《LACUNA || R.A.B》12. Confrontations and Accusations


Sunlight wandered in through the window tickling her eyes. She fluttered her eyelashes before opening them. The arched ceiling of her dorm stared back at her. Ivy felt good. Refreshed. As if she hadn't had a sleep this good in years. She sat up on her bed and stretched, feeling fresher than usual.

The previous night's memories returned back to her. She didn't remember much— her last clear memory was leaving Slughorn's office and walking into the cold corridor. She made a mental note to confront Regulus about the sleeping potion, as she got up. But deep down she felt as if she had needed it. She hadn't slept this well in ages.

"You look very refreshed," Maria said as the brunette made her bed. Ivy smiled and nodded her head. Today felt like it was going to be a good day. Paige was still in her bed, covers thrown over her as she snored.

"Why wouldn't she feel good?" Alexis commented with a suggestive smile. She was sitting on the dresser, applying eye liner, a book levitating in front of her. Lexi never stopped reading. She read when she ate, she read when she got ready, she read in class, she read on trains, she read during Quidditch matches. One time during 4th year when she had gotten a habit of sleepwalking, the girls had often found her walking around the common room with a book in her hand.

"Last night was too cozy for her," Lexi looked at Ivy through the mirror and winked. "What do you mean?" Ivy asked in confusion, folding her duvet. "Don't tell me you don't remember!" Lexi gasped. Ivy looked at Maria in question. "I really don't know what you're talking about."

"You came back dead asleep last night. Literally passed out." Maria explained. "Did Slughorn feed you sleeping potions or something?" "Yes– I mean No, No, of course not." Ivy gripped herself in time. Then she wondered to herself, why did she even? She never hid Regulus' ploys from the girls. Why was she doing it this time? Maybe it was because of all the tabloid rumors going around that she didn't want to bring him in her conversations. "Cut to the interesting part, Maria," Alexis interrupted impatiently.

"What interesting part?" Ivy asked in worry, nervousness creeping up. Had something happened? Had she done something embarrassing. Was Regulus involved again? The last thing she remembered was him walking behind her as she came back from the Slugclub.

"Do you seriously not remember how you got here?" Maria asked. Ivy thought for a second but no memories came to her mind. It was blank. "You came back here in the arms of our beloved Mr. Davies." Alexis blurted out. "WHAT?!" Ivy screamed, hey eyes widening.

"He carried you here. Knocked on our door, and even um.. put you down in bed." Maria explained. Ivy just stood there, her face gradually turning crimson with embarrassment. What was going on in her life these days?!

"What do you mean he carried me!? All the way from Slughorn's office?" Ivy asked worriedly. "Bridal style. It was so romantic." Alexis swooned. Ivy's mouth opened up in shock. She couldn't even imagine it. "Come on Alexis, don't tease her. She's already so embarrassed." Maria said as Alexis stifled her laugh. Then Maria turned to Ivy. "I wasn't anything like that, don't worry. Lexi's just messing with you." Ivy's eye brows were still scrunched together with worry. "He was just supporting you. You were basically sleepwalking." Ivy breathed a sigh of relief but it surely didn't cut down the embarrassment.


"Well whichever way he carried you, he did bring you here safely, and willingly." Alexis said. "You should thank him." Ivy nodded but cringed just at the thought of it. How was she going to face him now? "You guys would make such a cute couple though," she added. "It isn't anything like that!" Ivy said aloud in protest. "Sure. Whatever you say." Lexi smirked, getting out of the room to go for breakfast. "Well, she isn't wrong." Maria said. "But of course, if you aren't interested in him that can't be helped." She put a hand on Ivy's shoulder. "Don't be too embarrassed about it, just thank him." Ivy nodded weakly. "Wake Paige up and come down for breakfast, alright? We're waiting for you guys." Maria smiled, grabbing her satchel as she left the room too.

Ivy slumped down on her bed and buried her face into her pillow, letting out a muffled groan. Was there any day that had gone normal this year? How had she managed to involve herself into weird matters every day?


Transfiguration class ended and Ivy came out with Maria. They spotted Michael standing in the yard talking with some of his friends. "Go talk to him" Maria encouraged. Ivy really didn't want to face him — not after the embarrassing things Alexis had said earlier — but Michael had been kind enough to escort her safely back to the common room and she was grateful for this. If he hadn't done so, Ivy was sure Filtch would have found her snuggled up somewhere on the cold floor of Hogwarts. That would've been more embarrassing than this. So Ivy mustered up her courage and walked to the boy who was huddled between his friends. Michael was laughing at something his friend had said. Ivy cleared her throat and tapped him on his shoulder, grabbing his attention. Michael looked back, then smiled at her sight.

"Ivy!" he greeted. "Could I speak to you for a second?" Ivy asked nervously. He nodded and they both walked towards a more secluded part of the courtyard.

"What's up?" he asked. "And how are you now? You were really tired last night. Feeling okay now?" he asked with concern. Ivy nodded her head, suddenly feeling even more embarrassed. "Yea.. um.. about that.." she started. "I wanted to thank you." she glanced at him. "For bringing me back to my dorm." Michael waved his hand dismissively. "You don't need to thank me Ivy. We're friends. I was bound to help you when I saw you like that." He smiled at her. "I just hope I wasn't too much of a trouble." "Not at all. You were just asleep." Michael's calm demeanour was helping dissolve a lot of the embarrassment.

"How did you even find me? I have no memories of last night." Ivy asked with a nervous chuckle. But on the inside she was really concerned if he had found her in an embarrassing position or not. Like drooling on the floor. Did she even drool in her sleep?

There was a sudden change in Michael's expression. Though Ivy couldn't place it well, she really hoped she hadn't done anything awkward. Did she drool?!

"Actually.." said Michael. "I didn't find you anywhere in the corridors. I was coming back to the dorms after a meeting related to Quidditch with Professor Hooch when I saw you... and Regulus." ivy furrowed her brows. Then recalled they had left the party almost together. "Yes, Slughorn invited us both." she affirmed.


"I saw you both on the stairs to Ravenclaw. You were passed out sleeping and he was um.. Helping you up." "WHAT!?" Ivy screamed out loud for the second time in the day. So much for thinking today was going to be a good day. She was being met with shock after shock. Regulus Black? Helping her?! Ivy felt her head spin. She couldn't say anything out in shock.

"I got worried seeing you like that. I wondered if he had done anything to you. I asked him but he just said that you were very sleepy and could have fallen from the stairs if he hadn't helped you. I didn't completely believe him though. I still suspect he did something you know... considering your history." Michael explained. Ivy slowly shook her head in no. "He didn't do anything. I was just really tired."

Michael nodded. "He was so weird last night though.. I mean I have never interacted with him but he just reacted very... strange." Ivy looked at Michael with even more confusion. "I don't know... He just seemed very..." Michael stopped, looking for the right word. "Protective of you." Ivy could feel her face even more heating up. Whether from embarrassment or anger or confusion, she didn't know. "You must have misread him,'' Ivy said weakly. "No, really," Michael insisted. "He didn't want to leave you alone with me. When I said I could take you up the rest of the way, he completely denied me. It was so hard to convince him. At the end, he came all the way up."

There was something seriously, seriously wrong with whatever Michael was saying, Regulus would never ever be like that. Ivy seemed to forget the yule night with him as anger started seeping up again. She felt so, so angry at Regulus. Regulus willingly going up to the second highest part of Hogwarts and climbing all those unnecessary stairs when his common room was under the lowest floor? Totally unbelievable.

"He probably wanted to take you to the highest part of the tower and push you from there. Ivy started coming up with ridiculous explanations of her own. Because her mind and heart were just not accepting this. She needed an explanation.

Michael cleared his throat and Ivy realized he was still standing there. "Also...um... This really might not be the best time to ask but uh.. Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Michael asked. "I've been meaning to ask you for a while." he said. "Only if you are free and want to go." He quickly added. Ivy was still stuck in the Regulus scenario. "I'll think about it, Davies." She answered.

"Okay, sure! I'll wait for your answer." Michael looked nervous. "I'll see you later then." Ivy nodded. "Take care and don't overtire yourself with work. It really wasn't nice to see you so tired and sleepy last night." Ivy nodded again, managing to smile once at him. Then Michael returned back to his friends.

Ivy stormed inside the castle, anger and confusion increasing as she looked around for the only person who could give her a plausible explanation for everything. She looked around for him everywhere and thankfully spotted him walking in the corridor.

"Black!" she called out on impulse, immediately regretting. But he didn't seem to have heard her as he continued walking on. Ivy took quick steps, making her way between the students occupying the corridor. Regulus was very fast even when he walked. Ivy quickened her pace and just as he was in reach, she grabbed his arm to stop him. Regulus flinched, looking back, first at the hand that gripped his forearm, and then up at her face. Ivy stared back too. There was a few seconds of silence between them.

A group of girls nearby squealed, grabbing the pair's attention. The girls were huddled in a group as they jumped, covering their mouths with their hands in excitement. They looked at Ivy and Regulus —together — and Ivy's hand that held his arm. One of the girls held the damned tabloid in her arms, hugging it close to her. Their picture from the ball stared back at them.

Ivy left his arm and Regulus pulled it away simultaneously. The girls continued to fawn over them. Regulus cleared his throat. "What do you want?" He asked, feigning an annoyed tone. Ivy got back in action and narrowed her eyes at him. "We need to talk," she said gritting her teeth. Then looked at the girls who had gathered nearby. "In private." She said pointedly towards them. "Oh My God, they want to talk! In private!" The girl holding the tabloid said, another surge of squeals following her words.

Ivy ignored them, walking ahead and into an empty classroom. Regulus followed suit. "What is wrong with everyone these days?" Regulus muttered. Ivy crossed her arms, setting an angry gaze on him. "What is wrong with you, Regulus?"

"What do you mean?" he answered, a displeased look on his face. "What were you planning last night? I heard everything from Michael." she narrowed her eyes at him. "What were you trying? I doubt it was as apparent as it seemed to Michael." she said in an accusing tone. Regulus felt a surge of anger rush through him.

"I helped you, okay?" he took a step forward. "You were tumbling on those stairs. They were constantly moving and if it weren't for me you would have seriously injured yourself.'' Regulus' voice was loud, brimming through him as he burst out. "Honestly, do you always have to assume the worst of me?"

Ivy was taken aback by his outburst. He stood so close, towering over her. Ivy cowered under his tall frame, his angered eyes making her feel small and intimidated. "I told you to not touch me without my permission again.'' She tried to maintain her composure, but her voice came out weak. "I did ask for your permission." he glared straight into her eyes. "Whether you want to believe me or not." Ivy felt uneasy but there was something in his tone that convinced her that he hadn't been lying.

Regulus took a step back, still looking at her with scornful, and maybe even hurt, eyes before turning around, leaving the classroom. Ivy shuddered, letting out a breath she had been holding. She didn't like how this had turned out and she was even more confused than ever.

Do you always have to assume the worst of me?

And maybe guilt seeping in too.


Dinner had been served hours ago, and everyone at Hogwarts was either in their dorms or the common room. The girls were also in their dorm, not asleep yet. Maria and Paige were playing a game of chess, Alexis sitting nearby them with a book in her hands. Ivy sat on her bed, doing her assignments.

Ivy stared at her notes, mind lost elsewhere. She had been writing the same word over and over again without knowing so. Everything Michael had told her, and the whole encounter with Regulus— all of it was bothering her too much. So many unanswered questions, it felt like her head was cloudy. And she had a bad feeling seeping in her heart too. Her conscience constantly blaming her for having done something wrong. Had it been too wrong to assume the worst of him when he had never really done anything good to her ever? Had she been too harsh by jumping to conclusions like that? Why did she feel so guilty about it?

Fingers snapped in front of her eyes, pulling her out of the spiral of thoughts. She looked up at Alexis' face. "Where are you lost? We've been calling you for a while now." she said. "Want a chess match?"

"Hm?" Ivy shifted her mind back to Alexis' words. "Yeah, sorry. I was thinking of something." she replied. Alexis raised an eye brow. "What's with that look on your face?" "What look?"

"You're bothered about something. You always make that face when something is troubling you." Paige intervened. "No, I'm fine." Ivy feigned a smile. "Just some unimportant business." Maria gave her an unsure look, but decided not to prod further.

"Anyways," Alexis said, changing the topic. "Did you talk to Michael?" Ivy nodded. "He um.. He asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. This weekend." Alexis slammed her book shut, the other heads in the room snapping up to look at the Blonde. "What?" Ivy asked upon seeing the look on their faces. "Did you just–" Alexis' eyes widened. Then an amused smile found way to her lips. "Did you just get asked out on a date!?"

"What?! No, No, You're misundersta—" Ivy started but Alexis beat her too it. "Don't you dare deny this anymore." she put her fingers on Ivy's lips. "He asked you to come to Hogsmeade with him, right?" Ivy nodded.

"This weekend?"




"Then what else is this if it isn't a date?!" Alexis slammed her boom on the chessboard, interrupting Paige and Maria's game. "But he never mentioned it." Ivy protested. "He just said he had to ask me about something."

"Nobody has to actually say it to mean that." Maria added. "Besides, does he even have to say it? Every one of his actions suggests that he's interested." Alexis tried knocking some sense into her. "Honestly, Ives, how can you read so many novels and still be this dense."

"She's just inexperienced." Paige said. "It's okay sister, I'll teach you everything." There was a mutual roll of eyes. "As if you have any experience." Maria said softly with a laugh. "Come on guys, I really don't think it's like that.." Ivy furrowed her eye brows in worry.

"What did you answer him?" Alexis asked. "I said I'll think about it. And tell him later." "Well, the trip is in one day so you better make up your mind quickly." Alexis pursed her lips.

"What do I do?" Ivy asked desperately. The whole Regulus thing was already too much on her mind, and now this too. What if he really likes her?

"I think.." Maria said. "I think you should give other people a chance too. How long are you going to keep pining over Sirius? I don't even think you like him like that anymore. It's just a crush that everyone has on the popular guy." Ivy remained quiet, not knowing what to say. "Everyone at Hogwarts likes the Marauders. You're just one of them."

Ivy shook her head. "What ever the case.," she said. "I really don't see Michael that way."

"Well, you could start now." Alexis told her. "Just go on this date with him and see if you like it or not.

"And what if I don't? How do I reject him?" This worried Ivy the most. The rejection. Michael was really a great guy, she didn't want to hurt his feelings in case the suspicions were true. "I really really don't want to hurt him."

"Then refuse of course," Paige said. "Politely. He's an understanding person. He'll understand." Ivy still felt unsure about this. "Don't worry," Maria got up, rubbing Ivy's shoulder with sympathy. "We'll guide you on how to do it in an easy way. And don't feel too bad about hurting him. It will be much worse if you keep leading him on without giving a clear answer. So go on this one date, make up your mind and then give him an answer." Ivy nodded hesitantly.

And so it was settled.

Ivy Binns was going to Hogsmeade with Michael Davies.

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