《Triplicity》Chapter 7 - Foe? Friend? Fiend?



Daddy, what did I do wrong?

I’ve been a good girl. I did everything you asked.

I cleaned my cell.

I took my medicine.

Even when… when the darkness came, I learned not to scream.

You don’t even let me play with Tom anymore.

Don’t you love me, daddy?

Anne slowly opened her eyes. Her body was stiff and cold, and her eyes were puffy, making it a little harder to see.

Another ceiling.

She lay there in silence as she awoke. Her body felt warmer as some time passed. She wiggled her toes when she sensed a tingling sensation spread through her legs.

She tried to push herself up but could not.

Why won’t my body listen to me?

Why can’t I move my…?

She held up her hand to her face, yet there was nothing.

Anne turned her head to inspect her arms, only to be met by white bandages ending where her tiny shoulders should be. The bandages were yellowish-white but relatively clean. She was in a small bed, tucked in under some plain sheets up to her middle. Several machines and equipment were softly beeping away beside her, running their little pipes and wires all over her and disappearing somewhere behind her body, into her sides, and under the sheets. The rest of the room was out of focus and the air was nippy, with only a few lights shining down from the ceiling somewhere above her. Anne suddenly remembered the overturned vehicle that she was pulled from, following the attack on the convoy that was transporting them.

Oh yeah… that wasn’t a dream.

She could feel a small sense of pity and dismay tugging at the back of her head, but her mind felt exceedingly drained, giving these feelings very little power to affect her.

What is going on?


She tried to revive her thoughts. The fatigue made it difficult to tap into her emotions, but she kept trying to focus and make sense of the jumble in her head. After struggling for a few minutes, she found that pushing her anxiety aside was somehow much easier than at the farm. It was as if waking herself from a deep slumber.

This will work, I guess. Anne thought as a small smile spread across her face. She readied herself as she focused on her consciousness.

Tom?... Tom!

She released her thoughts outwards like a wave, drifting and washing far into the unknown around her, feeling it reverberate out and fill her surroundings. A few moments later she could feel another consciousness react to hers off in the distance. The touch was familiar. It was from Tom.

Wait. What did I just do?

For a moment Anne could discern her subconscious, yet it felt alien.

I didn’t know I could do that…

Her thoughts were interrupted by the soft pitter-patter of footsteps from the right side of her bed. A door clanked open and Tom came running in. He was smiling from ear to ear, almost crashing into Anne’s bed when he reached her.

“Hey Tom,” Anne said weakly.

Anne saw a figure cloaked in white approaching from behind Tom.

Tom spun around and pointed at Anne, clearly showing his excitement to the person that entered.


“Hello there, young lady.” The woman’s voice echoed as she came into view. She was a long, thin woman with graying brown hair and a thick pair of glasses. Her voice was soft and gentle, speaking slowly so Anne could keep up, yet her demeanor was stern and unyielding.

“How are you feeling dear? I’m so happy you are finally awake.”

“I’m… I think I’m ok,” Anne answered.

“Who, who are you? Where are we? How long have I been… here?”

“Well,” The woman sat down on a small stool next to her bed.

“I am Doctor Elizabeth Harvey, but you can just call me Elly.”

Tom excitedly held out his hands and Elly lifted him onto her lap.

Tom trusts her. Can she be trusted? She is a doctor no less. I hate doctors.

“You have been here for about 2 weeks now. We managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize you, but you went into a coma soon after.

You had us very worried. I only arrived yesterday morning, but I’m happy to see that my team has taken good care of you.”

There was a slight pause as she looked them over. "It's bizarre, but you two remind me of someone."

“The military seemed to think you two are very important for you to be moved in such a convoy. We just had to keep whoever they had seized away from them and their experiments.”

She added slowly.

“And… I am truly sorry,” Elly said as she stared at the bandages.

“Our intel was a bit off when we commenced the assault. Even now that we took you two in, we still have no idea who we have found or where you came from. Everyone has been expressly ordered to not do any physical examinations until I have arrived and you are awake, except for treating your wounds of course. Your friend here has been my shadow from the moment I arrived, so I could not help but notice these.”

Elly softly prodded a socket on Tom's arm.

She looks sad. Doctors don’t look sad. They can’t be.

Where are these feelings coming from?

I can’t remember ever meeting a doctor, yet I feel disgusted that she is here.

“But,” Elly continued.

“We are working tirelessly to make amends and to fix what we have done to you.”

“What are your names, dear?” Elly asked while Tom was playing with her hands.

“I’m… I’m Anne, and this…” Anne replied.

“That- is such a pretty name.” Elly interrupted. She could not hide the confusion in her voice as she glanced at Tom on her lap. The room was silent as Elly looked discerningly at Anne, then she took Tom’s arm to examine his birthdate imprinted on his wrist after she ran her finger across one of his sockets again.

“Tom?” Elly finally asked quietly.

Tom replied with a big grin and an exaggerated nod.

Elly’s face went a harsh pale. Her eyes were wide.

“Impossible…” Elly mumbled.

“I-. It can’t. I-,” She stuttered as she lifted Tom off her and jumped from her seat. She faced them as she slowly walked backward.


“I have to make a very urgent call.” She stammered and ran for the door.

It was not long after when three other people wearing white coats came bursting in. All of them pale with shock or surprise.

What is going on? Have these people gone mad?

They ran up to the bed and saluted before moving closer.

“We are moving you to a better locale, ok ma’am?” A woman asked.

“Ok?” Anne said, still confused.

The woman nodded at the other two men with her and they removed the breaks from her bed and shut down the machines next to her. They then proceeded to carefully remove the wires and pipes that were attached to Anne, being almost overly careful. Anne eyed them as they worked.

None of these things made use of my sockets. It is a good thing, I guess. Are they scared of me?

“You won’t need most of these anymore, now that you are awake.” The woman pointed to the machines.

“Some monitoring units will still be needed a little longer though, they will be waiting for you.”

They pushed her bed out of the room and down a long hallway with dozens of doors leading out of it and windows lining the walls. Tom was holding on to one of the bed rails, following closely. Looking through the windows revealed rooms filled with people and equipment, big screens, and flashing consoles that lined some of the walls. No more white coats were seen.

The hallway was buzzing with people, yet everyone they passed stopped to gawk as everyone’s attention was drawn to Anne and Tom. Some were frozen in place, some saluted, and some even bowed as they passed.

They turned right around the first corner and soon after turned left. They passed a set of large doors guarded by six heavily armed men, all saluting as they passed.

They finally entered a small, well-lit room. In each corner was a big pot filled with either lush ferns or beautiful flowers.

They parked her bed, secured the wheels, and reconnected two small machines that were standing next to the bed to Anne. After a quick goodbye, the three doctors scurried out of the room.

Tom was at Anne’s side still holding the bedrails. His knuckles were white as he clung to the rail.

They were soon joined by Elly who stopped in the doorway while talking furiously over a phone.

“Push the build for Anne up to the highest priority. Prototypes can’t be prototypes forever. I want it done before the general arrives or all of our heads will be served on a plate!”

Elly yelled as she ends the call.

“Oh! Sorry dears. I didn’t know you were here already.” She apologized.

“You must be starving!” She exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

“I’ll have them bring you food right away. It has been weeks since you had a proper meal, Anne.”

Elly started dialing her next call as she disappeared out the door.

Tom climbed up onto her bed so he could sit beside her.

“Thank you, Tom,” Anne said.

“I have no idea what is going on, but I’m glad you are here. Do you trust these people? Has it truly been 2 weeks?”

Tom nodded as he wiped his teary eyes, looking at Anne’s bandages. He puffed up and shifted Anne’s pillows, then helped her up so she can sit upright next to him. The realization of not having arms was quickly filling Anne’s mind.

Tom also looked very concerned, as he could feel her apprehension growing.

“Tom. Who are we?” Anne suddenly asked.

“And… what do you think Elly meant by fixing what was done to me?”

Tom looked down at their feet and shrugged.

Before they could give it more thought the door opened and a short lady came in. The lady was pushing a tray with two large plates of food and two large glasses of water. She left the tray next to Anne’s bed and left the room quickly and without saying a word.

Tom pulled the trolley closer and picked up a plate. It was warm chicken fillets with green beans and potato wedges. The smells drifted around them, which sent their bellies grumbling.

Without a second thought, Tom started cutting the food into small bite-sized portions. Careful not to make a mess Tom held out a spoonful in front of Anne’s face.

Blushing slightly, she accepted, and Tom carried on feeding her. She was barely three bites in when the mixture of sadness, fear, and uncertainty that was held back by her mental fatigue broke free. Tears flowed down Anne’s cheeks, but Tom pushed on, encouraging her as best he could.

When they finished with her plate, Tom threw his arms around Anne’s now even smaller body and held her untill she calmed down.

“We need to be stronger,” Anne whispered through her tears.

“And we need to find a purpose.”

To that Tom heartily agreed. He sat in silence as he turned to his plate while Anne closed her eyes, trying to make sense of all the questions that were plaguing her mind.

The door slowly opened, and Elly walked in.

“I hope the food is amazing, yes?” Elly smiled as she sniffed the air.

“After dinner, you two should be off to bed, ok? Tomorrow is going to be a long day, especially for you Anne.” Elly said clearly.

“We need to get you ready, for in four days you two will meet with the general.

I’m sure you have a bunch of questions.

They will all be answered in the days to come.”

“Anne, tomorrow after breakfast we will begin with your measurements. Tom, your room is now the one next door.”

Tom gave a quick nod.

“And before you two go to bed, drink up please,” She pointed at the glasses of water.

“I cannot stress this enough. Do you understand?”

“Now, goodnight dearies.”

At these words, Elly gave them a bow and left the room.

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