《Demon Lord revenge》The demon appearence


It was a week after all this crimes,but my plan was declined.Even if i can't use the prisoners,they will be killed by that demon.

"Have you found something this week",i asked Moro with a tired voice.

"This demon is smart but he don't makes many moves",Moro sighed.

"I need to analyzes the city,but i could be found",he said with a scared voice.

After Moro became a sword,its power was sealed he is not the same devil that was destroying towns with just one attack,his power itself is weak but strong if he think.

"How many skills do you have",i said confused,i saw just some skills were he was able to control the wood and he analyzed my skills with no problem.

"I could manipulate wood,stone,blood,iron,gold,diamond,....",so many skills that control materials.

"And i have super regeneration",its not even truly all the skills but his strong as fuck.

After the talk,i walked some minutes and i saw a crowd of people that were reading a paper:

"From this day the drug dealers were captured,but the murder not.The drugs had been found seven hours ago,there were not just drugs,but even dangerous poisons now the hero had accepted to help us the guards.From this day everyone please stay at home"

So thats the demon move,the guards found that the murder is a demon,but to not make a fuss they didn't said.

I am gonna kill that demon,even if the hero helps us,we are weak compared to that demon.

From the Helion pov.

I was walking in the night, some hours ago the guards made a problem for me so i need to kill somebody from their team.


"Hey who are",a young boy unleashed its sword.

"A demon",i said with a happy voice.

I appeared behind him and broke his arm,"Aaaaaaaaa,help me",he screamed.

I made a hole in his chest,he is going to make me more problems.Ahhhhhh,a fire blast hit me.

"Ice magic:Multi ice swords",ten circles with huge swords that could cut somebody in half were flying to kill me.

"Blood thorn appeare",a thorn appeared in my head and it blocked all the attacks.

"Die you demon,Light magic:Arius",the man in white clothes was covered in a glowing cloak.

"Hhhhhhaaa",the man appeared right in my face and punched me.

I flew some meters away.

"Fuck that hurt",i rised on my legs.

"Haaaaaahhahah",i began to laught.

I heard a huge sound behind my back,i was hit by serpent made from grass and a fire tornado.

It hurts,such a good feeling hahaha.

I fall on the cold earth that was covered from my blood,it was such a interesting feeling that i didn't know that could feel.

I rised on my legs another time.

"What,how is this possible,he was poisoned and burned and he can survive after this",he screamed,i feel my body like i could die at anytime.

I made some steps to go close to them,i am human but i became a vessel for a demon.My life was destroyed and i became a murder hahah.

I made a dark ball in my hand,the shadows began to move,why are the shadows moving.

"I am gonna kill you",a boy that had its age like 12 appeared from my shadow.

He punched my face with full power.

From my Pov.

The Helion had flew 10 meters,his face was hurted by Elfire punch.


The Helion raised on his legs,he saw Elfire covered in shadows with a crystal in his chest.Elfire eyes were red like the blood in his right hand he was having Moro.

"So Helion how its to be trapped,i didn't know that you were so strong",Elfire said, expanding its aura.

"You want to kill me,a beign that lives in a realm that exits beyond your understanding",The demon said with a angry voice,his body was burned and poisoned.

The Death realm was itself beyond the Human realm,many humans couldn't understand what truly it is,the beigns like Spirits,Dragon Gods and Kings could understand this realm,but that was at the beggining,now many races appeared and found it secrets.

Elfire used Dark magic and appeared close to him.

The Helion was suprised of Elfire speed,but he blocked its attack at hit him in the stomache.

"Aaaaar,Moro change",Elfire screamed,the sword become more bigger.

The Helion grabbed the sword,his hand was hurt.

Elfire let off the sword and with a speed that a normal human couldn't react he hit seven times the demon.

"You punk",the demon used his leg to hit Elfire,his speed was enough to hit Elfire and make him fly.

" Attack ! ",every guard began to attack.

The Helion eyes became huge as a rock,he was poisoned and he couldn't defeat so many people at one time.

"You humans are so stupid",The Helion unleashed its aura ,on its back wings had grown.

He made a single step and moved faster that somebody could blink,"Die",spikes grew from the Helion back and hit three guards with one hit.

"He can control its body as he want,he has Body magic",Elfire said rising on his legs,the crystal began to glow more.

Elfire shadows began to fuse with him.

Elfire body became heavier,he feel that he can fight even more.

"Aaaaaaa,Dark magic:Chains of Darkness",dark chains appeared and locked the demon.

"You fool",the demon eyes began to be more dark that before.


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