《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 16



With the coming stacks of paperwork, that never seemed to end Alpha was getting …..antsy. His eyes would trail to the clock, then back down to his work. Almost like he was waiting for a school bell to sound off, granting him permission to run through the halls ramped. Yesterday didn’t prove to be any less stressful, every time the words slaughtered mate would come up, he’d flinch. His eyes were tired along with many other things, but he never once made any indication he was done for the night.

Conference calls kept flooding in by the dozens, alerting him to another attack. Now instead of having to hear about the many rouges we were fighting, it was more about the War bears. The creatures were multiplying, by the hundreds. Sitting in the office now, playing with the tab to my Styrofoam coffee mug I turned to see the door open. Alpha walked in looking…refreshed! His dark circles were gone, along with that begrudging look he had been sporting for the last week in a half.

He gave me a nod as he sipped casually at his black mug, before taking his seat at the head desk. The light fragrance of…Cherry Blossoms! Filling the room, making me turn to see if he to had noticed the pungent smell. The blank face he held was nothing new, however the slight smirk wasn’t something to be expected.

“Alpha?” His head slow turns, nodding as if to say ‘speak’

“ I was just wondering…is that Cherry..”

“Kem I would advise you not to finish that sentence” Looking back down at his paperwork. Biting my tongue as I now understand, I nod. But my mouth gets the better of me.

“Alpha?” He grunts, not bothering to look up this time.

“I was just thinking it’s a very manly smell” His eyes set on me, as I try to keep mine down at the papers. With a snort he continues, shuffling his work around. Smiling to myself, I seriously can’t believe he didn’t try to kill me over that comment. Fina is starting to work on him, soften him up a bit. The heavy knock has us looking up.

“Come in” Alpha bellows, as the door creaks open. Alpha Serge steps in, grinning like a fiend.

“Good morning Alpha, Beta” Nodding to me.

“Morning Alpha” Going back to my work.

“What do I owe this unexpected surprise?” Alpha growls, sipping his mug.

“Such a sour puss in the morning” Dropping himself in one of the two chairs, seated in front of the Alpha’s desk.

“If this is about the bottle, I was going to have it shipped to you”

“How very kind, but now you wont have to waste the postage” Grinning wildly, as his nose starts in on the air.

“Is that Cherry Blossoms?” His eyes roll over to me, before back to the Alpha.


“Serge I am busy, what do you want now?” Serge’s eyes narrow, before turning to me.

“Is he always this hostile in the morning?” I shrug, not wanting to get in the middle of this conversation.

“I’d advise you to leave my Beta alone, he’s not a pawn in your destructive game of chess. Now what is it I can help you with?” Rolling his fingers.

“Aww always the charmer you are. Well since you put it that way, I was wondering if we might through a function.” Alpha’s eyes widen a bit, before he composes himself.

“A function for what, exactly?”

“Think of it like the holidays man a so Human’s have. Like Thanksgiving” Chuckling. Tapping the edge of his pen on the desk, Alpha leans back looking annoyed.

“You want to have a thanksgiving?”

“Sure why not? Good food, plenty of woman and drink. What’s not to love”

“Is that the only reason?” Raising his brow.

“Aw at lass you no me to well dear friend.”

“Serge?” Snapping.

“My sister is coming into town, and my dinning hall isn’t nearly as stunning as yours” Sighing heavily Alpha runs his hands through his hair.

“Fine, but no one is to speak of my title. I don’t need Fina finding out before I am ready”

“Aw yes, little Fina. Such a sweet woman, her and my sister should get along nicely.” Pushing off his chair, Alpha pulls out a bottle dropping it on the desk.

“Pleasure doing business with you Hadar, always a pleasure.” Rolling his eyes, he nods.

“Beta Kem, charming as always” Nodding.

“Have a good day Alpha Serge” Opening the door, he pauses and turns around.

“Oh Alpha one more thing” Raising his head, Alpha glares.


“You might want to check up on your sweet little angel, seems she’s gone and gotten herself into a bit of a bind” Bowing his head, before closing the door. Turning to Alpha, his face is red as he pushes off his desk heading for the door.

“Alpha, would you like me to ?”

“No, I’ll handle it” Slamming the door shut.


Walking down the corridor, I start to hear commotion. Moving a little faster as the emitting snarls grow louder, I push open the door to the training room. Only to find Fina faced off with Dontay, one of my best fighters. She’s antagonizing him while he’s in wolf form, he’s at his breaking point as she calls him a mutt. As he lunges for her, she side steps him bopping him on the head like a child would a doggie.

Its to be expected his irritation grows, snarling while gnashing his teeth at her. She laughs clearly not understand the retrospect of the seriousness she’s just put herself into.

“Aww how cute, its has fangs” Cooing on him. Another growl before he moves his foot ready to attack.


“ENOUGH!” Growling. Dontay turns his head around, shifting back swiftly.

“Sir, I…”

“Put some clothes on Dontay” Nodding my head for him to leave. Nodding he flees, leaving a few others in the room and Fina. Chewing on her lip, she keeps her eyes off mine.

“Hallway now Fina” Pointing to the door behind me. She goes to argue, but stops at the glare I send her. Passing me her smell pushes, causing me to want to inhale deeply. Closing the door, I turn to the rest of them.

“As for the rest of you, find something else to do” They nod, scattering like fleas. Sighing I shake my head, going to her. With her back and foot leaned up against the wall, her arms folded like a mad child. Watching her now is proving to destroy my anger, if only by a little.

“Care to tell me what was going on?” She shifts her feet, unwilling to speak.

“Fina?” Pushing her a little more.

“I wanted the keys” Taking a peak at my face, before returning to the floor.

“Keys for what?”

“The car” swiping her foot across the rug, she’s adorable when she acts like this. Playing the meek card, cleaver woman.

“And just where did you plan on going?” Moving a little closer.

“Shopping” Chewing her inner cheek.

“Shopping for what?” Lifting her chin.

“My moms birthday gift.” surprised by this, I sigh.

“Why didn’t you discus this with me last night?”

“Because you were really stressed out, and I didn’t think it would be a problem” Shrugging, her eyes fall back to the floor.

I can’t believe I’m going to do this….

“Here, take Sam with you” Handing her the keys to the Cutlass. Grays pop as she holds the keys, looking up at me.

“Who’s Sam?” Cocking her head. Holding the laugh back, I answer her.

“He’s a friend of mine, he’ll need to go with you when you head out of the pack.”

“Are you sending a body guard with me?” Knitting her brow.

“If that’s how you want to look at it, sure” Frowning, I fight the urge to smooth the lines out.

“You know I’m quite capable of taking care of myself” Placing her hands on her hips.

“This isn’t up for discussion. Either Sam goes with you, or you don’t go” Her gapping mouth, pouts before she looks away from me folding her arms.

“Your treating me like a child” Pouting even more. Snorting I can’t see why she’d think that.

“Well your acting like one” Lowering to her. A death glare is my reward. I hate seeing her all mad, specially at me. Turning my head in different directions, she tries to look away. But the half smirk playing on her lips, is hard to hide.

“Come on now, don’t be mad with me. I gave you the keys to the Cutlass.” rubbing a finger under her chin, her eyes sparkle before turning to me.

“Fine, I’m not mad. But who’s Sam?”

“I’ll call him” Linking with Sam, I wait as he comes running around the corner.

“Sam this is Fina, Fina Sam” She smiles at him, when shakes her hand.

“Sam watch out for Fina, don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Yes Sir” Nodding.

“Gees I am right here, you know” Stomping her foot.

“I always know where you are Fina, now hand over your cell” Waving my hand at her.

“What for?”

“So I can add my number, that what for” Her tongue sticks out, as she drops her cell into my hand. Flipping mine out, I exchanged the number handing hers back. Looking at her cell she frowns.

“Had to put it as 1Jackson, didn’t you?” snapping it closed.

“I have a thing about being first, love” Shrugging.

“Ha, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were an Alpha” Sam looks away, as I grin.

“Is that so?”

“Yea, come on Sam.” Frowning I growl.

“Hey” Folding my arms.

“What?” Turning around.

“I give you my car keys, and I get nothing” Smiling she walks back over, kissing my cheek.

“Better, but you missed the other side” Pointing to my left cheek. Giggling, she kisses that side as well.

“Can I go now?”

“Yes” Nodding, squealing happily she grabs Sam dragging him down the hallway. Rolling my tongue over my teeth, I flip the cell out.

*Be careful* Sending the message to her. It beeps, telling me so responded.

*OMG! I haven’t even left the driveway yet* Turning around I keep typing.

*Is there something wrong with me, telling you to be careful?* Send……

* No, but you could chill. I mean really at least let me get onto a main road* I could practically hear her sighing.

* You want me to take those keys back?* Snickering as I open the office door. Kem looks up, eyeing me suspiciously.

*You’d have to leave your Alpha, and catch me :P* Dropping in my chair, my fingers roll over the desk. Huffing I start typing.

*Fina, don’t think I wont come after you*

*HA…I’m shaking in my panties*

*And what sexy panties they are;)*

*You’re a dirty man :P*

*Keep sticking that tongue out, and I’ll put it to work* It take a few seconds, but I hear the beep making me look up.

*O.0* Laughing hard, I can’t believe a message could be more perfect. I could almost see her making that face, as I shut the cell Kem raises his brow. Coughing it off, I start filling through all the work.

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