《Killing demon as a deity》Demen's rage


Kira was drifting in and out of consciousness while lying back in the dirt covered in blood and wounds. His body was quite durable to withstand all the blows he had taken in such a short span of time.

Demen laughed out at the dishevelled sight of Kira. “Do you see now the difference between those chosen and those who were born evil? I am special- I am righteous- I am…what?”

He looked down with disgust as Kira slowly raised himself up from the ground. Even while barely able to breathe he still reached for his sword and used it as a crutch to stand up.

The ominous aura surrounding Demen spiked up with a flustered expression, he pulled his arm back for a powerful punch. The pebbles and debris around them began to levitate off the ground a few inches as he wound up the attack.

“You can call yourself god for all I care, but once you trade your humanity for such ridiculous reasons…there’s no way you could consider yourself righteous.” Kira said in a battered state.

“I was wrong about it all…there’s no reason to punish you. I should just destroy you right now.” Demen stated with a serious tone.

Demen drove his fist forward, covered in a potent purple aura that seemed to encompass everything that surrounded him before.

He extended his arm out and had a clear shot as it pushed wind around his knuckles while heading towards him. A large bang struck the end of his fist and the entire area was enveloped in a cloud of dust.

The cloud pooled over the area as if several small explosions had followed after each other where they stood. It slowly started to dissipate and Demen looked visibly frustrated as he peered towards a figure from outside the clouds range.


“What do you think you’re doing- Arisa?”

His fist was only a breath away from making impact with Kira before it stopped. Demen could be seen trembling in place, clearly resisting a force that prevented him from advancing.

He turned his attention to the right where he saw Arisa crouched over and out of breath, holding a sizzling talisman in her hand. She stood over the ropes that were binding her before along with scattered pieces of torn paper.

“You’re a monster Demen…and you need to be stopped! I blame myself for believing that you were what you promised to be…I see now that I need to help him destroy you.”

Arisa seemed uncomfortable looking at the mangled corpses but she forced herself to as she spoke. A raw anger followed behind her words as she looked at them with horror and shame.

A fierce expression over took her and she pulled out another talisman with a similar pattern on it and flung it forward to Demen.

The paper flew to him and stretched out around his body, wrapping him in paper that became flexible and rubbery. It bound his arms and legs in place while restricting his movements; as if stretched over him it pulled his arms and legs in.

“Move out the way before he breaks free, my grip is slipping!” She shouted desperately.

Kira snapped into action and stumbled backwards out of reach, making his way to Arisa’s side. She had a new air to her, expelling a confident aura in everything she did.

“You got pretty beat up for my sake, why didn’t you run when you had the chance? I’m sure you would have been able to escape at some point.” She asked.

She had her attention on Demen and keeping him in place but Kira could see that she looked genuinely guilty. He let out a sigh and placed his hand on the top of her head.


“There’s no way I would leave someone innocent to this mess behind.”

Kira came off really cool, completely captivating Arisa which threw her off completely. She blushed and lowered her head while trying to regain her composure.

“Not to mention I got pretty lost in here… I mean I tried to make a run for it but at some point I decided to just stay behind~” He said with a disappointed grin.

Arisa cringed backwards and had an annoyed glare pointed to him. “You liar! Why did you have to ruin a good moment-”

The talismans in her hand both burnt up and vanished from her grip leaving a trace of ashes. Demen started tearing through and was gradually freeing himself. He bellowed out with a rage fuelled war cry that shook the ground.

Cracks began to form in the dirt and summoned a gust of wind to surround him, with his screams.

The aura around him was going crazy and went completely out of control; the pupils in his eyes disappeared and went blank as he burst out from the paper restraints.

“Aaaaarrrrrrghhh- No more- BRATS!! He roared.

‘His mana feels even higher than before…I won’t win a one on one fight not to mention there’s no chance at defending Arisa either-’

Kira had his thought interrupted by a sudden slap on his back; Arisa had stuck one of her newer talismans on him with a determined grin. “I swiped this from the archives in the manner; it should make you feel better…probably.”

“What do you mean probably- you mean you don’t know what will… my body is starting to feel lighter?” Kira muttered with surprise.

Demen burst forward with a swift speed and aimed his fists covered in purple energy towards Arisa.

Kira drove his sword into his stomach with a sideways swing, completely stopping Demen in his tracks.

Demen coughed up some spit as Kira pushed him back. Arisa widened her eyes and could barely believe how strong he had become since last she saw him.


Kira turned back with ignorant eyes. “Huh- Did you say something?”

“N-Nothing! Don’t lose focus; we still need to beat him. He won’t be so easy to push back…” Arisa replied.

When the smoke cleared Demen walked out with a deranged grin, holding his arms out to the sides slightly lower than his waist.

The marks on his hands and chest began resonating an intense red glow followed by specs of light that formed in the air. Purple orbs began to form from the specs of light, no larger than a fist and started orbiting around his body.

Close to 12 orbs floated around Demen's body while shaking sporadically in place. Kira back away instinctively as a drip of sweat rolled down his cheek.

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