《Finally Us》My Stormie
Note: Okay, before you read on, just know that the whole story is a T rating, however, some parts of future chapters will be M. I will put a note on top of those so everyone knows.
He was beat and frustrated. Frustrated to the point of wanting to waste precious minutes on his phone plan to call up one of his siblings and get them to tell him what he was feeling. Out of all the Lynch children, including Ellington, he was possibly the worst at this love game.
Ellington and Rydel, who had been in and out of other relationships, had figured it all out during the last leg of their tour and called it like it was and just celebrated their first year anniversary; Ryland was on his third girlfriend and as he declared, final one; Rocky was a one and done type of guy and so was Riker, kind of. Although the oldest of them all had had his share of girlfriends, there was only one who had always been the one for him and he knew it the first moment he set eyes on her - Sofia. She was the one he wanted (no pun intended). Him on the other hand, since the end of Austin & Ally, had to use more than just his hands to count the girlfriends he took on. If he could even call them that. He needed this love thing explained to him and someone other than Godfrey or Milo to smack him.
Picking up his phone, Ross speed dialed the only person he knew that had this love thing down; the only one even worth talking to about it all. Checking the clock on wall, Ross quickly did some subtraction in his head and knew it was safe to call. They would be up; hell, they'd been up for hours.
"Well, well, well," the voice said into the receiver not two rings into the connection. "How's the other side of the world?"
"It's actually pretty cool. No complaints here. I hope you're asking that all because of the hints Mom dropped."
"I may or may not be."
"Good. Unless us kids will be planning it all for some anniversary years down the line and you won't even have a choice in the matter. We'll even plan all your meals," Ross threatened, if you could call it that.
"Okay, planning that now," Mark laughed into the phone. "Seriously though, how you enjoying it? Everything okay?"
That was the million dollar question and Ross found himself unloading everything onto his dad. He told him about kissing Laura and getting drunk over her and thinking about things he never thought about with her. He told him about fantasizing about not just real sex with her, but how a real relationship with her would be. He even told Mark about his head saying one thing and his heart saying another and how it wasn't making any sense to him. Ross didn't know if it was love or just lust or even just curiosity and wanting to try something with her. He did remember saying once upon a time that he'd date her way after Austin & Ally ended; five, ten years down the road. Nothing like a random quote to come and bite you in the ass.
"So, let me get this straight? You and Laura had a love scene in the movie and that's what started you thinking about all of this?"
"It's part of it."
"So, you weren't feeling any of this before that happened? She didn't give you any fuzzy feelings before you had to run this love scene?" Mark asked and Ross leaned back on the chair on his balcony. "Think about that, Ross. Because if you did then..."
"Then what? Does this mean I do?"
"You know I can't tell you who you love and who you don't love."
He let out a groan. "Tell me again how it happened with you and Mom."
Ross closed his eyes and listened to the story of his parents and how they came to be the Lynches. He had seen her across a room and it was an instant connection. They danced, they laughed, he swept her off her feet and she said yes when he got down on both knees, almost begging her to marry him. They were happy as could be and then they got even happier when Riker was born. Damn it, Ross thought. He wanted a story like that. He wanted that instant connection and romantic love story that he could one day tell his own children about how he also fell in love with their mother. He didn't think that telling them 'oh, I met her on a movie set' was that romantic.
"Ross, you're 24 and I can't really lecture you on who I, or your mother, want you with until the end of time. I can however, tell you that if you're feeling something more for Laura then you were before, tell her. Tell her everything and if she feels the same way, if you two do get together and it's everything you are imagining it will be, well, then..."
"Then thank you and throw a party celebrating it?"
Mark laughed at the second youngest of his children. "I'd take the thank you, of course. But what I was going to say was that, hell, you should go for this. Not hating on any of the others that we actually did meet, but this is Laura, Ross. We know Laura and we love her."
"Exactly my worry, Dad. I'm struggling here because it is Laura. It's Laura," he emphasized her name. "What happens if we do start something and I screw the whole thing up? I don't want to fuck up everything we have."
"You won't."
"But what if I do?"
"You won't. Ross, this is Laura. I guarantee you that if this happens and all the planets align with it, you will not fuck it up. This will be it for you. Forget about the movie for a second. If you weren't filming it, do you think feelings like this would've come anyhow? I know your Mom wanted it to happen years ago."
"As did everyone else," Ross mumbled, his free hand running over his face. "You really think I won't fuck this up?"
"She'd be your Stormie, Ross."
Ross smiled into the phone at his Dad. He was right; Ross knew he was right and to think of Laura as his Stormie - he could definitely get used to that idea. "Endgame?"
"Total endgame."
Ross chatted with his Dad for a few minutes more before his Mom stole the phone and he was stuck in an endless conversation about South Africa and more with her. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk with his mom, he just wanted to go and find Laura more. Luckily for him, knocks on his door were all he needed.
"I will, Mom. I promise, and tell Dad thanks."
"Thanks for what?"
"Just tell him please. I love you," Ross didn't wait to hear her 'I love you, too' before he hung up and threw it onto the small kitchen counter. "Whoever you are, can I just say that..." he stopped himself then as he opened the door and it was her. The one he couldn't stop thinking about since, well, since he landed this part and she had occupied more of this thoughts day to day. You didn't even want to get him started on what he'd been through since yesterday, either.
"Hi," he held the door open, waiting for her to do something - either come in or say more words, whichever came first.
"Can I?"
"Yea," he waved her in and shut the door close behind her, counting down in his mind before he faced her. Fully dressed now, Laura wore a soft yellow top that he knew she knew full and well was his favorite on her. His eyes roamed down the rest of her - legs, again. Like this wasn't hard enough, now her legs in the equation and he wanted to say screw it right there and toss her into his bedroom where he'd have his way with her right then. But he didn't. Instead, he headed straight for the fridge that he had stocked with a few beers he knew he'd be needing. Motioning one to her, she shook her head. "Really?"
"Yea, I had one too many this afternoon with Summer. I think I'm good on drinking until we get back to LA."
He raised his eyebrow at her. From the moment they'd both turned 21, she'd had a wine glass in her hand (on all those special occasions) and him a beer. While they didn't overdrink and weren't alcoholics, they'd enjoyed their drinks. Him not seeing her with a glass in her hand would be...weird. Popping the cap off of the bottle, Ross took a swig before he moved past her and towards the sofa. She followed him, standing right by the coffee table and opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out - so he did it for her.
"Do you remember when 'Raura' was all we ever heard on Twitter and from the fans?"
She chuckled, "I still do. Especially since the paps caught us with Calum."
"Didn't he restart that too?"
"I think he did," Laura laughed and exhaling the deepest breath he'd ever seen her take. "You think the world would go bananas if 'Raura' became real?"
Ross' eyes went wider then and he looked towards her. "Wha..." his voice was a little high pitched and he cleared his throat. "What? You've been thinking about this?"
Her shoulders went up and down as she stayed in place, her hand rubbing up and down her other arm. He could see she was nervous about the situation they were in and if her body language was an indication, she was more nervous than he was.
"Laura, I need you to be honest with me right now," he leaned forward on the sofa. "Are you having feelings? Not like movie feelings, but real, tear your heart out, throw all caution to the wind feelings?" He watched her close her eyes and nod only once before he got up from his seat and walked over to her in less than time than it took his brothers to clean a cake platter. "You like me," he said with a big smile spread over his face and did what he wanted to do since she came into his place - he kissed her.
This wasn't Rory kissing Magellan now. This was Ross Shor Lynch kissing Laura Marie Marano and backing her up against the wall. This was him running his hands over her arms and around her waist, picking her up so she wasn't on her tip toes anymore. This was him telling her he felt the exact same way.
"Ross," she managed to slip out his name and he wasn't sure if it was to get him to stop or because she wanted more. "You like me, too?"
"You didn't get that part?" he laughed, his forehead leaning against hers again as he let her feet touch the ground. "Yes, I like you. I like you a hell of a lot."
This time around, she leaned up to him and wrapped her hands around his face as her lips connected with his. They moved against his in the most sensual way and he didn't know whether to take her up against the wall like he was itching to or on the floor. She kicked off her sandals on her feet and gathered the edge of his shirt up into a ball and out of his pants. It was her who was backing him up now and he was more than ready to pick her up again and pull her into the bedroom, which was exactly what he did.
She wasn't the only one feeling her way around with his hands roaming up her small frame, lifting the silky yellow top off her body and letting it drop to the floor. A new bra replaced the sexy one from the night before; this one simpler but still arousing. Sheer lace covered up half of her breasts with the underwire almost shoving them up towards him; and cute little bows on the straps which he was sure to pull off of her arms slowly, his fingers teasing her skin. It was at this moment that he could hear the beat to "Hungry Eyes" echo in his brain. He wasn't sure why it was that song or why it was in his head, but he was hungry - hungry for her and breaking their kiss right now would be the death of him, but he had to do it. "Laur..." his mouth right back on her, sucking the sweetness off of her neck.
"Hmm," she mumbled.
"We do this, there's no ever going back."
Her hands stopped sweeping against the skin of his neck and she looked straight back at him. "Why would I want to go back? Ross, I mean this."
Ross locked gazes with her. "I mean this too. You don't think we're going too fast?"
She looked back at him and stared deep into his eyes. "We've already waited five years."
"Good point," he pecked her lips and picked her up with both hands by the waist, tossing her back onto the bed. Climbing on top of her, he pulled her back into a passionate kiss. "Five years is long enough."
Her hands went back to taking off his shirt, but he wasn't patient at all. He pushed himself back up, taking it off in a rush and tossed it to the side of the room. "Couldn't wait, could you?" she laughed against his mouth.
"Five years," was all he told her, his mouth leaving hers and trailing down her chest and his hands walking down her sides to her cut offs that he definitely didn't want her wearing anymore. Not just right now, but in general. No one, but him, should see her in less than a snowsuit. She rolled her body into his and he scurried to get his own pants off, her hands only somewhat helping. Kicking them to the side and watching them land on top of their other clothes, Ross took a deep breath and crawled back up to her, his fingers wanting to memorize every curve of her body on their way. She nuzzled her nose against his own as he intertwined their hands together and lifted them up against the pillows above her head. This was the moment; the moment he showed her how badly he wanted this; the moment that there was never ever going back.
Snuggling into his side, Laura tried to block out all glimpses of the sun rays that were shining through the balcony curtains. She wriggled herself under even more of the sheet and blanket and closer to the sexy man at her side. It's not like she'd spent all night wrapped up in him at all - oh yea, it was. The first time; their first time had been just what she'd imagined it would be like: loving, sensual, gentle and amazing. The next two times, however, were rougher, urgent and ravishing. He had woken her up in the middle of the night with his mouth on her breasts and his fingers touching and fondling anything else they could and she wasn't complaining. She could stand to be woken up like that every morning, actually. She had been dripping in sweat at the end and it only made her want more of it, more of him. The next time it was her turn.
She remembered ditching the sheets and climbing over him, not giving him any choice that she'd be the one in control and on top that time around. Of course, she let his hands do their thing and feel all of her as she rode him. Her pace had accelerated faster than she anticipated and was the exact cause of them trying to catch their breath for at least an hour afterwards. Hot breaths, deep passionate kisses and getting wrapped up in each other followed until they finally allowed sleep to kick in. They would definitely need the sleep if she had anything to say about it, because they were going to be doing this every time they ha the chance until they left the African continent and even more when they got home. Much more.
Laura heard him say something but chose to ignore it and the sunlight that was trying to wake her up. She didn't care what time it was nor if they were wanted on set. She was staying put and that was that...but that was before he started kissing her hands and her inner arm and her shoulder and her neck and as he pulled the sheet over her head, her cheek and then her lips. They were short kisses, but oh, how she wanted more of them. "Why are you trying to wake me up like that? Do you what you did last night. That was better," a sly smile played on her lips with her eyes still closed.
"I'm not above doing that again."
"I would never consider that a threat, you know. Do it," she told him and she didn't have to open her eyes to see him accept the challenge, his mouth on her breast in moments after that. She felt her nipples become hard after he ran his tongue over them; his teeth playfully biting her right breast at the same time his fingers were playing with her left.
She chuckled. "Much, much better," she cracked open her eyes and stared back at him. "Morning."
"Morning," he closed the gap between them, and kissed her soundly. She had thought their first kisses were good, but this one, this one had to be her favorite so far. It wasn't rushed or short and not because they had just had sex all night long. No, this kiss was love, it was a future and promises and butterflies in her stomach. It was a kiss she wanted more of and would never stop wanting. He rolled over on his side, tearing his lips away and smiled down at her. Picking up her left hand, lightly kissing her thin fingers with his lips while he spoke, "I'm not really sure what to say here."
Laura rolled onto her left side to face him, taking away her hand and propping her head up on it. "Me either," she confessed. "All I know is that this, whatever we call it - a relationship, a friends with benefits thing, a fuck buddy...I want it. I don't care if that means..."
"I'm going to stop you right there," he placed his finger on her lips. "This," he gestured between both of them, "is a relationship. This is not a friends with benefits situation where we're both seeing other people. This is a committed to each other beyond comprehension and reason relationship. This is me calling you my girlfriend and you calling me your boyfriend. Got it?"
She nodded. She absolutely did get it and it made her way to kiss him even more, especially when he was taking charge like that. "I'm dating Ross Lynch," she said, a smile bigger than she could possibly smile spread all over her face. To her cheeks, her lips, her nose and even her eyes. She was dating Ross Lynch. "Can I be a total girl right now?" Laura asked but didn't even wait for an answer before she turned to one of the pillows and squealed into it. Balling her hand into a fist, she pounded the pillow lightly and kicked her feet just a bit. Yep, she was a total girl. She was dating Ross Lynch. She was officially Ross Lynch's girlfriend and he was her boyfriend. Laura did not care one bit how he was looking her right now because all she wanted to do was shout it from the balcony and if the hotel let her, from the rooftop and even when they got to the top of Table Mountain, from there too.
Peeking her eyes open, she looked back at him and saw the amused look on his face. "How ya doing there?"
"I'm good, more than good. I'm Ross Lynch's girlfriend," her smile was not fading.
"You are and I'm Laura Marano's boyfriend," he captured a kiss from her. "I'm so glad you came over last night."
"Me too. I was so nervous about it. I mean, after the scene and then the night before. I was so worried about what you might say or do."
"If you hadn't come here, I would have came to you," he told her, and laid back beside her. "I called my Dad."
"You called your Dad?"
"Yea. I definitely wasn't going to call my brothers or sister about this, and my Mom was out of the question," he scooped up her hand. "I wanted to tell you how I was feeling even though I had no idea what it was. I knew I liked you as more than a friend and I didn't know how to tell you. You're Laura, the girl I grew up with and the girl who has clouded my thoughts over the course of ten years. How do you tell your best friend you're having non-best friend feelings for them?"
"What did your Dad tell you?"
"That you'd be my Stormie."
Laura leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling at the compliment. It was the ultimate one, if she could say so. "And you'd be my Damiano."
They laid there in silence for a while, just loving the presence of one another beside them. There were no need for more words, not even more kisses although they stole many from each other, each one turning more passionate. They'd made love once more before hunger for actual food took over. Ross pulled on his boxers and she stole the robe in his bathroom. It was big, almost falling off of her small frame and she held it together with both of her hands as she followed him out of the room.
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