《Snowy Romance》Part 3


'Sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting visitors today' I said embarrassed. 'Don't apologise. A messy house means your living life the right way' he responds. 'Wow I never actually thought of it like that' I said. I noticed Tom looking at me with such sweetness in his eyes. 'Well it's going to get messier as I'm such a messy cook' I laughed trying to avoid any awkwardness. 'Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee?' 'Ooo a nice cuppa tea would be lovely thank you' he replied. 'Milk? Sugar?' 'Yes please but not too much milk. Never trust my brother Harry to make a cuppa tea. You might as well just drink the milk out of the bottle' Tom laughed at this. I did too. 'Think I'll pass. I don't like milk and sugar in my tea' I replied screwing up my face. 'God, she's even cuter when she does that' Tom said but then realised he said it out loud instead of just thinking it. He went bright red. 'Um...uh...what flavour cake do you like?' I said while carrying over his tea. ( More in comments)

It was awkward but I was trying to defuse it. 'Red velvet cake with a cream cheese topping' 'Coming up' I said. 'What, you'll actually make it for me!?' He asked surprised. 'Well it's not everyday Tom Holland comes into your house is it' I replied. He started blushing.

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