《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 1


"I cannot believe you!" I shouted from the kitchen. "What have I done now?!" Harrison shouted back. "You cheated at Monopoly that's what". Harrison, Harry, Sam, Tom and I were playing Monopoly when Harrison, who was playing the banker, got caught hiding money under the box. "You're meant to play fair and square Haz!" I shouted. "It's a bloody game y/n!" Harrison shouted back even louder. "Yeah one that you're NOT MEANT TO CHEAT AT!" I shouted angrily this time. "Y/n, calm down, don't let Haz whined you up" Tom said walking over to you and putting his hands on your shoulders.

I am a very competitive person when it comes to games but one thing I do not like is cheating. Every Friday we have a games night round mine and Harrison's. It involves drinking which really isn't a good idea. When I've been drinking and someone cheats, I get very, very angry. Harrison should know this as we've lived together for 18 years. Harrison and I are siblings. He is 3 years older than I am and he is very protective over me. Every boyfriend I have had, he has always been there checking them out and giving them 'the bro talk' as he calls it. He's never alone though. Tom is mine and Harrison's best friend and he is protective over me too. I like it though because I always know if something goes wrong, then they will be there.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but you know how much I hate it" I said calming down a bit more. "Harrison get your arse in here now and apologise" Sam shouted to him. "You shouldn't of cheated and it affected all of us. Now come on so we can start a new game" Harry shouted this time. Harrison comes walking out. He walks over to me and Tom steps aside. "Y/n I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" Harrison said. He gives me the puppy dog eyes and he knows I can't not forgive him then. "Fine. But don't do it again!" I said hitting his arm. "Never again" he said winking at Tom. "Asshole" I muttered.


I got more drinks and nibbles and brought it over to the table. "Right, Sam you can be the banker this time. Don't let Harrison anywhere near it and if anyone else cheats, you're never allowed back in the flat. Deal?" I said. "Deal" everyone agreed. "Good. Now let's play!" I shouted while grabbing a drink.

"Oh come on!" I shouted. We had been playing for 15 minutes and Harrison was caught again. "This is the last time I'm playing games with you lot" I said getting up. "Where are you going?" Harrison asked. "To the toilet if that's alright" I snarled back at him. "If you break the seal, you'll be going every 5 minutes" Harry shouted. "Well it will be better than watching Harrison cheat all the time" I shouted back. As I walked back into the room, Sam said "I fancy going clubbing, whose in?" "Me!" I said putting my hand up. "Count us in" Harry said pointing at himself, Tom and Harrison. "Let me change" I said shooting off into my room. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a little red number. It was short but not too short. I then pulled out my red heels and put them on too. I took my hair out of the bun and shook it a bit. "Perfect" I muttered. I walked out into the living room and starting walking to Harry and Sam who were halfway out the door. "Woah!" Harry said eyeing me up and down. "Oi!" Harrison glared at Harry. "You are not wearing that" Harrison said giving me the evils. "Watch me" I said as I followed Harry and Sam out the door.

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