《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 5


"Congratulations! You're 7 weeks pregnant" the nurse said excitedly. "Shit. This cannot be happening" I cried squeezing Nikki's hand tighter. "You will need to come back in 5 weeks for your 12 week scan. We will send you a letter Miss Osterfield. In the meantime, here are some leaflets you can read" She said handing them over to me. I flicked through them. I stopped when I came across an abortion leaflet. I picked it out and handed it back to her. "I won't be needing this one" I said. I then gave the adoption leaflet back to her too. "Or this one. I got myself into this mess, now I have to suffer the consequences" I said getting up and walking out. I was so shell shocked with everything that I didn't really know what I was doing. Nikki came running out after me. "We will all help you. I will make sure of it" she said hugging me. "Thank you" I said hugging her back. "Right for the next two days, you're staying with us" she said as we got into the car. "I'll be fine" I said staring out the window. "You are not fine. You staying and that's final" she said driving off.

When we got back to Nikki's house, the boys weren't home. "May I ask you a question?" Nikki asked bringing me a cup of tea. "Sure" I said taking it. "What about the father?" She said. "Um...I don't know who he is. He told me to never speak of this and that he never wanted to see me again" I started to well up. "I remember which nightclub we were in. I'll go there tomorrow and see if he's there. He seemed to be well known" I said holding back the tears. "Y/n, we will get through this together okay?" She said seeing the fear in my face.


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out at looked at it. "It's Harrison" I said widening my eyes. Nikki took my phone and answered it. "Hey Haz! How are you all?" She said calmly. "Hey Nikki! Tom!! It's your Mum" he shouted. "We are good thanks. How are you? He replied. "Hi Mum!" Tom said. "Hey love. We are all good thank you. How was the flight?" She asked. I was keeping quiet as I didn't know what to say. "Bit bumpy but apart from that. All good" Tom said. "Where's y/n?" Harrison asked. Nikki discreetly looked over at me. I shook my head because I didn't want to speak. "She's in bed asleep. She's staying with us until you get back. But don't worry she is fine" Nikki said putting Harrison's mind at rest. "Thank you so much. I owe you one" Harrison replied. "She said she was going to the doctors today for the sickness, do you know how she got on?" Harrison asked. "Just complete bedrest and to drink plenty" Nikki replied. "Oh that's good!" Harrison and Tom both said in unison. "Tom! Harrison! We need you!" A director, it must of been, shouted. "We better go! We will FaceTime tomorrow! Love you Mum" Tom said as he was waking off. "Love you too Tom and don't worry Haz, I'll look after y/n" Nikki said. "Thank you so much! Bye!" Harrison said as he cut off. "Thank you" I said as Nikki handed me back my phone. "It will be okay! I will be right next to you when you tell them" she said kissing my forehead. I started crying but then the door unlocked so I quickly wiped them away and tried to act happy.


"You can have my room y/n" Paddy said turning to me. "Aww thank you Pads, but I'm fine on the sofa" I said smiling at him. "Please y/n, you are ill! I will feel much better knowing that you are comfortable" Paddy said getting up and coming over to hug me. I felt myself welling up. "I can have Tom's room. Just don't be sick in mine" Paddy said. "Paddy!" Dom said. "It's fine honestly. Thank you Paddy and I promise I'll try to make it to the bathroom" I said laughing. "Um, do you mind if I pop out a minute?" I said looking at Dom. "Of course not! Here's a key to get back in" Dom said handing me the key. "Thank you! I won't be long" I said walking out of the door.

I told Nikki I was going to see if I could find the father tomorrow, but it was 9:00pm and I was hoping I could find him now. I wanted to get it over and done with. I got a taxi to the club and when it stopped outside, a slight sense of fear approached me. I slowly got out, paid the driver and walked in. There wasn't many people in there so I was hoping I could find him. "Excuse me" I said to the bartender. "Your the girl that went off with Gary and sat in that booth arnt you?" He asked me pointing to the booth where we sat. I felt myself go red. "Um...y...yes I am. Do you know where he is or where I can find him?" I asked him. "I'm sorry love, I'm afraid he was in a car accident that night. Drink driving he was. He died instantly" he said looking at me. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear" I said trying not to cry. "He was well known here. For the wrong reasons. He wasn't a very nice man" he carried on saying. "Oh. Thank you anyway. And I'm sorry again" I said turning around and walking out. I stopped and couldn't move. Shit, did he really just say that? I got in a taxi and went back to the Holland's house. I unlocked the door and Nikki greeted me. "He's dead" I said looking at the floor. "What?" She said looking at me strangely. "My baby's father, he caused a car accident and died instantly" I said starting to cry. "Oh y/n you poor thing. We are it's family now. You, Harrison, your parents and us" she said wiping my tears away. "Thank you" I said trying not to cry again. "Now go upstairs and get some sleep" she said kissing my forehead again. I walked up the stairs and went into Paddy's room where I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

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