《Finally Us》10,000 Miles To Go
Bumps and turbulence were not his thing. Not one bit. He hated turbulence and wished for once that Mother Nature would be nice and lay off the wind storms...or that he could sleep through it all, like Laura was. Ross looked over at his airplane buddy, where she held the script tightly and had her legs up on the foot rest. A soft blanket on her lap and her head laying slightly on his right shoulder. How she could sleep through all of the bumps and twists and wind storms, he would never know. Closing his eyes again as the plane leveled out, he hoped to get at least a few minutes of shut eye before they landed in Amsterdam for the second leg of their flight to Cape Town.
The day before was busy and his not only his body was tired, but so was his mind. He had met up with Rydel once more for breakfast, and then caught up with Calum again later on for coffee before finishing out his day at the CBS lot for one final scene they had to reshoot before he left. He was just thankful it wasn't him running anymore. In between all his meetings and meet ups, he had run into some fans and upgraded his phone plan to mega-international because if he left and his mom found out he didn't, he'd be in more trouble than he was in when he was younger for flouring up the kitchen and Ryland.
He could feel the plane slow down its speed and listened in silence as the flight attendants went back and forth through the aisle, picking up trash and making sure all the passengers were comfortable. Mistakenly opening his eyes and looking over at Milo across the way, Ross regretted opening his eyelids but the knocking of an armrest was getting in the way of a perfectly good rest.
"Dude, what the hell are you doing?"
Milo looked over at the blond and pulled his headphones down. "Making music man."
"Yea, right. That," he pointed to Milo's so-called drumming on the armrest, "is not music."
Ross craned his neck to see what was on his co-star's computer screen and that was all it took. He was officially awake and would be for the next fourteen hours. "Woah! You got that game."
"Oh yea. Last purchase for a while, but so worth it. You play?"
"Hell yea," Ross craned his neck even further, almost falling out of his seat if it weren't for his own armrest. "Dude, keep playing so I know what not to do when you let me have my turn."
The two did play the game for the rest of the flight to Amsterdam before lights flickered on and the pilot's voice came overhead for them to start getting ready for their descent. Shaking Laura a bit, Ross didn't even have to remember that she was a deep sleeper and a little shake was not going to do anything. Dipping his fingers in his water he started to finish drinking, he flicked the droplets at her instead. Still nothing. Five years ago, that was all it took, but now, it was not.
Giving up for the moment on waking her up, Ross got up from his seat to stretch his legs before he was locked in once again for the plane's descent. He didn't mind being told about it by each attendant that passed by, he didn't even mind the second warnings. What he did mind was a burst of sudden turbulence that shook him back into his seat front facing and landing almost entirely on top of Laura, whose eyes shot open instantly.
"Um, we're landing?"
"This is why we asked you to be seated, Mr. Lynch," one of the first class attendants came by to help him and stood there until he was back in his seat properly.
"I know, I know," he nodded, trying at all costs to avoid Laura's gaze that was burning on the side of his head. His skin now a brighter tone than normal, he looked over at her. "Sorry."
"You could've just called my name if you wanted me up."
"No, I couldn't," he scoffed at her. "I tried that, and shaking you and spraying water on you. You've developed a brand new sleeping pattern I am not used to yet."
"Really. You are a really deep sleeper."
Laura bit her lip, suppressing her laugh at herself and at him, something he kind found of irresistible about her.
"You'll teach me that right? Because I could so use that."
"We'll get you a pill," she parred his arm and started to rearrange her position as the overhead intercom came on.
Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure all your electronic devices are stored as we are on our final descent into Amsterdam, Netherlands. We thank you for flying KLM Airlines and hope you choose to fly with us again soon. Welkom op Amsterdam.
"You should've seen if you could've gotten a tour of the cockpit," he nudged her, the realization just coming to him. "Although, I would've been more afraid of you flying us than the turbulence."
She slapped him in the chest again. "Just for that, I'm going to make you my co-pilot for my flying lessons this weekend."
"You're seriously getting flying lessons?"
"Magellan is a pilot, Ross."
"I know that, but I'm not going to medical school for Rory."
"I seriously hope you've done research though. You're a holistic doctor, you do have to know things."
He scoffed at her again, feeling the plane dip in the air. Of course he did the research and read up on holistic practices, even connecting with one of Rydel's biology professors and a few at Cedars Sinai for guidance. "Would I not do any research?"
Laura rolled her eyes and unbuckled her belt, waiting and watching as he was realizing they had already landed and arrived at their gate. He turned back to her, waiting for him to get up so she could. "I remembered you get nervous with landing."
"You do?"
"Yep, and talking always helped."
He didn't even think about it, he just kissed her cheek in thanks and let his lips linger longer than one typically would. "Thanks Laur."
"Anytime," she smiled at him. "Now, can you get up? I have to pee."
The sign wasn't loud or big, but just the right size for the five people who stuck close together as they made their way through Cape Town International Airport. The airport was nice, as far as Laura could tell. Spacious and airy, with friendly staff and better - no paparazzi.
When she was younger, the paparazzi in Los Angeles never really bothered her. She was only a Disney star after all and really stayed away from all the hot spots that the others would frequent. It also helped that she didn't live in Hollywood, too, but ever since getting that Emmy for a guest spot on Scandal and First Aid became the show to watch, they did try to get her more. They stayed outside the studio lots, followed her as far as they could, stalked her favorite cafes - the normal. It wasn't as bad as her co-stars had it when they were all back in Los Angeles, but it was still annoying. First impressions of Cape Town? No paparazzi and she was loving it.
"Welcome to South Africa, everyone," a tall woman with the longest blond hair she had even seen greeted them with an even bigger smile on her face. Thin green eyes popped out from behind her wispy bangs and she wore a bright yellow shirt that if anyone lost their way, they'd find her again without any trouble. "Welcome Gale, Milo, Laura, Ross and Laura," she greeted them again, referencing the clipboard in her hand like a travel guide to make sure everyone was in front of her.
They all mumbled their hellos to her and to the man standing next to her. After twenty hours total on two planes and their coffee supply running low, they were all just ready to crash in whatever bed in whatever hotel the woman was taking them to.
"I see we're all a little groggy from the flight and we don't blame you. I'm Zenaide, you can call me Zen, and this is Tau. The rest of my crew will be gathering your luggage for you, and be getting that to the hotel for you all in a separate van. Our hotel for you five is about a half hour away on the waterfront, so if anyone has to use the facilities, definitely do it now."
Laura set her carry-on on the floor, looking over to her co-stars to see if any of them were actually taking advantage of the opportunity. Nope. No one. She figured they all had de-boarded the plane and headed straight to the nearest restroom they could find. At least that's what she did and was now more than ready for a ride into the city towards a bed to crash on.
"No one? Okay, then let's head out. We're going to be in a van and heading to the Staybridge Suites. They may not be the top luxury hotel here, but they are the best in extended stays and their staff could not be friendlier. Of course, I may be biased, my sister half owns the place," Zen gushed and Laura could only smile at her excitement. "We also picked up some braai and koeksister for you all because we had a feeling you'd be hungry and these are just some of the meals you'll be having during your stay."
Laura felt Ross grab her hand and pull her closer towards him and the van.
"Not letting you get distracted," he told her, knowing full well she would and he would be right. There was a souvenir shop right there and she was itching to go in it already.
"What's koeksister?" Milo asked, curious about the food that was awaiting them in the vehicle.
"Good question, Mr. Ventimiglia. You'll be wanting a lot of it afterwards. It's this insanely delicious syrup-coated doughnuts. They're twisted and deep-fried and as Tau says a lot, finger licking good."
"How many of those did you bring?" Gale brought up. "Because if they're as good as they sound, Milo here will clean us all out."
"True story," Milo nodded, a wide smile spreading across his face.
"Don't worry, there should be enough for everyone and if not, they're all around the city. You'll be able to have your share of them Mr. Ventimiglia."
Zen and Tau got everyone in the van and ten minutes later, they were on their way to the hotel. The van was cozy and not as shuttle-y as she pictured when she first saw and met Zen and Tau. She didn't know how traffic was in South Africa, but she did know Los Angeles' traffic and if she had to chose, she'd take South Africa's. They were actually moving and not stuck behind cars for hours. Looking from the window to her bag at her feet, she brought out her folder that held everything she needed to know about accommodations, attractions and anything in between.
"I hope you're all enjoying the koeksister," Zen said from the passenger seat and was hit with not silence, but boys chewing and chewing and chewing the delectable pastries. Even Laura had to admit, it was good. "I'll take that as a yes. Now, when we get to the hotel, which," Zen glanced at her watch, "will be sooner than we both expected, you'll get your room assignments and itinerary for tomorrow from Alex."
Laura nodded to herself, trying to read the sheet in front of her but knew it was a lost cause. Shoving it back into her bag, she pulled one of the braai from Ross' container and put it in her mouth before he could protest.
"What is it with you and my food?"
"Potluck, Lynch," her voice was muffled as she chewed the slightly barbequed piece of meat. "It's just so good and you already had the rest of my koeksister."
"Not a good enough reason," he told her before the other Laura piped up.
"She gave you her doughnut. You need to give her the rest of your braai. I think that's a fair trade," the other and older Laura agreed from behind him.
The Lauras - 1, Ross - 0.
Zenaide was right. The group was at the hotel in twenty more minutes and they walked behind her with their carry-ons in their hands and on their shoulders before about five bellboys came to help them in a rush. Super friendly, indeed. While one did want to take his guitar from him, he wasn't giving it up as easy. Learning from experience and past horrors, the guitar would always stay with him and not anyone else who could damage, lose or even worse, destroy it.
"Welcome to the Staybridge Suites," another girl, who Ross had to assume was Zen's sister - same hair, same green eyes, same ridiculously bright smile and sunny attitude - greeted them. Who was this cheery this late in the day?
"We're so glad you all made it. I'm Zilda and I know it's been more than a long day for everyone, so let me get Alex and get you up to your rooms."
He could've sworn the chipper concierge actually skipped out of the lobby and retrieved Alex, who looks way more relaxed and rested than any of them must have.
"Hey guys. How was the flight?" the assistant asked, not waiting for the collect group groan that came in response. "You all have separate rooms, built in kitchens, the best bathrooms, the works. Your room number is on the top of the folder, and on the key and tomorrow's itinerary is also inside. Your luggage..."
"Just got here," Zilda piped in as the rolling racks were seen heading outside to the van which just arrived.
"Please note that there is a strict breakfast hour for everyone. This is because we're headed to the retreat tomorrow afternoon and every minute counts," Alex told them, shaking his finger for emphasis. "Goodnight!"
"What room you in?" Ross asked Laura quickly, before Zilda could wake him up any further to the point where he couldn't get to sleep at all.
"Um, 340."
"Yes. Right next to me. 338," he flashed his keycard and a smile at her. "Let's go food stealer."
"Not my new nickname!" she stomped off after him, a luggage cart following them both towards the elevators.
"I don't think you get any say in that."
"I should, Rossy Lunch," Laura spat back, knowing the old nickname annoyed the hell of out him as the elevator door closing on them and heading up to the third floor.
"That was mean, Laur," a pout coming off of his lips. 5, 4, 3, 2...and there they were - the softest eyes and softer face. His pout worked miracles when he was around her and he would use it until the day he died. Now it was her turn to kiss his cheek.
They walked towards their rooms, saying their goodnights and not noticing Gale, Laura and Milo standing at the end of the hallway where their own rooms were located.
"So," Milo broke their own private viewing party. "I say two months."
"Two months? Next week," Gale put his money on it.
"You both are wrong," Laura said, her foot holding open the door to her room. "Three months, and double it."
The When Ross and Laura Will Hook Up, Or Fall In Love, Whichever Comes First Pool was officially open for wagers.
Laura studied the sheets in front of her at breakfast the next morning. While most who came to greet her good morning probably thought it was just the itinerary and she was just that type of actress wanting to memorize everything - which was partly true - these sheets were not the itinerary. They were flight patterns and controls and all the things she would have to know for her first flight lesson later in the day. While the studio still had a double and would use her for most of the difficult flight scenes, Laura was persistent on learning and doing some of her own flight stunts. What better way to learn a new skill, right?
She could tell you the NATO phonetic alphabet - alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo - and some of the terms on one of the pages, but most she was still trying to learn. She had no clue how real pilots in the Air Force did it. There were just so many. Her character in the film, Magellan Snow, was a highly ranked hunter and earned the title of Captain Snow. Magellan had special access to places that normal Captains would not, almost complete flight freedom and knowledge about things that not even a General would. Laura kind of wanted to grow up to be this girl. When this movie came out, she'd give a lot of girls a lot of hope.
Placing the sheet next to her plate, she picked up more eggs on her fork and put them into her mouth. She wasn't really hungry anymore, but she knew she needed the energy level for today. There was an hour drive outside of Cape Town, then final hair and makeup tests, then filming the very first scenes and then she had her flight lesson. While she was glad it was the last thing on her agenda for the day, she was anxious to get started. Getting to really fly a plane for a role, she never thought she'd see the day. She'd had fake tattoos before, and piercings in places she would never. She had had a pixie cut and learned how to do a proper breaststroke for guest roles on shows, but never a flew a plane.
"You look like you're studying for your entrance exam to university," Jenna told her, sitting beside her and watching Laura panic over the day ahead of her. "I'm pretty sure you would get great marks on it too."
"Sorry. I don't mean to be that actress. It's just...flight school."
"Mmhmm," Jenna nodded, still sipping on her tea and biting a bit of her biscuit as Ross and Yaya joined them at the table.
"Okay, put it away," Ross stood above her with two full plates of food in his hands. "I need somewhere to set my food down."
"There's another table right there, Ross."
"Laur, come on," he whined a bit and when she didn't make any sort of move to move her papers around for more company, he used the other table for his food and quickly came back to pack all of her things up for her.
"Ross! What are you doing?! I need to study those!"
"No, you don't. I'm pretty sure you've been studying this stuff since the conference and when you got into your room last night, you pulled these right out and studied them even more. It's breakfast. We eat and talk, not study," he lectured her, pulled the sheets over on his seat and not hers before retrieving his plates of food and sitting down on them.
"Yea, I'm really starting to see that old married couple now."
Ross smiled at Jenna before looking back at a pouting Laura. "It's a good thing."
Her arms were crossed now, and no matter how hard Ross had tried, she was still studying what she had in her head. Call signs, abbreviations and rankings. Laura wasn't sure if one of the bigger scenes, in her opinion, would be cut from Magellan's storyline. It was her backstory where viewers could see where she came from and how she got there. It wasn't a short flashback like the others were, it was a full scene with more than three lines of dialogue and featured almost her entire family. While her eyes were watching Ross shovel eggs and biscuits and sausage into the thing he called a mouth (she'd argue it was a vacuum), she was running her lines through her head and re-memorizing her motions. It was the first day of filming and she just wanted to get everything right.
"Good morning, Ten!" Stevenson called out as he stepped into the dining room with Alex by his side. "Who's ready for a ride into the jungle? I'm kidding. There aren't any jungles here, but there are these grasslands which is where everyone but us has been camping out. So, finish up eating and let's get a move on."
"That means fifteen minutes, everyone," Alex added.
Godfrey and Milo came by the table then, silently watching as Ross raced to eat all the food in the allotted time. To defend them, it was a sight to watch. Laura knew that growing up with three brothers, Ross had always had the 'eat fast or eat nothing' mentality but for others, it might be a spectacle to see.
"Dude, slow it down," Godfrey told him, patting him on the shoulder as he greeted the three ladies upon passing.
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