《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 9


My scan date came through the post the next week. "Harrison, what are you doing 4 weeks today?" I asked him. It was Thursday and I was getting ready to go to work. "What date is that?" He asked going to look at the calendar. "26th May" I replied. "I'm free, why?" He asked. "My scan is booked for 10am and I don't want to go alone" I said looking at him. "Of course I'll come with you y/n" he said coming to hug me. "Thank you" I said. "Plus I want to see my niece or nephew for the first time!" He said beaming. He was getting excited.

Over the past week, Charlotte had FaceTimed everyday. "Y/n, even though we are thousands of miles away from each other, I will still support you. You are doing so well and you are in a full time job which not many 18 year olds are!" She said. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I said. "You have and I love you too" she replied. Mum and Dad had texted over and over again to apologise but I couldn't be dealing with it so I ignored them. "I know they are trying Lottie, but they have hurt me so much that I don't think I can forgive them" I said. "I don't blame you" she said with sadness.

That night, Harrison and I went round to the Holland's and I told Harry, Sam, Paddy and Dom. "Omg! Congratulations y/n! You are going to be an amazing Mum!" Harry said coming to hug me. "Thank you Harry!" I replied returning his hug. "Shotgun baby sitting!" Sam said hugging me after Harry. "Excuse me! If anyone's baby sitting it's me!" Tom butted in. "It's my niece or nephew so I will be baby sitting" Harrison piped up. "I'll help!" Paddy said. "Guys! It hasn't arrived yet! Chill out" Dom said laughing giving me a hug. "My first scan is the 26th of May" I said helping Nikki lay the table. Nikki was cooking dinner for us as a little celebration. We didn't want to go over board because anything could happen but we wanted to do something so dinner it was. "Are you excited?" Paddy asked. "Um I'm a little nervous but yeah I am excited" I said. It was true. I was coming round to the idea of becoming a mother. I knew I would have everyone's support and I knew I would be able to do it. Harrison smiled at me. "I have some baby names!" Paddy said helping me bring the food to the table. "Ooo let's hear them!" I said as we sat down. "I really like the name Paddy for a boy" he said laughing. "I'll consider it" I giggled. "And for a girl I like Bella" he continued. "Bella is a nice name but when I hear it, it reminds me of the Tweenies" I said laughing harder. Everyone laughed too.


Nikki had made a stir fry which was amazing. "Nikki, this is lovely! Thank you!" I said with my mouth full. "You're welcome sweetie. Wait until you have cravings!" She said smiling at me. "Oh she already has!" Harrison said rolling his eyes. "She woke me up at 3 in the morning the other day because she was craving Olives!!" Harrison said. "Y/n, you don't even like olives" Tom said choking on his food from laughing. "I know but I needed them!" I said trying to control my laughter. "She's only going to get worse isn't she?" Harrison looked at Nikki. "Unfortunately yes" Nikki laughed. Harrison pretended to cry and fell on the floor. "Oh lord help me!" He said while fake sobbing. Tessa ran over to him and started licking him and jumping on him. Everyone cracked up with laughter.

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