《The Colour of Your Heart》Chapter 8 - The Devil's Banquet


Her thoughts didn’t plague her for too long as the grey servants marched in. Right behind them was Mammon, already ordering them to lay some gowns and prepare her for her fittings. It was a relief to see Miina among them, but her movements were so doll-like, Mara feared and wondered whether the grey had finally taken her this time.

When he nodded approvingly on choice of attire (perhaps by the fifth try), Mammon stood and bid his short goodbyes. He then collected little Shiro from Mara’s bed, who was tossing around and mouthing pieces of clothing.

'Wait, where are you taking him?' Mara asked, alarmed.

Mammon cocked his head, and held up a piece of fabric that had been laying on the bed.

'This, used to be part of that fine attire. The holes you see here are not part of its design. We've only just picked a dress, I'll be a purified demon before I let Shiro loose anywhere near it. He's only lost his size, not his bite.'

As though in agreement, an overexcited Shiro barked twice. Such quiet and sweet sounds. Mara was reluctant to part from her pup, but yet again, Mammon didn’t give her a chance to refute. The servants bathed her, dried her and then coiffed her wild hair. With her new updo, and every strand in place, she could hardly recognise herself. Her neck seemed longer, leaner somehow, and her shoulders normally hunched and slouchy under her sweaters, were now pulled back and straight, enhancing her posture. It was a mystery how her exposed skin glowed; it was as if she blossomed.

The servants waited as Miina held up the gown she was to wear. Her flustered fidgeting showed her excitement, which only contrasted with Mara’s discomfort. Still, it was a relief to see her new friend still carried some warm blooded emotions. As she moved to put on the dress, so did the robotic servants to help. When they were done, immediately something felt out of place. It was definitely not something she would ever wear, not by choice. It was long, the dress; dark green, and covered with wide leaves made of black lace. The top was only held by a thin laced string that went over her collarbone and connected behind her neck; otherwise, it was backless, down to her lower back. It moulded itself to her slender shape, accentuating the curves and even the cleavage she had always dismissed as flat. A sudden chill made her skin crawl. It wasn’t a change in temperature in the windowless room. It was the sight of her reflection in the mirror. The body, the person she saw felt like someone else. She looked around, and though the grey servants kept their blank stares, Miina’s eyes twinkled with emotion.



‘I-I’ve just… You look so... I’ve never seen anyone look so beautiful.’

‘What are you saying? It’s just a dress.’ Mara said with a nervous edge.

‘No, it’s true... your soul, it is radiating now, so much.’

Beautiful. Radiating. Words she had never imagined she’d be associated with. Mara turned again to the mirror, as though she’d be able to see her soul, but there was only this strange version of herself staring back. Despite her dread, the compulsion to hide behind her hair didn’t come. The urge to shrink in herself didn’t consume her either. She didn't even feel like chewing her nails or pick on her cuticles. Instead, a new puzzling feeling was growing: it just felt less wrong to allow herself to be seen. Mammon’s choice had been daring and annoying, but she had to admit: the sexist butler had good taste.

Lucious and Mammon walked in.

Both men were in their formal attires. Mammon wore a dark grey suit, three piece, with a tie, while Lucious wore a formal version of his royal uniform, black and red. His wings were out in full bloom and his hair was combed back, making his horns more prominent. He also wore a new mask; black, with golden markings which covered his eyes and rested on the bridge of his nose. Whatever they’d been discussing died when they saw her. Mammon’s prideful smile made her more uncomfortable; or more paranoid, she couldn't decide. Lucious, she couldn’t read at all. He remained silent and stared. She couldn’t see them, but she felt his eyes on her.

Never had that mask bothered her so!

And why did she feel the need to see his reaction in the first place? Was she actually craving his approval or acknowledgement? It was ridiculous!

Lucious raised his hand, and either coughed or cleared his throat, she couldn’t tell, but he turned away, his cold confidence seemingly shaken.

‘Well done, ladies. Thank you, you are free to go.’ Mammon said, releasing the servants from their statue-like state. Miina stole a brief reassuring glance at Mara before closing the door behind her.

‘Humans have always been unpredictable creatures. Look at the difference a piece of fabric can make. It’s like you were born anew; only to higher and better standards.’ — Mammon smiled so genuinely that it confused her. He really was oblivious to his condescending behaviour, wasn’t he?! — ‘Lady Mara, are you ready?’


‘One moment, Mammon.’ It was Lucious now.

She was two steps above him when he approached. Closer now, she could see a thin veil of green floating around him.

‘The feather. Are you wearing it?’

Her hand reached her chest, and she nodded timidly. As he spoke in her mind, he sounded different; not as cold as he had always been. This made her nervous. Nothing had changed since they last saw each other just a few hours before. Why was he now so calm about it?

Bowing, Lucious extended his left hand to her.

‘Wh-what are you doing?’

He raised his head to her, but with the mask he wore, it did little to soothe her.

‘I’m escorting you.’

‘Do we need to hold hands for that?!’

Lucious cocked his head. ‘It’s customary. Does it bother you?’

‘No, I… I don’t know how things work around here. I’ve also never been to a fancy banquet before.’ Her eyes drifted everywhere away from him.

‘Oh, but even if you had my dear, there’s simply no comparison.’ Mammon jested, and she frowned in response.

‘Just follow my lead.’ — Lucious said as his hand waited for hers. — ‘You look… the dress… It was a good choice. It suits the occasion well.’

Mara’s neck and cheeks grew hot and the pit of her stomach quivered. He sounded like a completely different person. What was he playing at?

It was Mammon who had had enough. ‘For Satan'ssake, would you just take the gentleman’s hand? I cannot blame you, as clearly you don’t know any better, but this is what chivalry looks like.’ He finished, rolling his eyes.

Mara’s frown deepened. Fine; It was only to keep up appearances anyway, and this was a custom here. It meant nothing. She reached for his gloved hand and let him lead the way. His hold was gentle yet decidedly present. When she moved down the steps, she looked up at him and was reminded of their height difference once more. The last time they had been this close was when he embraced her in her flat. Her heart quickened at the memory. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking of useless things!

They approached Mammon, who placed a veil over her head.

‘Just a little something to keep you away from prying eyes. You will see everything, but no one will see you. Well, they won’t be able to see the colour of your soul more like. Do try to keep it on, my lady, it would be very cumbersome were it to come off recklessly.’ Mammon smiled.

They walked together past the double doors and into the hallway. Pox had been waiting for them, holding his polished axe. Even he was dressed up in a shinier silver armour. It was only her second time stepping out and seeing the rough edged walls of what looked like a very large an underground passage. She gawked at the paintings and sculptures she had missed that first time around.

Mammon reached over to Lucious ear and whispered, ‘It suits the occasion well?! I mean, of all the things, honestly.’, he said, shaking his head. Lucious didn’t reply.

Something in his movement caught Mara’s attention. When she looked up, he stiffly kept his gaze ahead. She noticed the pointy tip of his ear flushing a curious red.

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