《The Broken Luna》Chapter 9



I couldn't move.

I couldn't breath.

Everything was still.

William immediately shifted revealing himself completely. He had grown his body strongly built as an Alpha should be, but he still had the same brown hair and hazel eyes as before.

He then let a loud growl leave his lips. As his eyes fell to the Male wolf I was currently standing over.

I looked down to still see me standing on top of the Male wolf I was fighting. He must be agitated by me being so close to another Male. I slowly got off him to calm Williams wolf.

I saw William physically relax.

His eyes where stuck on me, he started walking towards me not looking away. I

Could feel the burn of his stare. My wolf and my feeling were conflicted. My heart beat quickened every stride he took towards me.

He finally reached me his eyes analysing my wolf. He seemed impressed his eyes were pitch black meaning his wolf was in control.

"Mate" he said.

This was too much. I took a step back making him let out a warning growl.

Wait does he even recognise me. He dosent realise who I am.

"Shift" he ordered. His voice full of authority, his alpha command leaking through his words.

It should make me shiver and submit to him and to abide by his order.

But It didn't.

For two reasons, the first being he doesn't know who I am and I want to keep it that way. And the second being I didn't want to be naked in-front of him. Although technically he had seen me naked before, but never again.

I could see him growing agitated and frustrated at my disobedience.

"Shift Mate" He said this time louder than the last.

I simply growled in protest.


I was angry. How dare he.

Who does he think he is. Just because he is an Alpha doesn't excuse him from being a terrible person.

He has come here destroying my new home, kidnapping children and killing mothers and fathers. And he has the audacity to order me to shift.

I don't have to do anything he says.

I'm not longer in his pack.

I could see the conflict in his eyes on what to do.

He then shifted into his wolf. His wolf towered over mine. It was very intimidating but I continued to stand my ground.

He then went to lunge at my neck to make me submit and assert his dominance in our relationship.

I dodged out the way as quick as I could just missing his attack.

We continued to circle each other. I could feel everyone's stare on us. I snapped at him aiming for him neck, he threw me off so I barely grazed him.

Our wolves crashed together. I could start to feel his wolf over powering mine so I quickly escaped his grasp and pulled my self togther putting myself back into a fighting stance.

I didn't know what I was doing anymore. I can't beat an Alpha Male. There genetically stronger, and you should never test a males loyalty to his mate.

I could feel him closing in on me, looking at me as if I am a meal. I managed to latch my jaw onto his leg, only for him to flip me over and find an opening on my neck.

I tried to move from the vulnerable position as quick as possible but it was to late as he latched his jaw onto my neck.

I wiggled trying to see if I could get him to loosen his hold on me, but he didn't budge. I felt him press harder wanting me to bare my neck to him showing my submission but there was no way I'm going to submit to someone like him.


He pressed down even harder drawing blood. My wolf whimpered slightly, I could see the pain in his eyes at what he was doing but he wasn't backing down.

So neither was I. He isn't going to control me like he did all those years ago. I won't ever submit to him.

I was losing more and more blood. I heard him whine a little as if a plead to just submit so he could stop what he was doing, but I didn't.

His jaw didn't loosen. It was almost as if we were playing a game of chicken to see who would stop first.

I can feel my vision becoming more blurry, however I still refused to submit. Then black dots started blurring my vision as everything around me started moving.

I suddenly felt the weight on my neck disappear as I saw William shift back. Concern and worry written all over his face as he rushed to my side holding my head as I faded into the darkness.

Word count: 822

Ok a new chapter coming soon stay tuned lovelies xxx

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