was everything to her and she wasn't going to screw it up by blabbing about it to the press.
Amy nodded her head as they stood in the lobby and she double checked their schedule. "Okay, you're clear to go," Amy reached out to hold her back. "But, you have a package at the front desk at the hotel. Be sure to pick it up. Also, I know this might be a late night for you..."
"You're coming right? You have tickets."
"Yea, we'll be there."
"Just another reminder of things though. Tomorrow morning you have a fitting that you are not getting out of. Karen will be at your room at 9 a.m. sharp with everything you're going to be wearing for the next week."
Laura nodded, understanding but getting antsy to sprint out of the Time, Inc. building and get to her hotel to change. Not that she didn't love the Valentino frock she had on - it was gorgeous! - but, she had an agenda on her mind. Saying goodbye to Amy until later tonight, Laura hoped in the car that had been escorting her around all day and they made a dash for her hotel.
It wasn't long before she was back in that same car, headed back from Brooklyn with three hot pizzas from Roberta's beside her and they were pulling up next to the Gramercy. "Ryland, you come and get me right now," her voice was low and threatening in the phone towards the youngest of the Lynch kids. "I will not give you any pizza if you don't."
"I've lived without pizza before."
Two could play at this game. "I will call your mother."
"You're evil," Ryland responded as the back stage door flew open and she hung up her phone, plopping it into her bag. "So evil."
"But I brought pizza and you can't stay mad at the girl who brought you Roberta's pizzas."
Ryland sighed. He knew she was right and lead her towards the green room that was currently empty as the band was on stage for sound check. Laura could hear the beat of "Cali Girls" echo through the walls and hummed along as she ditched her cute leather jacket and placed it on top Ross' that was lying on the sofa in the corner. The pizzas, still warm, were set on the long table and she was itching to break into one for a slice.
Grabbing her phone out of her bag, she stuck it in her back pocket and headed towards the stage, running into Mark on the way. "Hey. I didn't think you'd get here this early."
"Neither did I," she confessed. In truth, her meetings were set to run up until five, but lucky for her, everyone she met was just on point today and made it that much better. "There's pizza in the green room."
"You brought the band pizza?" Mark looked down at her as she nodded. "Oh yea, you're my favorite." Mark pulled her into a side hug and kissed her on her head like a father would a daughter. "This is the last song before they break."
"Go get your slice before they make it disappear."
"I'll save you one."
"Two!" she called out as he left for the pies and she turned back, watching as the brothers in front were making even the skeleton staff rock out with their music. Ross and his hair took center stage with Rocky on his right and Riker on his left. Rydel was back on her keyboard and Ratliff beside her just going all out on his drums.
Laura had been backstage and in secret balcony areas for R5 concerts before, this time just seemed different. She snapped a picture with her phone, saving it for later and didn't realize she had started to dance along with the song before Stormie came up to her side, scaring her just a bit. Giving a big hug to Ross' mom, she quickly told her about the pizza in the back before Riker heard the magic word and snaked up to the girls.
"There's pizza?"
"Green room. Don't eat it all."
"You brought pizza for the Lynches. It's going to be gone in three seconds," Ratliff deadpanned, earning a smack from Rydel as they passed by her and Stormie. The moment she felt a hand wrap around her waist, Laura leaned back into the familiar arms. She turned around in his arms and leaned up to give him a kiss.
"You guys sounded good."
"Where's your shirt?"
"In my bag. You think I'm eating pizza with it on? You know that I'd be the one getting all the drippings on it and I don't want to ruin it. I love that shirt."
Ross grabbed her hand and walked with her back to the green room for that pizza. "You went to Roberta's?"
"I had some time. Figured it would be a good choice."
"Best girlfriend ever," he kissed her again before she pushed him towards the slices that remained in the boxes.
The theater was packed and by packed, she meant packed. Laura stuck by Stormie and Mark, getting pushed into a corner on the side as fans and VIPs piled inside for the concert event. It wasn't that she didn't love Stormie and Mark, but she just really wanted to breathe a bit and you know, rock out to her boyfriend's band. Thankfully, she was able to after Ross' parents pulled her up to a private row in the seats above. She could breathe, she could head bang like Rocky did, she could sing and she could skip out on the fans asking for selfies for a moment. Don't get her wrong, she loved her fans and theirs, she just wanted to really enjoy the concert before giving them autographs and pictures.
And she had enjoyed the concert. It had been the first concert in a long while that she had been too and it being an R5 one, just made it even more special to her...until Ross called her name on stage and she felt like a rat in a maze where all the pressure was on her shoulders to perform and she wasn't prepared for it. She was actually kind of mad at him for doing that too her. Very mad, actually.
Sure, singing with him and his siblings would always be something she loved, but she was still mad. Mad enough to not speak to him for the entire car ride back to her hotel, the entire way up the elevator and the entire length of the hallway to her room. Slipping in her room key, Laura pulled down on the handle and pushed open the door, not minding one bit if it hit him.
"Come on, Laur. Talk to me here."
"What's there to talk about Ross?"
"How about why you won't talk to me at all, or touch you or even look at you. Laura," Ross reached for her again, just as she disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. He lightly slammed his hand against the barrier, a bit frustrated himself. "Please."
Laura heard him over the water she was running and after splashing it over her face and counting down from five so she wouldn't blow up on him, she re-opened the door, finding him just in the same spot. "You could've asked me," she poked him in the chest.
"Are you talking about you singing with us tonight?" he queried like he didn't know that's exactly what the problem was. "You're mad over that? You used to love singing with us, with me."
"And I still do," Laura ducked under his arm and out into the living area. "But you just sprung that on me without any warning."
"So for that, you haven't talked to me in over an hour?" Ross ran his hand over his face and came closer to her. He turned her around towards him just with one touch on her elbow. "I didn't mean to spring it on you like that. I'm sorry."
"You know that I'll always sing with you, always, but just, tell me before hand or ask me. I was really thrown there and my voice is not what it used to be. This was your concert, not mine."
Ross gently rubbed his hand over her elbow. "I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking that clearly. I was so excited about the concert and you being there. We still do an Austin & Ally song, after all these years and you were there and I wanted to sing with you. I didn't mean to piss you off about it. You could have said no."
"Yea, sure. Then I'd be Laura Marano, the bitch who said not only to my boyfriend but to an organization that does so much good. The press would've had a field day," Laura turned around from him again, grabbing a water from the mini-fridge.
"You wouldn't be a bitch," he told her. "You'd be a girl who was put on the spot by her jerk boyfriend who didn't think twice."
Laura crossed her arms and turned back towards him. "You're making it very hard to be mad at you," her stink eye on him was fading. "Just...don't assume. We're going good so far, and I don't want something silly like this to screw us up."
"Laura, it's going to take hell freezing over before something screws us up." He was completely right, too. "We're okay?"
She let her hands slip over his biceps and tapped them slightly with her fingers. "We're okay. Communication, right?"
Ross nodded at her. "Can I kiss you now? Because I've been dying to do that all night, especially since you're wearing that shirt."
She didn't even have to answer before his lips were on hers and she melted into him. Her hands slipping up over his arms and looping around his neck. If he would let go of her right then, she knew a very happy sigh would escape her. This had been one of their only fights since they started things up and most had been pretty little stupid things. This could've been bigger but she was glad it wasn't. Laura knew fights were part of a relationship and welcomed them, she just didn't them to consume it or them.
He pressed his forehead against hers, biting her bottom lip as he let her go. "I'm glad we're okay."
Laura pressed another kiss against him and slipped away, taking her shoes off and placing them by the sofa.
"But, tell me the truth. You and me singing together tonight. You'd do it again?"
She couldn't hide her answer there. As much as she was mad at him, she still loved it. Taking a seat on the sofa, Laura pulled her legs up and nodded. "Just ask."
Ross poked his tongue out and took a seat next to her. "I think now, we should order food, and you tell me all about your shoot and meetings today."
"And after that, you take me against that wall of windows," Laura told him, completely serious as her hand crawled up his jean covered leg.
Ross raised his right eyebrow, curious and still loving how playful she could get. Even after a fight. Who knew that Laura Marano was the one in this relationship with the biggest sex drive? He definitely did now.
"Against the wall, you say?"
"Mmmhmmm," she bit her bottom lip. "We're in New York and I was sick and then we had all those meetings between us before we left and...it's been a week and a half, Ross."
Ross cupped her chin, giving her tiny sensations all over and it took all of her not to jump him right then. She wanted it to be slow and passionate, not a quickie. "We've skipped a bit, haven't we?"
"Mmmhmmm," she mumbled again, pressing her lips against his hand before guiding it to her chest. Kissing his chin and letting her tongue slither over his throat, she felt him gulp against her touch. Laura leaned into him, and moved to straddle him where he sat while his hand she had led to her chest before had moved - up and under her actual shirt.
On the couch, the chair, up against the wall of windows, the doorway, in the actual bed...playful didn't even begin to describe what they were doing. Not at all. Now, at eight in the morning, the couple was still in bed and she was still getting tingle after tingle while his hand snaked across her arm and clutched her hand with his face nuzzled into the back of her neck. Laura leaned back into him and felt his arousal clearly against her bottom.
"I have a fitting in an hour," she moaned.
"Blow them off."
"I can't. I have ten shows I'm going to this week and I have to look like, well, a fashionista, which I am not."
Ross brushed her hair back from his nose as she shifted around in the bed and faced him. "You may not be that, but you always look amazing."
"Back to being romantic, I see," Laura laughed, kissing him a good morning.
"So, you're saying what we did last night and this morning wasn't romantic?" Ross poked her side, getting a little laugh out of her. "I think it was very romantic."
"Not up against the door frame," she poked back. "Or the chair..."
"I did not hear you complaining. In fact, the words, God, more, and yes, came up very frequently."
Laura ducked between the thin sheet for a moment, just a little embarrassed. "Still, I think I have a bruise on my back from the door."
Ross kissed her soundly, dancing with her tongue as it became deeper. "I think," he kissed her again, "can make," and again, "it better." Without warning, he pulled her up and over him, caging her in on the other side as his lips kissed over her chin and cheeks and nose...everywhere but her mouth.
Laura couldn't help but giggle as he did this. "One hour, Ross. One hour."
What Ross called a surprise turned out to be something she already had planned to do before he and the band left anyhow. His surprise consisted of him sneaking in meals from The Shake Shack into the Nederlander Theater and making as much noise as he possibly could with the wrappers around the food, before he finally let her go from the row with his sister and they jumped Raini backstage. She wasn't biased or anything, but her plan would've been better. Her plan was actually calling Raini and making sure she had time to see them all after the show.
But that being said, Laura was not letting go of Raini anytime soon. Her hugs, as well as her piggyback rides, were always the best and nothing would ever change that. Ever. The papers were all right too - the play she just performed her ass off in was brilliant and if Raini did not get any recognition from the Tony Awards, Laura would be the one having a full fit about. It was called The Wonders of Faith and Raini played a girl named Samantha, who was just as feisty as Trish de la Rosa had been, if not more. The production was about Samantha's next door neighbors, who have more than their share of troubles and they escalate as soon as a brother in law arrives, causing a stir in the neighborhood that isn't welcomed by many. It was such a great play and Laura had already decided that she'd be seeing it again later in the week.
"Okay, you're suffocating me now," Raini muffled from the hug that seemed to be going on forever.
"Sorry," Laura backed away. "Actually, I'm not. I missed you!"
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After a drunken college ritual goes very wrong (or very right), Robin wakes up, naked, in a world of dark priests, angry kobolds, and Lost Gods. The priest wants to crush his will. The kobolds want to catch and eat him. The Lost God, well, it's not yet clear exactly what he wants. None of them care what Robin wants. Robin would like to explore this new world without all the messy complications, thanks. He finally has a bit of real magic at his fingertips, but the monsters on every side won't let him relax long enough to enjoy it! The only tools he has to survive are his wits, the strange messages that keep flashing before his eyes, and a newly-discovered talent for illusions. It’s nothing game-breaking…or is it? *** *** *** This fiction features a bi male protagonist (think Kinsey 5 level). Robin will progress through various levels of power at a steady pace. Progression will be at a moderate pace. The rise to power is far from meteoric. Trickster's Song will update on Mondays and Thursdays each week. Expect Updates to usually post between 16.30 and 17.00 GMT (London Time) If you would like to help increase the posting rate to 3, 4, or even 5 times per week for everyone, or if you'd like to read ahead on your own, check out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tomobedlam
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"I'm a monster, I might hurt you.""Jasper, you could never hurt me, please.""There is too much darkness in my world, I could not live with myself if I let you in.""Then let me be your light."Disclaimer.I do not own a majority of the characters, I am simply reimagining the characters in my own way, all credit to Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series.
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