《The Broken Luna》Chapter 3


"Honey please open the door, what's going on in there?" I could hear my fathers soft voice.

I couldn't move or speak I was simply sitting there on the floor shivering replaying what had just happened. I could still feel him, his breath, his hands playing in an endless loop in my head.

He has left shortly after he had used me. He left me crying in a heap on my bed. But I couldn't stay there so crawled my way over to the corner of my bedroom where I felt safest.

I was in so much pain. But what hurt more is that I knew I was suppose to save my self for my mate. But a boy who I thought was my friend took it.

Maybe now my mate will reject me for being used. How will others view me now. I kept rubbing my arms trying to calm me self a little. My private parts hurt so much I can barley move.

I couldn't help but cry. I was confused, hurt, sad and I felt utterly broken.

"Ok hunny I'm going to open the door Ok?" I wanted to tell him no but another sob left my mouth.

My father came in his eyes catching mine sadness and worry clouding his eyes as he saw me crawled up into a corner.

He rushed over to me bending down to my side pulling me into his lap rocking my small body to the side as if to calm me down.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" I cried into his shirt more.


"Yeah hunny what happened tell me"

"S-Something terrible happened" I whispered not finding it in me to speak. I felt broken like I would never be able to put my self back together.

"You can tell me I'm your father what's wrong? Should I get your mother?"

I shook my head

"No no I don't want anyone to know." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ok it can stay between you and me ok? What's wrong?"

"W-Well after I-I watched the training today w-William came over so we could watc-" I could feel myself tearing up again and another sob left my throat.


"What happened? Did William do something?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"H-He trapped me under him I didn't want t-to" realisation dawned on my fathers face as his eyes turned pitch black.

I could see his large arm muscles clench as he fisted his hand. He slowly started to shake.

"I'm going to kill him" I barely recognised his voice. It was so dark filled with such promise.

"Stay here"

He slowly picked my up and put me on my bed and stormed out the room.

I was so scared despite me being terrified and my legs shaking I slowly stumbled after him.

I followed him outside searching around. I saw him heading in a straight line matching towards the arena where the training takes place. He has shifted and was running at full speed.

I ran as fast as I could to keep up. I had just lost sight of him but kept running until I was over the hill.

I scanned over the training area and to my shock I saw my dad shifted and pouncing and scratching William.

I had never seen my dad like this my hole life. He was always so calm. I have seen him fight before he is one of the best fighters in the whole pack apart from the alpha.

Suddenly Liam's dad the current alpha shifted and pulled my father off Liam.

I could still feel the heavy throbbing between my legs and grit my teeth in pain.

The continued to fight until my father was pinned and forced to submit.

The alpha shifted back.

"SHIFT" he yelled at my father with an Alpha command.

My father having to oblige to his command shifted back into his human form still shaking with anger.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS DARAN?" the alpha shouted at my father.

"Al-" my father started his eyes looking as if they could kill.

"YOU DARE ATTACK A FUTURE ALPHA. MY SON?" The alpha questioned venom dripping from every word.

"HE IS NO ALPHA. IM GOING TO KILL HIM" my father explained speaking up again. I could see the Alphas eyes shifting sensing the threat.

I could see he was conflicted on what to do next. I know my father has been his childhood friend. They were in diapers together. But now he has attempted to kill his son and admitted to it.


The Alphas eyes then stopped shifting.

"Then Gamma Daran. I have no choice but to kill you as you are acting as a threat to my blood line." My breathing stopped

"But as you were once a friend I am going to give you 30 minutes to leave my territory or I will kill you" He Alphas command held promise. I couldn't help but feel even more scared than I was before.

My father eyes flickered back to William before meeting the alpha before shifting to me.

He stared at me a little longer before walking over to me and picking me up taking me home.

As we entered the house my mother greeted us with a smile before seeing me and my fathers faces.

"What's wrong? What happen? Ally hunny have you been crying?" She said whilst holding her arms out for me. I slipped out of my fathers arms to my mothers.

"We have to leave" my father stated with an emotionless expression.

"What why Daran what is going on"

"William raped our daughter" my mother gasped.

I cringed hearing someone voice what had happened aloud.

"And I went to kill him. And the Alpha has given me about 30 minutes to leave this pack" my father stated emotionlessly.

"Leave? Where will we go? Wait surely if we explain the situation to the Alpha he will understan-" my mother said panic present in her voice.

"No Helen. I don't want to be part of a pack that has a future Alpha like that. And I won't let our daughter have to continue to see him everyday and be around him. I won't put her through it.

We should go as a family we can join another pack" my father said so seriously leaving no room for arguments.

"But what about your Gamma position. You have worked so hard"

"Non of it matters. You and our daughter are the most important things to me and I will not put my daughter in further danger by keeping her here. Screw rank" he said spitting his words venomously.

"Okay then. Let's quickly pack all we can" my mother whispers gently.

My mother carry's me to the car doing up my seatbelt.

"You stay here baby I will run to your room and grab everything I can" she then quickly rushed back into the house.

20 minutes later most of my house had been packed up and put into the boot of our truck.

I looked out of the closed car window trying to process all that had happened today. It was all too much. I then saw the Alpha and William and the Luna all walking over to where my father was packing the last things into the truck.

I could see eyes all around us watching. I can tell our family is going to be house hold gossip for a while now.

I then looked over to the hard stare the Alpha was giving my dad my dad looking back with just as much angry.

"Why Daran? What has made you lash out and act like a deranged rouge?" The Alpha asked.

"Ask your son" my dad said back not even making eye contact as he headed to the drivers seat. The fact my father turned his back on his Alpha was a huge sign of disrespect.

"You have about 5 more minutes to get off my land before I order the warriors that you trained to come and kill you" the alpha spat.

"Don't worry we will be gone by then" my father said whilst getting into the car not looking back.

I could feel a pair of eyes on my. I looked over to the Lunas side where William was standing. His expression was surprising it held shock and sadness like he wanted to say somthing to come over and explain himself but didn't know how.

He looked guilty his eyes were riddled with unspoken words. I could see him take a step forward the second the engine was turned on. But before he could make any more steps he was gone.

And we drove away from the only home I've ever known...

Words : 1470

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