《Blackthorn》Chapter Eight: Secrets


'Someone's been in here,' Adeline uttered in shock as she rounded Thomas's desk, seeing that the once neatly organized letters and work documents which sat upon its surface now lay madly scattered about.

Mr. Grae entered the room, 'You're certain?'

'Yes. Last I was in here this desk was in meticulous order'

Mr. Grae swept his eyes across the study, scrutinizing every detail, 'Do you keep the door locked?' He questioned without looking up to Mrs. Moore.

'No, never. There's never been a reason to'

'When was i' you last entered this room to see i' in order?'

'Last week, when I found the Blackthorn letter'

Mr. Grae pursed his lips, 'How many guests have been in your home since?'

'Several,' Adeline confessed worriedly.

The detective brushed past Adeline, causing her to take a step back as he began methodically examining the desk, first its surface, which held nothing of any particular interest and then its drawers, 'This one's locked,' Mr. Grae muttered aloud.

Adeline peered around him to have a look, 'I haven't a key for it'

'No need,' assured the detective as he pulled a small case from his frock coat, opening it to reveal a set of small, iron picks.

Adeline thought it a very peculiar item to have on hand, but she supposed Mr. Grae, of all people, would have good reason for carrying such equipment, given his profession.

The detective was fastidious in deciphering which picks to use on the small lock and it seemed only a moment before he was able to open the mysterious drawer. Adeline stepped closer to see inside.

Pencils, a checkbook, a delicate letter opener and a small stack of unused envelopes; Adeline was both relieved and confounded to find nothing of any significance in the drawer.

Mr. Grae's brow furrowed as he pushed the unimportant items aside, having a closer look at the drawer's attributes, seemingly keen on some detail that Adeline was not.

'Ah,' muttered the detective just before he began pulling the contents of the drawer out and placing them carelessly on top of the desk.

'What is it?' Adeline questioned.

'False bottom,' answered Mr. Grae while he slid one of his picks into a small, nearly undetectable hole in what was thought to be the base of the drawer and then pulled it upwards, revealing a second compartment.

Adeline's breath caught.

Removing the false base, the detective then pulled from the hidden compartment a small, cast iron strongbox, complete with its own padlock.

While Mr. Grae went about trying to open the box and reveal what lie within, Adeline paced out from behind the desk as she nervously fussed with her fingers, having taken to anxiously picking at her nails. A habit deemed highly improper amongst the genteel, but one in which Adeline always struggled.

'I'll need better tools to open this,' admitted Mr. Grae.


Adeline lost herself for a moment as she gazed worriedly at this mysterious box which had been intentionally hidden away by her husband. Had Thomas kept it and its contents a secret from her? or from everyone else? Or both? What reason had he to withhold information from Adeline?

Observing Mrs. Moore's concerned expression and the mindless destruction of her fingernails, the detective attempted to soothe her.

'Isn't terribly unusual for men to keep a thing or two from their wives, Mrs. Moore. Most times they're of no great significance. '

Pulling herself back into the present, Adeline lowered her hands to her sides, 'Do you have a wife, Mr. Grae?'

'I don't,' the detective answered, looking down to the strongbox as he picked it up from the desk.

Adeline's cheeks flushed red the moment she realized how entirely unprofessional her inquiry had been, 'Forgive me, Mr. Grae. It was ignorant of me to ask such a personal question.'

'Nothing to forgive, Mrs. Moore,' the detective replied seriously as he swiftly rounded Thomas's desk with the box tucked into the folds of his frock coat, 'I'll be in contact once the box is opened,' he continued, shuffling past his employer to exit the study.

Adeline looked to the floor as he passed by her, 'Thank you, Mr. Grae'

Following the detective down the stairs from the third floor, he and Adeline were swiftly caught up to by Eli, who had been awaiting their return from Thomas's study in the parlour.

'So, Good Detective, have we uncovered anything of interest?' Eli questioned as he glided down the last few steps with his long legs, into the front entrance of Adeline's home, meeting she and Mr. Grae where they stood.

Mr. Grae's disinterested expression distorted into, what one could only describe as suspect. He glanced quickly to Adeline with a squint in his eye before replying, 'Client confidentiali'y is a necessary protocol in my line of work, Mr. Grant, I'm sure you understand'

'Of course, do forgive me,' Eli responded, holding the detective's attention with a steady, unblinking gaze.

Adeline felt the unease of the exchange and forced a gentle smile onto her features, 'Goodnight, Mr. Grae. I do hope to hear from you soon'

The detective held Eli's stare for a moment before looking to Adeline and lightly dipping his head, 'Mrs. Moore'

'It's been a pleasure, Mr. Grae. We eagerly await your next appointment,' smiled Eli as he stepped forward and offered his hand.

The detective flicked his eyes to Mr. Grant's patient hand, seemingly in contemplation. This lasted only a moment before he begrudgingly accepted and the men shook, both grasping one another in a firmer manner than traditionally called for.

Detective Grae departed from the house swiftly and without another spoken word.

Padding lightly up the stairs and into the parlour, Adeline made her way to the large bay window and cast the heavy, demask drapes aside to gaze at the darkened world outside. She watched idly as Mr. Grae walked with his wide gate away from her home and ever deeper into the hazy, acheronian night.


'He is a particularly unpleasant sort, I must say,' uttered Eli from behind where she stood.

Adeline let the drapes fall back into place as she stepped away from the window, 'Oh, Eli, he's really very nice, you know'

'I am seldom troubled, Adeline, but this pursuit of yours has me concerned,' Eli paused to sigh, 'Please, come sit'

Acquiescing, Adeline joined Mr. Grant at the tea table and awaited his diatribe.

Eli sat across from Adeline and gathered his thoughts before speaking, 'I care for you Adeline. As one of my dearest friends, I would like to think that in times of strife or confusion we can confide in, and perhaps even rely in one another for support and advice.'

'Of course,' Adeline agreed fervently.

Eli pursed his lips, 'If that is the case, I do not understand what on earth possessed you to seek out and hire that. . degenerate, without the council of a trusted friend'

Taking a thoughtful sip of cold tea from her delicate porcelain teacup, Adeline placed it on the table before replying, 'I can assure you, Eli, that Mr. Grae is anything but a degenerate. He is highly regarded by the titled in London, including Baron Hallewell, who enlisted Mr. Grae's services only months ago.'

Eli scoffed, 'That may be the case, but it certainly doesn't warrant you meeting the man alone and unescorted in broad daylight, and so close to this house, nonetheless. Are you trying to start a scandal? I fear your reputation may suffer my dear.'

'I don't fancy myself a brilliant woman, but surely I am competent enough to maintain myself on outings, Mr. Grant,' Adeline replied, willing herself to remain visibly neutral.

Eli leaned forward suddenly, expressing worry, 'Adeline, had I not infringed upon your meeting in the park, you would have certainly brought the man into your home without proper supervision. You may well have found yourself in a devilish mess. Do you not know the nature of men?'

Adeline shook her head lightly, 'Why, Eli, if I'm not mistaken, you are a man'

Mr. Grant dropped his eyes for a moment, 'Not all men are noble-minded, Adeline'

Just then, young Brona padded into the parlour to clean the tea arrangement, knowing implicitly that nine O'clock was the time guests would be politely guided toward the exit of the house.

Adeline smiled gently at her maid, a non-verbal communication to proceed with her duties while Mr. Grant continued to speak.

'If this 'detective' is not after you, than he is surely after your money. He sees a vulnerable and wounded woman willing to pay any cost for peace of mind. Mark my words Adeline, he will take you for everything you've got'

Adeline mindlessly watched Brona's hands as they began collecting the tea-ware from the table. But all at once, the young maid dropped the porcelain back onto the table and rose to cover her mouth as she visibly heaved, her back folding in on itself in a great gesture.

Adeline and Eli ceased conversation and watched Brona turn and dash out of the parlour, back toward the kitchen, her hand held steadfastly over her mouth until she was out of sight.

'Brona?' Adeline called out worriedly.

'Please Excuse me, Eli,' she muttered as she rose from her chair, brushing her hands down her overskirt to smooth it as she followed her young maid into the servant's quarters.

'Brona?' Adeline called softly as she approached the servant's water closet.

Peering in, she saw her young maid crouched over the loo, having just been sick.

'I'm terribly sorry, ma'am,' the maid apologized between heavy exhalations of air.

Adeline stepped into the room and knelt down, caressing Brona's back, 'Are you alright, darling?'

'I must have eaten something spoiled, Ma'am,' she admitted, forcing herself to gently simper.

'Poor dear. I insist you take the remainder of the evening off'

'That won't be necessary, Mrs. Moore, I-'

'Nonsense, Brona. You take the evening. If you are still ill come morning you will stay in bed,' Adeline persisted.

The young maid couldn't argue as her body heaved once more and she was forced to lower her head into the toilet to expel the contents of her stomach.

'Thank you, Ma'am,' Brona choked out with a raspy voice'

After fetching her maid a glass of water, Adeline returned to the parlour and took her seat across from Eli.

'Is the poor dear alright?'

'Bit of food poisoning. Nothing some rest and time won't take care of,' Adeline assured.

'I imagine you're right,' Eli paused as he stood from his chair, 'I suppose I really should be on my way, given the late hour.'

'I am rather tired,' Adeline agreed as she too, stood from her chair.

Eli stepped toward Adeline suddenly and took her hands into his own, 'I feel it best that I join you on your meetings with Mr. Grae from this point forward. I dread to imagine what predicament you might find yourself in without my accompaniment. Someone must take care of you now that Thomas is gone'

Adeline dropped her gaze to her and Mr. Grant's hands, 'Thank you for the offer, Eli, but I'm really quite capable of overseeing my own affairs'

'I insist, my dear. If only for my own sake and piece of mind,' Eli smiled warmly as he looked down to Adeline.

'I suppose the offer of help should never be turned away,' Adeline yielded.

'Precisely. Good night, Adeline,' Eli smiled as he let go of her hands and made his way toward the entrance hall.

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