《Killing demon as a deity》Kyosuke's fight!


Arisa grew nervous and her eyes filled with dread, she shouted to Kira with a high screech. “Don’t let them touch!!”

Kyosuke raised his bow to Kira and struggled as he gripped the bow string, his arm trembled while lifting it up.

Arisa reached for her stack of papers and ripped out a handful at random, then threw them into the air with panic. The pages scattered in the air and started gliding down like a veil of feathers.

She joined her hands together and weaved a chain of hand signs that started resonating reactions from the talismans. One by one they began to glow and react to her signs, stopping in place.

When she finished her signs there were a handful of small paper talismans frozen in the air around her glowing multiple colours. She joined her fingers together to create an intricate shape and aimed it towards Kyosuke.

A faint blue light began to emit from under her feet and soon filled the air around her making an aura.

“I’m done being your play thing that you can abuse! This is my first fight- now roll over and stay down. Release!”

A bolt of lightning followed by water and fire started bursting from the talismans, creating a barrage of elemental attacks.

Kyosuke shot off one of his arrows but it had no special effects like it had before; instead the plain arrow was flung against the barrage of powerful elemental attacks.

The lightening mixed into her barrage forced its way forwards as if it were being pulled and struck against the arrow. The electricity focused over the arrow head but the arrow continued on its trajectory.

Arisa gasped back in surprise as she watched the fire and wind blasts collide against the arrow encompassed in lightening.

With a single arrow he managed to stop her barrage of attacks and bought enough time for him to frantically search through his uniforms pockets. He pulled out a small bean and scarfed it down with haste; by the time the smoke cleared he was brought to his knees by an agonising pain.


“What was that…was it some kind of drug for the pain?” Arisa muttered silently.

Kyosuke bolted up in place with his eyes widened with red where the white would be, his body started to tense up and pulse rapidly. His steps began to lose its stiff and rugged motions; it became lighter until he was able to sprint forward at a swift speed.

Kyosuke wasn’t moving like he had before, as if all the pain and fatigue he had before was erased after eating that pill.

“Don’t tell me…that was a Rush Raisin?!” She huffed.

The Rush Raisin is an abnormal Narcotic made from rare fruit that is able to completely take away the stresses put on the body for a short amount of time but a large amount of stress is placed on the user afterwards which most times kills them.

Kyosuke darted from side to side and avoided all of Arisa’s attacks, no matter how many talismans she threw up she wasn’t able to stop him.

By the time that he had closed in on her she was already casting a new one and formed a sign using her right hand. The talisman floating in front of her caught fire and swirled into a spiralling wall of flames.

“I hope this will be enough-!”

A charred arm broke through the flaming wall and grabbed her face, gripping against the sides of her cheek with a firm grasp.

Utter fear filled her eyes as his warm grip took hold of her face and pulled it closer towards the fire. Before she made contact with the wall she let go of her sign and the flames faded off into nothing.

Kyosuke tightened his grip and lifted her into the air, causing her to float an inch of the ground. He arched his arm with the intent of driving her into the ground.


He wound his arm back and was seconds away from delivering the devastating blow to the ground when he heard a deep bellow beside him.

Kira charged towards him without his sword, clenching a fist to his side. Kyosuke dropped Arisa in place and charged back at Kira.

Kyosuke's expression turned to that of a wild animal and burst forward at a high speed, when the both of them clashed together Kira pushed him back with a heavy force. He drove his fist through Kyosuke's guard and landed a strike to his jaw.

The loud crunch and snap against his wrist didn’t faze him as he continued to throw attack after attack.

Kira grabbed Kyosuke's arm and pulled him back, then drove his left fist forward in a straight punch. Kyosuke fell back with a trail of blood trailing behind his nose and moved like a rag doll being thrown around by a raging dog. Utterly overwhelmed.

Kira bent down into a crouch and kicked his leg up, which sent him flying into the air. As Kyosuke's lifeless body shot up meters into the air his eyes suddenly snapped open and shouted with a desperate voice.

“Now father!”

A large mouth made of mana bit down on Kyosuke's body, swallowing him whole. A splash of blood burst from both corners of the mouth before retracting back into his chest.

Surrounded by mana Demen rose up from his knees and smirked at his arm which began regenerating. The crumbling fractures from his severed limb fell back into place and formed a new arm.

He waved it around in awe before letting out a devilish laugh. “I did it- I can’t die! I am go…”

Demen looked down at Kyosuke who lied by his feet in pain, covered in blood and wounds. The burns that he had suffered before didn’t make up half the wounds that were inflicted to his body in the last few minutes.

Large gashes of ripped skin and bite marks ran down his sides and left him in an unbearable state, writhing in pain.

Kyosuke rolled over moaning as the pool around him grew larger with each passing second.

“I hate to see you like this…you have been so loyal and I have the power to make you stronger, to take this pain away forever!”

Kyosuke's bloodied mouth that had been constantly coughing out blood turned into a faint smile, followed by a flicker of life which remained in his eyes.

Demen's face soured.

“To be in this kind of state, you must have been beaten pretty badly. You really have turned into such a disappointment.”

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