《Desire ✓ - OLD VERSION》Important .. please read


Hey guys starting on

I will be un-publishing Desire.


Because I am not too happy with how I ended this book and what direction it went to, I didn't plan to have it end up like this.

When I was writing this i didn't really plan on how this would end. I just wrote what popped out of my head

I never sat down and jot down notes on what will happen in each chapter.

And I know some readers are kind of upset because Seth and Lydia didn't end up together or the ending was kinda terrible which it is...

It's my fault that I just threw in something at the end at the last minute. Like I never planned for Lydia to be in a mental ward, I never planned for her to run away with her therapist it just all doesn't make sense.

And I sincerely apologize to my readers I felt like I disappointed everyone seeing people saying that there never going to read my books is a jab at my chest.

I've been writing since I was 8 years old I've always loved writing but due to my busy schedule I never had the time to sit down and write anything. I am a senior in highschool and it's a lot of pressure for me right now and when I do have that little bit of time to write I never really plan.

I just put a chapter out there that doesn't make sense to keep you guys interested but now since winter break is coming I'm going to have a big come back in January with new and improved writing.

I'm going to rewrite the story front the beginning— except chapter 1 stays the same but everything else will change.

Sorry to disappoint you guys I hope you understand.

Happy Holidays ❤️🎄

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