《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 18



Its been a few days, and I’ve been keeping myself as busy as possible. Once in a blue moon Jex and his…mate. Would come into my mind, but I had made Jackson a promise. And for the sake of saving face, I wasn’t ever going to shed another tear of that ass. As the sun peaked into my room, though half closed curtains I yawned out. Snuggling deeper into my pillow, I wanted another ten minutes. This did not happen, sounds of banging and yelling echoed under my door.

Groaning in frustration, I tried pushing the pillow over my head. Nope…. Trying to think of what the hell was going on, I hadn’t remembered Jackson mentioning anything big happening. Though thanksgiving was two days away, maybe they were doing something for that. My old pack had, but it was just like another meeting. Nothing like the human thanksgivings, I read about in stories. Deciding this was pointless, I stripped taking a quick shower.

Opening my door as two pack members rushed by, my head poked out blinking my eyes wildly. Closing my door I followed the sounds downstairs, moving out of the way of bustling pack members. Beta Kem looked spent as he shouted out orders, a low rumble came out when someone dropped a vase. Slapping his head, while cursing under his breath. The clip board in his hands was shaking, as he tried to use pinching the end of his nose as a way to relax.

Sighing I walked over to him, taking the clip board. His eyes shot to me ready to growl, but stopped when he saw it was me.


“Go get a cup of coffee” Patting his shoulder, as I shoved him away.

“But I…”

“Go, your only making things worse” Shoeing him more. Grumbling he headed for the kitchen. Flipping thought the pages of notes, and things that needed to get done. His list laughable as there wasn’t a thing organized on it, pulling the pen out I walked into the main room. Everyone was running around, completing the chickens with their heads cut off look. Growling, I sent out a loud whistle. Eyes locked onto me, as I sighed.

“Okay listen up, I have the clip board so were doing this my way.” A few smiles as they relaxed.

“I’m assuming Beta Kem, hasn’t had must luck so lets try it this way.” Some of the woman were nodding, as the rest were rubbing each others shoulders.


“Okay from here” Sticking my hand straight out, I made an invisible line.

“This side” Pointing to the left. “You work on setting up the tables and all the plating. This side” Pointing to the right.

“You get the streamers, and any other décor up.” A petite woman walked to me.

“Fina, what about the food?” She looked about 34 years old, with deep brown hair, and green eyes.

“Where are the men?” The woman looked at each other, before bursting out into laughter.

“Oh Fina, our men don’t know shit about food.” Said another woman.

“Not true, they know how to eat it” Said another. This sent them into another roar of laughter. Tapping the pen, I groaned.

“I’ll take care of it” Turning around, they smiled before working on what they had. Heading back into the hall, I found Kem holding a cup of hot coffee.


“Already giving in?” Chuckling putting his lips to the cup.

“No, I need the men” He coughed before, banging on his chest.

“What for?”

“I need them to come with me”

“For what?”

“This food list you have, its crazy. Oh and I need to use a computer” Holding up the clip board.

“I’m confused, do you need the men or the computer?”

“Both, but first lets start with the computer” Smiling.

“Right, this way” Leading me to the office. Pushing the main office door open, letting me walk in first. Pulling his desk chair out, he let me do as I pleased. Sitting in a chair just off to the side, watching as I typed away. Checking over his notes, and making sure I added everything in.

“Kem what is that?” Pointing to a note I didn’t understand.

“Umm, I think that says cranberry sauce”

“Good god man, your hand writing sucks” Scoffing, before adding that on my list. Rolling his eyes, he leaned over the chair and me. A few more items, before I hit the print button.

“Your quiet good at this”

“I took a computer class in school” He nodded, as if understanding. The printer spit out a new sheet, grabbing it I tossed his notes into the trash replacing them with mine.

“Hey?” Frowning.

“Seriously have you ever organized a party?” He swallowed looking guilty.

“We don’t normally hold parties here, the Alpha doesn’t care for them” Shrugging.


“I had figured. But still its really not as complicated as you’ve made it.” Patting his shoulder.

“Now about those men” Grinning, as he eyed me with caution.


My Beta linked me saying he needed at least twelve men, without much thought I sent him his request. We had been working on dealing with the War bear problem, I was getting tired of hearing about them. After an hour I thought Kem would be done with the men, and as he came around the corner I asked him.

“I need those men back” He paled.

“Aww there gone Alpha”

“What do you mean gone?” Crossing my arms, holding my death glare.

“Fina took them” His eyes fell to the floor, as I sighed.

“What the hell is Fina doing with….wait you let twelve unmated wolves go alone with Fina?” Growling.

“Yes Alpha” He took a step back.

“Where did they go?”

“Food shopping” fidgeting under my gaze. A large amount of laughed filled the main hall, as I headed towards it Kem on my heels. All the woman who were suppose to be working on the party, for Alpha serge were drinking coffee or tea.

“Why didn’t she take them?” Pointing at all the woman, who froze once seeing me.

“They had been working on the dinning room” Kem answers, sending a quick glace at them. Pinching my nose, it dawns on me. Kem was in charge of the party décor, and food so why was Fina doing it all.

“Kem…tell me again why Fina is doing your job?” Eyeing him over my pinched nose.

“She…she sort of made me go away”

Sort of made my Beta go away……Really!

“And you just stepped down, just like that” Waving my hand in the air.

“She was very convincing… Alpha”

Its true my Beta has never handle a party list or, even decorated a hall before. That’s not what my pack does, were fighters warriors if you will. Parties get in the way of training, and learning better ways of killing our enemies. But for Alpha Serge we were having this….Thanksgiving thing. I had tossed the job to Kem, because in astrospect I didn’t have a freaking idea myself on what needed to get done.

It was a crap shoot, that needed to get done. Giving it to him seemed easier then asking for help…which I don’t do. Turning to the woman, I growled.

“Did you at least finish up the dinning hall?” They nod like a vicious about of bobble heads, their necks threatening to snap. Turning to Kem, I nodding to the dining hall. This I had to see. Pushing the double door out of my way, I gasped at the décor. Kem right their with me, as we eyed the once dark room. Now holding long tables in the shape of a cube, white table cloths draped over the tops. An Orange running flowed down the center, as a few small pumpkins and colored leaves scattered around.

The chairs had been wrapped in a white cloth, with festive bow on each of the backs. Candle sticks added height, and I could almost see them lit. Chandeliers held more colored leaves, as clear fishing line dangled them, as if they were ready to fall. Crystal glass wear sparkled, while the white plates and bowls sat ready for the heavy meal ahead of them. Polished silver wear blinded my eyes, in the brightly lit skinny bulbs above. Turning around to the huge smiles on the woman, they blushed under my eyes.

“Who designed this?” Pointing at the room, as Kem stood speechless.

“Fina, did Alpha” Leah said, tucking her hands behind her back. My lips twitched, as I dare not smile. Nodding I turned to Kem, before heading into my office. He closed the door, allowing me to burst out into a deep laugh.


“I don’t believe it” Shaking my head, dropping my tired body into the couch. Kem stood silently at the door, waiting for me to explain.

“She’s a freaking god sent. That room…was……..”

“Amazing” Kem whispered, causing me to look his way.

“Spectacular, but yes Amazing works to.” Nodding.

“She reorganized my food list as well” His words sounded like a wounded deer crying out, she must of really hit him on his hand writing.

“Did she now?” Chuckling. Pointing to the trash, I laugh harder as I see his notes. Ah yes I definitely picked the right woman, to be my mate.

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