《The Broken Luna》Chapter 21


We both entered into the house where both of Williams parents lived.

We scanned the kitchen looking for both Williams mother and father.

When entering the living room we were met with the sight of Williams father. He was sitting in the dark only the light of the fire lighting up his dark figure. There were letters scattered around him aswell as bottles of alcohol and multiple smashed glasses. His face was distraught, red from crying his hands shaking as they tightly held onto a book which lay in his lap. He looked broken and unstable like any second he would just collapse.

I was shocked frozen in my place. He looked so weak so vulnerable. His hands shaking slightly gripping onto a piece of paper in his large hands.

He glanced at us briefly before turning his gaze back to the fire.

"She's gone" he said his voice hoarse and croaking slightly.

"Dad what's going on" William said stepping towards his father

"Your mothers gone just like she always said she would. So if your looking for her she is gone.

I thought over time I could make up for what I did that I could make her happy. Make her want me. But nothing ever changed." He mumbled more to himself than William.

They were the mutters of what appeared to be a crazy man.

"It broke my heart to see that light in her eyes when she talked about traveling and leaving me." I scrunched my face up at this trying to figure out what exactly was going on.

I was trying to link what the Luna has said to me to what he was saying.

"Dad. What's wrong? Where's mom?" William questioned again the concern in his voice slightly rising.

His father however ignored him carrying on talking and muttering words

"When I first met your mother we were so young. She was so beautiful. She was just beginning college, she wanted to become a marine biologist to forget about pack life and to travel. To see the world. But I was an Alpha I didn't want her leaving she had a duty to me." Williams fathers stare never once broke contact with the floor as he spoke. I had never seen an alpha like this.


They are alway so strong, and he just looked broken.

"I tried projecting my dominance on her. My title. My strength. I forced her out of college to stop Pursuing what she loved. I know I should have waited for her, till she was ready. But I was going to be the best, the best Alpha. The best pack, I needed a submissive and obedient Luna. She had so much fire and I-I"

"I put it out."

"What do you mean?"

I could only cringe at this. At the most likely answer that was to come next. That word that still made me stiff and sent unwanted shivers down my spine.

"I raped your mother." My breathing stopped.

The room was dead silent with only the crackling of the wood in the fire making any noise.

"I forced her to take over as Luna. I needed an heir I needed her impregnated. It all seemed to make sense at the time. She was a women, my mate her job was to provide me with a heir. She got pregnant eventually after only being with her a couple times against her will. She fell pregnant." He then took another swing of the alcohol which lay in a glass cup in his hand. His grip then tightened on the cup as he proceeded to throw it against the wall.

"But I pushed her to far she was suffocating and I didn't give her room to breath. I didn't give her a choice. She then attempted to kill herself. She almost succeeded."

There too much information coming out at once I couldn't keep track. Williams face was harder than I had ever seeing it before his jaw clenched. Eyes hard and every muscle in his body tense.

"It woke me up to how far I had pushed her. So far that she wanted to turn everything off. She was willing to do the worse just to be free of me." A broken chuckle left him which then changed into a loud sob.

The alpha cried his large hand covering his face in shame as he sunk lower in his chair and self pitty.

"I saw what I was and what I was doing so I told her that if she provided me with an heir and forfillef her duty as Luna. Once my heir took over and found his mate that she would be free of me. To do as she pleased. To travel and be the person she always wanted to be." Everything was starting to click.


"At first I said it too give her a sense of hope so she wouldn't harm herself or my pup again. I thought over time she could forget about it, that I would make it up too her. That over time she would forget about it. But the most unexpected thing happened for as time went on I fell in love with her."

"With everything about her. Her smile her laugh. Her gentleness, the way she sings when she cooks and the way she so softly played with you as a child. Her competitive spirt even when it came to small things such as board games.

She grew closer to me and I saw how bad I was to her. What I did. I no longer saw her as my submissive or an object used to provide me with children, but my friend. My love. My whole fucking life."

His sentence was cut off by another sob that was painfully making its way up his throat.

" I wanted to make it up to her. As if to slowly try to take away what I did. To give her the love and attention she always deserved but never received from me."

"I built her a house by hand in the house I hoped for us to grow old in. The one we were to play with our grandchildren in. Almost as if an insensitive to stay with me."

"I thought she had given up. The notes and books she wrote of the things she wanted to do and places she wanted to go to. I didn't realise. I thought she had forgiven me. That she wasn't going to leave me"

"I tried everything I could but she still hates me, still doesn't want me she any forgive whatever I did"

"She did what she always intended to do."

He then cried sobbing placing his large hand over his eyes crying into it.

"Now she's gone and I don't think she's ever coming back."

And then all there was was silence. The whole room unmoving.

The Alpha then took his hand away from his face turning his attention to me and then to William.

"Son. I know where your coming from. I was the same I fear your much worse. I know the dominance and the power is overwhelming. The feeling to take what you want even if it hurts those you love."

"Don't. I did. I didn't realise what was important. Being Alpha was everything that I didn't realise what was important.

And now I have nothing.

She left like it was nothing. Like I was nothing but an incovincence in her life. A women never forgets. She conceals her feeling so well she may trick even the sharpest of men. She can manipulate. She got so close I gave her the power to destroy me."

"What your doing won't work. You will only push her. You can't push love. It doesn't work. You can't force someone to love you."

I could feel a pain start to build up in my chest at the words he spoke. But Williams stiff talk figure have nothing away.

"She told me she had done her time, as if being with me was a prison sentence."

"She said she had forgiven me. But the forgiveness wasn't for me but for her."!

"The more she's out there in the world the more she is going to resents me for keeping the world from her. For keeping her selfishly to myself. For wasting a large portion of her life keeping her locked up behind closed doors."

Hey lovelies there is a possibility of spelling mistakes and I might go back to change some stuff on the last two chapters I just posted because well I've been in a rush to post them so they were not checked that well.

Please vote and comment let me know what you think


Word count: 1462

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