《Finally Us》Reunited
The hotel was nice. He hadn't been there in ages, not since a few years ago when Disney treated the Austin & Ally crew to a night he really wouldn't forget. It was one of the last times he saw and hung out with Laura, Raini and Calum. Damn, he missed those guys. Maybe, when the four months is up again, he'd call them. No, he had to call them. Just thinking about them now it was killing him. Hell, he'd seen Calum tweet earlier in the day that he was at Disney studios. Maybe he would surprise him later today.
Turning back and heading backstage from the conference room, Ross headed towards the food table and grabbed some apple slices. The crisp sound and flavor made the 6 a.m. call time a bit easier.
"You ready for this?" Milo Ventimiglia came up beside Ross, stealing the apples, grapes and whatever else he could stuff in his mouth before everyone else showed up to empty the table.
"The conference or the future of our early morning call times?"
"Good point. I'm Milo. You're Ross," he stuck his hand out to shake and Ross gladly took it.
"Great to meet ya."
"Which role you get?"
"Rory McLaren."
"Nice. I'm playing Ridayh. He's this cool, zen guy, who hates all of you."
"You stole the good role, didn't you?"
"You bet," Milo joked, turning around as others started to come backstage. The others including Gale Harold, Laura Benanti, Beth Riesgraf, and Mark Valley, as well as the director.
"How am I here?" Ross said, barely above a whisper as he was introduced to all of them. He was trying to let go of Gale's hand, but it just wasn't happening. "Sorry, sorry. Just trying to comprehend that I'll be in a movie with you."
Gale laughed, "I like you kid."
"My mom had an obsession with Desperate Housewives and I know that's probably not the project you want me to quote you from, but I got hooked."
"Never have shame about anything kid," Gale put his arm around Ross's shoulders as even more people came in. "That was a great gig."
Ross chatted with the ladies before talking with Mark, not noticing the new additions to the backstage area. Grabbing one last apple slice, he put it in his mouth and turned around, almost choking on it. He was not expecting to see her there, but he was glad.
Dress on, hair done, makeup in all the right places. Checking her teeth one more time, Laura turned around again, double checking her appearance for the thousandth time.
"You guys are miracle workers," Laura turned around, giving hugs to her glam team for their amazing skills. Wearing a pretty purple dress with the coolest caged heels, diamond earrings sparkled from her lobes and rings layered her fingers. Her hair, shorter and layered now, was straight as a needle and she could not stop running her fingers through it.
"You make it easy Laura," Heather, her hairstylist said.
"I know, it feels so good," she flipped it around because she could.
"Okay, okay. It's almost 7:30, we needed to be backstage at 7. So, hop to it," Chris and Mona, her publicist rushed her out the door.
They practically ran to the elevator and couldn't stop pressing the lobby button.
"You two are jumpy today," Laura commented.
"Mysterious shroud of a movie is about to be revealed and we're kind of wanting to know everything sooner than later," Chris told her, the doors sliding open in the nick of time.
Laura felt her wrist being latched onto and being run into someone else. "Oh, I am so sorry."
"It's alright," the English accented girl told her. "I'm being rushed myself."
"You're Jenna Coleman," Laura recognized. "I'm Laura Marano. It's great to meet you. I have a thing for Doctor Who."
"Oh, you're so sweet. Please tell me you're a part of this Ten movie," Jenna grabbed onto Laura's hands.
"Yes, I am!"
"Oh, this is brilliant. I'm extremely nervous and I'm glad we ran into each other before hand."
Laura was so glad she had said that. It was good to know that she wasn't the only one who was nervous. "Who do you play?"
"Sarah Harrington. Please tell me you play Magellan." Laura nodded and a squeal escaped Jenna's mouth. "Oh, thank God. I auditioned with her lines and since you said you're in this too, I could only picture you as her."
"Do you know about anyone else?"
"No. I'm excited to find out," Jenna said just as Eion Bailey was about to cut them off. "Oh, he has to be Rory."
"There's a Rory?"
"In the movie," Jenna nodded. "I might've overheard the director talking about a Rory after my audition."
"Oh, I should've done that."
The girls stuck side by side as they entered the crowded room. They saw actors and the director and even more publicists than they could imagine. Looking around, Laura could spot Mark Valley and Gale Harold, who she would be fan-girling over after the conference; and then she saw blond hair. The blondest hair that could exist on the face of the Earth and she only knew one person with that shade of blond. Ross. Ross was in the movie. Ross was in the movie! Ross was in the movie?
Promising to come back to Jenna, Laura started to walk over to Ross, who looked chummy with Gale already (jealous!). She watched as he swiped a grape when no one was looking and popped it into his mouth and watched when he took the last apple slice and crammed it into his mouth; and when he finally turned around to face her ended up choking on it.
"Slow down on the food kid. Can't have you dying before the movie starts," Gale patted him on the back to help him clear his throat before Ross took another step towards Laura.
There was no hello or teary eyes from them. There was just a leap and catch and a never letting go hug. She didn't care about the other staring and she knew he didn't either as he held on for dear life. "I can't believe you're here in this room with me," she mumbled into his shoulder.
Letting her feet touch the ground, he pulled back on the hug just ever so slightly and brushed her hair away from her face. "God, I missed you."
"You have no idea, Ross. No idea." Her smile was not getting any smaller and it was not because she was standing thisclose to Gale Harold or Brian D'Arcy. It wasn't because Stevenson Long was about to make a speech about the movie and all their roles. It was because of him. Five years. Five long years apart from each other and here they were again, hand in hand because he wouldn't let go just yet.
"Alright, since everyone now knows the plot...I know, it's a bit complicated. Our writers will be handling all those questions for press because well, they know exactly what to say and what not to. Unlike me," Stevenson told them, earning some chuckles. "Now, cast and characters," he pulled out his list and glasses. "Brian D'Arcy is Edu, our all powerful Eldest, who brings the Ten to this future for some reason. Beth Reisgraf is Kytla, his daughter and a kick ass walking encyclopedia, which I think is the greatest super power ever. Summer Glau, who is bewitching us just by standing there is Secra, this cryptic and cool prophet. Gale Harold is Revon and the meanest, roughest army general in the future. He actually has five captains under him, including Godfrey Gao as Malloy over there. The others are still being cast at the moment. We'll meet them soon. Mr. Milo Ventimiglia over there, who was making the catering team very happy for eating almost everything on that table, is Ridayh. His character says such few words that when all of you are on set, you'll be seeing just why this guy got this part," Stevenson flipped over the page to reveal the people who will play the title characters.
"And the Ten are...Laura Benanti will play Mayte, Reynaldo Gianecchi is Nicolas, Karen Allen over here is the one who goes nutso as Izel. This cool guy, Mark Valley, will play Victor, Eion Bailey is Jose, David Bailie, who unfortunately could not be here today will be playing Amunet, the stunning Yaya DaCosta is Danielle, Clara Oswald - I mean Jenna Coleman is our fantastic Sarah and I've been reminded by my daughter just last night that we reunited TV's Austin and Ally, Ross Lynch and Laura Marano as Rory and Magellan. Something I did not know until last night."
Stevenson took a breath and a drink of water. "And that's our cast! You all know me, so no need for introductions there. Patricia over here is producing, Ryan," he pointed to the corner, "gave you all your parts and Alex there, is going to be trying to navigate between all of us. Alex, I'm wishing you luck now."
The group laughed at their director, waiting to hear the next part of what was going to happen.
Ross nudged Laura in the arm, "You're Magellan."
"And you're Rory," she whispered back.
"Now, before we all go out there - where you'll be introduced just like you just were - please, say hi to one another and yes, more food is coming from catering, Milo."
"Good, because whatever that marshmallow dish thing was, was good," Milo commented, dragging his o's out.
Laura didn't hesitate in jumping back into Ross's arms. "You're Rory," she stated again.
"And you're Magellan, which is possibly the coolest character name ever."
He placed her back down on the ground again and noticed she wasn't as short as he remembered. Looking down at her sky high heels, that he didn't know how she was standing in, Ross let his eyes skim over her fit legs and suppressed an urge to run his fingers down them. She twirled around in the purple dress that hugged and skimmed over every curve and all he could think about was how good five years had been to her. Her hands and ears glittered with jewelry that he knew cost more than his parent's house and he found himself wishing it was just them in the room so he could kiss them off of her.
"Ross," Laura snapped her fingers, getting his attention back from whatever gutter it was in. "This is Jenna and I've already decided we're going to be the most annoying best friends to you throughout this entire process."
"While that sounded like a threat," Ross scratched his chin. "I kind of can't wait. Nice to meet you Jenna."
He had wanted to take her hand and run out of the hotel and just steal her away from the day, or weekend, to catch up with her, but there was a movie to introduce, a cast to get to know and he hardly thought if he did that, he'd have a job afterwards. He sat two seats away from her on the panel and didn't know it was possible, but missed her by his side already. How the hell did he make it through five years without her?
"I'm curious, as you two were once part of TV's hottest and most talked about on-screen couples, Laura and Ross, how do you think this movie will change both you and your fans' perception?"
What a loaded question that was, Ross thought to himself and leaned forward in his seat to glance over at Laura. "Yea, I'm gonna let you take that one."
"Of course you are," she said, a small ripple of laughter echoing in the room amongst the press. "It's true that we are Austin and Ally. We won't ever stop being Austin and Ally and I'd like to think that part of them will always be in us. They were both great characters to play and got to explore. But now we're going to be Magellan and Rory and I hope, no, I know, that our true Austin & Ally fans are excited to see us as someone new. This duo who might end up together or who might tear each other's throats out. When I was on HBO, I still had younger fans coming up to me for pictures and although I questioned what their parents allowed them to watch - because First Aid is definitely not a kids show - I was grateful that they were still sticking with me and my career."
"I don't think our true Austin & Ally fans will ever truly leave us," Ross chimed in. "It's kind of a blessing in disguise from Disney and it's this built-in fan base. I don't think Laura, or I, mostly me, would really be here without them."
"Thank you both," the reporter sat back down in her chair, not catching the sly wink he sent her way.
"We have time for two more questions folks," the moderator announced. "Stevenson, Ryan and Patricia will be available afterwards for further commenting."
Another reporter stood up with questions to Stevenson, followed by another with a question to the entire cast. Overall, the conference was a breeze and now he was even more curious about the script and if and how he could steal her away from Jenna's side for a much needed lunch. He saw her backstage again for a second as the ruckus ensued. Reps, managers and agents all scattered around their clients and the studio's heads for even more answers to their own questions. She was off talking to the other Laura and he was headed straight to her before being cut off by Milo, with a full apple in his mouth and his agent, who just happened to be his as well.
"Table read - full table read - is tomorrow everyone," Alex said loudly over the crowd, who settled down. "Until then, you're all getting character bios that will help you out more. Some of them are thicker than the actual script. To those with those thick ones, good luck. 9 a.m. tomorrow, same stage you all auditioned on."
That gave him, pulling back his watch on his wrist, 16 hours to eat, and soak her presence up. He was not going to take no for an answer from her for lunch, or dinner, or just to drive up to the beach like they used to do. Stealing his bio to study from Stella, Ross took off in his direction and was looking like a lost puppy when he couldn't find her where she just stood...until a vibrating tingle came out of his pants.
Room 525, was all the text said.
"Stella, I'm starving and getting out of here. Talk later Milo," he waved behind him and was out the door before he could hear their goodbyes. Lunch with Laura, check.
"Stop being resistant, Ross," Laura pestered him, standing behind him and cursing herself for taking off those heels even though her feet were thanking her that they weren't in pain anymore. Back at her normal height in the comfiest flats from Target (she was such a bargain shopper), she struggled to tie the blindfold over his eyes on his face.
"I have so many scenarios playing in my mind about this right now."
She poked him in the ribs. "Stop being dirty and hold still." On her tip toes, she finally pulled the blindfold up and waved her hand in front of his face. "Can you see anything?"
"No and if this is headed where I think it's headed..." Another poke came. "Ok, ok."
"You trust me?"
"With my life, unless you're driving," he joked with her, truly expecting another poke this time. He couldn't see what she was doing but he knew her tongue was out at him. So he stuck his tongue right back.
"I think you both broke Twitter," Laura scrolled down on her phone, frustrated she couldn't read one word on any reply before twenty new ones came up. "Yep, you did. It just crashed on me."
Laura turned her phone to show the guys the error message that popped up. It had been over two hours ago that she uploaded the epic reunion between what she considered the greatest bromance to ever live - Ross and Calum. The video she recorded of them, although short, was like something out of the movies with them running towards each other and swinging the other around and around. The view count, last she noticed, was over 2 million and counting.
"Nice," Ross nodded, biting into his Leaning Tower of Turkey sandwich from the diner they were in.
Laura had taken Ross to the diner where Calum, on a long lunch break from the TV show he was working on this week, had joined them. It had been nice seeing two of her favorite guys together again, just like old times.
"Oh!" Calum stopped what he was talking about with Ross and turned to her instead. "What happens with Jennifer?"
"I thought you didn't want spoilers?"
"I don't," Calum stammered, looking between them both before conceding. "Okay, okay. I want them. I'm dying to know what happens to Marco. Does he stay for Jennifer? Does he leave because of Danny? And what happens to that mansion?"
Ross couldn't help but laugh at the redhead seated across from him and Laura's all-knowing smirk was line with victory.
"Spoil me, woman!"
"In case you haven't picked up on it, Calum is a fan, if not the biggest fan of First Aid," Laura told Ross. "Since I got the role, he's been calling me for spoilers every week. I once caught him trying to open the script from my mail before I even had a chance to take off my shoes. It's gotten out of control."
"What can I say? I'm addicted and it's a fantastic show. I'm still livid that the silly and boring dance show got the Emmy over you guys."
"It's just an award, Calum."
"I know," he paused. "But Cassie and Angie's performance alone should've bagged it."
Laura laughed a bit more, grabbing a lone fry from Ross' plate and popping it in her mouth. "Marco stays."
"Yes!" Calum raised his arms up in joy and brought them down just as fast. "For Jennifer, right?"
She shrugged her shoulders, teased him. "You'll find out in a month, when the finale airs."
"You kill me Laura. You kill me."
"You still love me," she sung her words.
A soft silence overcame them again, each eating the meals in front of them. Ross was slowly, but surely, conquering his triple layered sandwich. Calum getting somewhat messy on a meatball sandwich and her on her hot wings. Some girls ordered salads and sometimes she did too, just not today. Not when they were honey glazed and a plate of them were less than three dollars.
"I can't believe you two are doing a movie together," Calum mused, swallowing a bite of his food. "If it hadn't happened soon, I was going to write you two an epic love story."
"And we both know you already have it written."
Calum shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. "Think Unchained Melody combined with The Way We Were and a slice of The Notebook."
Laura looked over at Ross and let the corners of her mouth turn upside. That would definitely be one emotional love story and she kind of hoped it would really happen one day. The three of them quickly finished their meals before catching up some more and made plans to get together again before they left for filming. Watching Calum run off from the restaurant and head back to set, Ross let out a deep breath.
"I missed that guy," he admitted, walking with Laura back to her car. "I missed you too, Laur."
Her light brown hair fell over her shoulder and caught a bright refraction from the sun, almost blinding him in the process as she turned towards him. "I missed you too, Ross. I'm glad we're in this movie together."
"Speaking of..." Ross pulled the bio out of his back pocket. Not as think as he saw hers was, but it was still thicket than his own wallet. "Curious?"
"Hell yea."
Ross liked this - not just the finding out about his character, but also that Laura was hanging onto his arm and making him feel...feelings. That was when he stopped reading about Dr. Rordan "Rory" McLaren and closed his eyes tight.
Feeling feelings. Crap.
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The Deepest Dive
The world changed when the first portal to another reality was opened. Then it changed again when magic became codified in the laws of our universe. Now humanity fights the dungeons which spring up around the world, killing their cores and sealing the breaches in the universe. Chris and his team are part of this fight, dungeon divers, and today they're bringing a new diver with them, whether they want to or not.
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Abandoned and alone in a world that isn’t mine, I had to find a way to escape being a slave accused of molesting a princess. While finding a way to escape, the princess, the one who accused me, was the actual molester. The princess was planning on raping me, but after getting her occupied during sex, I found the perfect chance to escape. I eventually escaped, but now I am a fugitive that the whole nation will be looking for me as I was the most wanted male elf. How I will survive, I do not know. But, I’ve organised a mission, and that is to identify myself and recollect the memories I’ve lost while transferring souls. The future is blurry, but I hope to come out victorious and not cooked to starving dogs.
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Aria has never felt so alone, even among people. But when someone who feels equally alone washes up on shore... she thinks maybe they could be alone, together. (Exophilia romance. The Love Interest only looks vaguely human-like. Warnings are for mentions of sexual violence, depictions of violence, depictions of injuries and abusive parents being... around. Main characters are well past twenty years of age, for those of you who want older protags in their romance.)
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For anyone that goes to heaven, they can always choose to go to a new world rather than spent their life leisurely in heaven. The new world is purposely designed by God for each individual to enjoy, but as a God, the means of 'enjoy' might be hard to grasp by a simple human.Dean Donovan is one of that individuals. With access to the gun store from God, he wonders a medieval world filled with magic and monster. He is supposed to enjoy his life retirement here, but can he even survive by bringing a modern arsenal to this world? Also published in Wattpad under username: @Power_drill
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