《Field of The Dead》Book 2 Chapter 2
Terrance woke up to gunshots,His dog Barking and a muffed scream, with no molly in his arms. “Hey Molly?” he was met with a “shhhhhh!” From Warren who was holding a crying molly back from yelling at the people outside.
Terrance looked where Warren was staring outside the doors, and saw outside The Wolf camp pack outside the band office. They
Shot again into the air.
“Come on out! I know you're in there! I hear your Fucking! stupid Dog! barking, so your choice is to come out or watch your chief die!” The leader was wearing a large black wolf pelt covered in blood and no shirt with army camouflage pants.
“Terrance, we Just want the truck, no one has to die.” The wolf pack leader howled into the morning sun.
Terrance grabbed his shotgun and then his box of shell’s out of his bag. Then he ducked low and snuck across the floor to where Warren was hiding.
Terrance hid behind an eagle wood carved statue then he rolled over the main office counter.
“Where’s Shane and Red bird?” Terrance whispered.
“They are with the kids and Charlotte hiding in the council chambers.” Warren peaked over.
“Wait any longer and the chief wont ever show up to the band office again.” Warren concluded.
“Good, the band office never sees him anyway.” Terrance peaked over to see the wolf pack leader crouch down to eye level with the kneeling chief.
“Terrance, you must learn to forgive and honor our ways, for if we don’t, we don’t lose the world and people around us, we only lose ourselves. Honor yourself and do right by our ways.'' Warren looked at Terrance.
“Alright I will go save him.” Terrance pumped the shotgun then loaded an extra round.
“The True Ways of the Warrior.” Warren Nodded as he watched Terrance get up and start climbing over.
“Wait, you're coming with me right?” Terrance stopped halfway over the counter.
“Fuck No.” Warren shook his head.
“What! What about the way of the warrior honoring our ways?” Terrance questioned and kneeled back down behind cover.
“That's your path, mine is protecting my family, Red bird,Molly and shane.” Warren looked Terrance in his shocked face. “Don’t give me that look here take this, Warren handed over to Terrance a loaded Revolver.
“Oh very nice.” Terrance said sarcastically. “Come on, give it a chance, it's my lucky gun, I wouldn't just give it to anyone if they didn't need it.” Warren Peaked over the counter. “ I got your back with this.”
Then he pulled out a long Mosin nagant Rifle.
Terrance put the revolver in the back of his pants, The gun poked his spine.
“There you go.” Warren encouraged him.
“Not helping.” Terrance said back and hopped over the counter.
Terrance walked up to the door and his dog followed him to the door where he unlocked it and pulled out the ax from the handle.
Terrance opened the door and his dog ran out. The wolf camp members watched it run past them and onto the grass lawn behind them and start taking a wizz.
They laughed. Terrance got a good look at them and saw most of them didn't have weapons. Some were younger people he knew.
Terrance walked down the cement path.
“SO the Infamous Terrance shows his face. To us, so we shall take all of his people and drink his blood to the sun in front of them.” The wolf pack leader held up his bloody hands.
“You speak too much mad man, Before you, is our chief I humbly ask you spare his and all our lives.”
“NEver, we're gonna cut him to pieces and partake in enjoying his flesh. This is the order of the world we live in now.” The wolf pack leader spoke to his people.
“It doesn't have too, I know most of you know me, I have a message for you, As before the time of creation has wiped this world clean, this must be another form of creation, As our star ancestors showed us, the order in the sky, with the many constellations, we must have order on the ground.” Terrance pointed at the morning star.
“Don’t listen to him! He’s telling” The wolf pack leader shouted.
Terrance interpreted the wolf leader. “HERE ME! If we head that direction we will reach the mountains of our people. There is an army base in the mountain, they will take us in and we will be safe there from this hell. Join me, I will lead the way.” Terrance spoke to the wolf camp's people.
“Fuck this! IM FUCKING KILLING THEM ALL!” The wolf pack leader walked up to the chief and put the barrel of his army rifle on the back of his head.
A Shot rang off. And the Wolf pack leader’s headdress flew off and he had a sizable hole through his Skull the wound bled out as he fell. There was a young native boy with a sks rifle in his hands he lowered his rifle and looked up at the older man beside who held him raise his rifle in the air as they all war cried. Shooting into the sky.
The chief got up trembling, covered in the wolf's blood and walked over behind Terrance. No words could be said by the chief. Terrance spoke. “ We shall be ready to leave right away those of you that want to drive the band office buses. Be my guest and follow us. The rest of you are more than welcome to stay or leave your choice.”
Then an older gentleman walked up. “ What about the cannibals that live among us?”
“You know who they are?” Terrance asked.
The old man nodded. “Those five are the ones they ate the poor girl last night.”
“What! Which one’s?” “Those ones right there.”
Terrance looked at the five pointed out by the old man and he walked up to them.
“Uhh hey guys mind stepping out for a moment let's have a chat over here.” The five guys stepped out from the crowd and walked with terrance while the rest followed inside of the band office.
“So you do understand why I'm bringing you all out here.” Terrance walked along with the group.
“Yeah.” the old man in the group nodded.
“Can we have a smoke before we go.” The old man stopped.
“Uhh Sure.” Terrance stopped with the group.
The old man lit up his cigarette, then passed the open pack around. Each of the four guys took a smoke out and lit it.
“You guys are alright with dieing?” Terrance watched the rather calm five men.
The old man puffed. “Every day is a good day to die.” he replied.then asked.
“You want a smoke?” The old man held the pack out.
“It's tradition, never turn down a smoke from an elder.” Terrance reached out for the cigarette pack. And the old man fumbled and the pack dropped to the ground.
Terrance bent down to pick it up.
Then Terrance got smashed in the face by the man to his right. The knee to the face made Terrance stand up and fall back hitting the ground hard, his shotgun falling out of reach. The men brought out their knives and then shots rang out. Terrance watched as the four men were gunned down and each a single shot bullet ripped through their chests. Then the old man turned around to the sound of clicking from the gun. The young boy who shot the leader stood holding his rifle clicking the trigger.
Terrance then pulled out his revolver and shot the old man in the head. Upon standing to his feet he walked over and put a bullet in the other gunned down mens head.
“Gotta always shoot the head.” The Terrance walked up to the shotgun and picked it up.
“What's your name kid?” “Morning star is my name, my grandmother would point to the morning star and say it was because I was born under the morning star.”
“Well, you're gonna stick with me from now on, you're my little brother.”
Terrance smiled at the young boy. Morning star nodded and slung the empty rifle over his back. Then Terrance led them back to the band office.
When Terrance walked in he noticed the chief's door open.
Terrance knocked. “Chief you in.. Ohh.”
“I'm sorry, Terrance for what I have done to you.” He spoke sitting in his chair holding his cut hair and tears rolling down his face.
“It’s not only all of us you failed, your nation needed you for many years.you abandoned your path and lost yourself.”
“Spoken like a true chief. Here take this, I denounce myself as chief.” The Chief stood up and took out the headdress from the closet and placed it on Terrance’s head.
“You must lead our people out of here.” The chief held his head down. And walked and sat in his chair. Looking at his office surroundings. He chuckled with tears rolling down his lines in his face.
“ I had big plans, for change, to save my people, and I only made things worse, I let the money the blow, the hoes, stray me from my red path, I have dishonored my people and ancestors with my behaviors for this I hang my head in shame till I find a way to honor the red path and walk whole with my spirit again.”
“Hey,You will find your way, and I forgive you.” Terrance walked out to the main lobby. The lobby cheered and war cried at the sight of their war chief.
“When we are packed and ready to go, We shall make a convoy out to the mountains taking our traditional roads there. We shall be protected this way for only our people know the true path to the mountains.” The crowd cheered at the words of Terrance.
Molly and Warren walked up to Terrance. “ I said walk your path, and look what happened.” Warren patted Terrance on the shoulders. “ I couldn’t be more proud of you.” Molly kissed and hugged Terrance. “We Ready to go?” And Molly silently nodded on his chest.
“Alright me and Molly, Shane and my new little brother Mroning Star shall ride in the truck the rest of you pack in the buses, We are going for a short ride and we will be right back.”
“Where are we going?” Molly asked. “We're going to go pick up my mom and dad and older sister.”
“Right!” Molly nodded. Then followed Shane and morning star out to the truck. Terrance walked behind them. They got in the truck Shane and Morning star in the back seat.
Terrance put the keys in the truck. The country music started to play. “ EH my Grandma loved this song, turn it up.” Morning star requested.
Terrance turned up the song playing. Planetary Wisdom- Moon War.
“You can see it from your front door, as the world watches and burns away.” They sang the lyrics from the song out loud.
“Woah stop the truck.” Truck came to a screeching halt. “Great spirit watch over us.” Molly said out loud as everyone looked out the driver window down the dirt road of the four way, a massive herd that was so large you couldn't see the end. Still over six kilometers away shoulder to shoulder the field of the dead walked towards them.
“That must be the whole town and reservation combined, Eh! look still some in my baggy from the other night.” Shane reached down, picked up the small baggy and began to sniff the cocaine.
“We don’t have much time!” Terrance spun out the wheels and dirt flew as the truck sped off down the dirt road.
The truck whipped around the curved and down the town site road. House’s smashed down aimless walking dead roamed and followed. The truck as it passed by.
The truck pulled into the home’s driveway and Terrance honked the horn. Then got out.
“Hey anyone alive, last chance we are leaving for the army base we have buses of people. MOM DAD!”
“Terrance!” Terrance smiled at the sound of his dad's voice. “ Yes Dad.”
“Who put that fucking head dress on you, get inside and help me with your mother shes hurt pretty bad.”
“OH fuck!” Terrance ran to the door of the house. Trying to turn the door knob and open but it was sealed shut. “Can’t get in!”
“Hold on, Im opening the door!” “Sister bear is that you!”
“Uhh yeah who else would it be.”
“Oh come on, give me that!” Terrance heard his dad start to pry off the boards and open the door.
The door opened. Terrance hugged his dad Really long. “Woah ok son, let’s go help your mom, she's pretty sick.”
“What happened?” “ We don’t know.” Terraces father said.
“Hi my son.” Terrance knelt down beside her. “Mom I've come to get you out of here, the dead are coming and we got a safe place to go.”
Honking began outside from the truck. Terrance started to pick up his mother and lead them outside the door onto the front lawn. Terrance watched as morning star jumped in the back of the truck with the shotgun and rifle. He began loading his rifle. Then he opened fire on the incoming zombies. Snapping head shots quickly as he could.
Zombie brains splattered through the air.
Terrance put his mother in the back seat with his father and lover's brother shane. sister Bear hopped in front passenger.
“There you guys go, sit tight.” Terrance hopped in. And backed out the truck. Taking off opposite direction of the crowd of townsite zombies flooding the area.
The truck spun around a few corners, then Terrance pushed the gas pedal down speeding up the truck, Terrance eyed down the dirt road seeing a small chance of survival. They have to make that four way before the dead could block the path.
Terrance took a deep breath and plowed through the incoming horde; they smashed their bodies against the truck's front end and passenger side. Morning star laid down and covered himself from the flailing arms above the truck sides. Reaching in and trying to grab at him.
The truck was held up for a moment speeding on top of a pile of zombies. Morning star started to shotgun the hands of the undead.
Blood sprayed out the back of the truck as morning star stood up and began to blast the Undead.
Taking off heads, arms halfing zombies till the last shot. Then the truck broke free and Morning star fell back as the truck rode off.
The field of the dead followed. They were not far from the band office. The truck pulled up to the cement pad and a lot of the people were in the buses. Terrance got out. “Where’s Red Bird?”
Warren shook his head. “I don't know, I thought she was with you.” “Fuck!”
Terrance started to walk inside the band office. “ Terrance!”
“Wait in the Truck Molly I Will be Right back.”
Terrance walked inside and called out loud.
“RED BIRD!” He walked to the back offices. “RED BIRD WHERE ARE YOOU WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE!”
“TErrance…..” Terrance turned to hear the voice coming from the lunch room.
“Red Bird We gotta…. Woah put down the knife.”
“YOu made it pretty clear where I stand, I'm nothing to you.”
“Red bird, what do you mean?”
“I Was up listening to you and Shane talk last night, you remember, well I remember too.”
“Red bird.. I’m..”
“I’m what?” Red bird said as she lifted the knife. “SOrry, I Lost everything and All i had was you.”
“What now that you have it all back, I’m nothing now.” “that is not what I.”
“Shut the fuck up, you made that pretty clear, when you just drove away without so much caring what happened to me but you brought your new little brother along.”
“Red bird, I’m sorry.” “ I Fucked you and gave myself, all of me, to you! I fucking Loved you! I Fucking Died Loving you!”
“Red bird.” Terrance watched as red bird stabbed her chest with the huge kitchen knife.
“What the fuck!” Terrance ran to her as she took the knife out and blood poured onto the floor.
“You stupid girl.why did you do that we could of made it work.” Terrance hugged the bleeding Red bird in his arms.
“No, there's only one way to make it work.” Then Red Bird Picked up the knife and Stabbed Terrance in the guts. Terrance grabbed her hand and held the knife inside.
Looking into her eyes as blood came out her mouth. With her dying breath Red bird said. “Die with me again, my love.”
“Let him go.” The Old Chief ran into the lunch room and pulled her hand off the knife and Terrance pushed her off. Red bird laid there motionless. Terrance had a tough time standing from the pain.
“You need some help.” The chief helped Terrance out through the offices to the front door and the crowd of zombies were nearing very close to the vehicles.
“Fuck I will never make it not like this.” Terrance said.
“There's no running away this time.” The chief let go of Terrance to stand on his own by the door while he walked back to his office. “Chief, where are you going?” the old Chief Stopped.
“When you hear it, Terrance and see the opening run for it, save our people, take them to the fifth world.” Then he Walked away.
“Fucken, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Terrance screamed as he watched his family and friends scared and terrified. Surrounded by the dead. Then he heard a loud Drumming. Then he Heard
Singing. The dead started to shamble towards the drumming and singing. The chief was standing in the back of the band office playing the Honor song and as loud as he could. The Dead cleared enough that Terrance could walk through.
Terrance opened the door and hopped and limped his way to the truck bleeding as he walked.
The sound of the chief's song was loud in the distance. His voice was as high as the clouds.
Terrance got in his truck. And the convoy started up and began to leave.
The chief continued to sing his song till he was surrounded by the undead and could no longer see the People leaving in the convoy past the trees. Tears Rolling down his face he looked to the cloudy sun and smiled. Before being bitten into and torn apart by the Field of The DEAD.
End of chapter 2 book 2 of Field of the DEAD Written By Travis Willier copyright 2022
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The General Core {The Sphere}
The life cycle in the Sphere is on the brink of collapse because one of its elements, the Dungeons, have been exploited too much by the mortals. The group who created the Sphere already tried and failed with several modifications, because the original computer-like dungeon cores are too inflexible to handle changing approaches. So they try another type of solution – taking souls from other worlds to try to find a solution before the Sphere Cycle breaks down completely. The General was one of the best soldiers of his world, rising from the ranks of a private through Officer School to the highest command with honors. But when his world faced a zombie apocalypse, even that was not enough and he had to make the ultimate sacrifice. Now he is asked for a repeat performance of planning and controlling a dungeon and its spawns in a world that he knows nothing about… But what is the Sphere really? What is that [Xenotic conversion] he has to go through to even enter the Sphere? Something is really strange and he will have to find out what is going on to get to his promised rewards – whatever they will be. Being a soul in a dungeon core means that the General has better chances of finding hints to the truth about the sphere – a knowledge that would help him survive. And no, the sphere is NOT a virtual reality – the key to its secrets is the place where it was physically constructed (Author’s hint). This is a dungeon core story - but there are quite a number of things that I will do differently than common to those stories. 1) I will describe the floors when they are explored, NOT when they are build. Yes, that will mean it will take longer to get to those parts - but I think describing floors both when they are build and when they are explored destroys quite a lot of chances for suspense when adventurers enter the dungeon. After all, if you as the reader already know where the traps are, then you can't really be surprised when the surfacers encounter them. 2) How the world works (and how not) is an integral part of the story, so it will be explained I'm a world-builder first and the Sphere is NOT a regular world (as hinted in the synopsis above). Things will work differently than in your 08/15 default dungeon core stories - as the General and Gunny have already learned in the second arc (and more of that is already scheduled for the next weeks (July/Aug 2019) when the Sky Arrows continue to explore and evaluate that strange dungeon) If you don't like these premises, then I'm sure you'll find a lot of other Dungeon Core stories more to your liking. But if you are interested in more than "Dungeon builds another room and corridor in medieval earth" and are not afraid of a longer and slower story, then go on. I have two more stories in the Sphere, although they both have lower priority than this one: Shaleen the Wanderer (Adventurer, NSFW) (currently on hold after some chapters) Info's on the Sphere (System Docu and Short Stories) (irregular updates when needed) Current Status reports have been moved to a new discord server: https://discord.gg/EaHkXCfm9y
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