《Unipsi, lovely entity》chapter 20: remnant
Unipsi, lovely entity
chapter 20: remnant
“well set that aside shall we speak about our interests and why this meeting in the first place. We shall know each other better than just strangers” said liin Csuicha.
“what a pain in the ass. Would it kill you to be more direct you dumb cunt?” reply Idra. Obviously she wanted to instigate the liin.
“Idra?!” replied Scilla. She was still trying to get a polite discussion out of that mess.
“I will take that as permission to do as I please”
“you have taken enough cock to know how you should take this one too”
The liin’s guards were getting angry but they couldn’t react. Their armour were stuck in place.
“then I will go right to the point. Your people have massive influence over the current balance of nations. You accepted the contract with the Hakavors that by definition are under my rule. In said contract there is a small part that says that if you want you could do more jobs for us. I want to expand that part…”
Idra interrupted with a long sigh, she stretched and then lied her head down on Scilla’s lap. Her legs were comfortable especially because Scilla was just wearing her formal uniform. Idra than moved to face the celling and started playing with her glass, throwing it up in the air and caching it back without breaking it.
“what are you doing?” continued Csuicha.
“relaxing and killing time”
“am I comfortable?” intruded Scilla.
“never mind. So I was saying…” tried again Csuicha.
A long yawn interrupted her again.
“Scilla I’m bored. When are we going home?”
“when you finish speaking with the liin”
“ok.” then the looked at the liin.
“conversation over. So Scilla are we going now?”
All the room was staring at her. It was obvious that Idra had absolutely no intention to even consider Csuicha speech. Such strong rejection was a problem even for Scilla.
Why is she making it so complicated. If she only cares about me then it will make me look as if I’m challenging the liin authority. This is no a problem if it stays inside this walls, but if it gets out, the opposition will try to bring down Serafia and fucking hell if we need her in power. What can I do?… wait maybe…
“will you take her seriously if I reward you?”
Those few words revived Idra from her boredom. She was now back sitting next to her.
“so if I talk with her you will own me a favour? One more to the one you already own me?”
“well the one with Wiola is a smaller one isn’t it?”
“I agree, so this one is a big favour right?”
“well I…”
“say it”
“ok, it’s a big favour so would you…”
Idra’s ominous laugh filled the room. She accepted the proposal. Then she stare at the liin. Her voice was different, it was filled with joy, a creepy joy.
“maybe we started with the wrong foot. You wanted to know me, then look at the screen”
On the screen a top view image of what looked like a pair of cottages inside a forest. The image was being taken with an IR (infrared) camera and it had an overlay full of censored data. Probably it was a drone view flying in high atmosphere. Then the camera switched to a thermal one for an instant to then move again to a third one. This last camera was showing blurred outline of humanoid creatures inside the 2 distant buildings. Then a male voice.
“Sef1 we have aerial view. Confirmed 26 hostile entities in the complex.”
Then the camera zoom out and now 8 small dots appeared in the surrounding forest. They were marked as Sef1 to Sef8.
“fuck, they are a lot. Arca3 can you get in their communication? Reinforcement time?”
“Reinforcement estimated deploy time 2 hours 21 minutes. They won’t show up in time Sef1. We are working on the comu…”
the audio cut and then a female voice, different from Idra’s, spoke.
“Hi hi the cavalry is here. Remnant Nixie 112 taking over the commander position. Your mission has be modified. Your are now assigned as support to remnant Idra 511.”
In one of the corners of the screen a small live feed of a creature speaking. Totally covered by the suit but drastically different from Idra’s suit. That was Nixie 112 or so was written on the screen. Then a second but totally distorted video popped up below it. It was marked as Idra 511. The small video looked like an old CRT TV without signal. Then a series of breath and machine sounds heavily disturbed.
“Idra is saying hi” added Nixie.
then Arca3 replied to Nixie.
“Remnant it’s a pleasure to have you with us. We are at your orders.”
On the video a new dot appeared. It was distant in the forest, but fast. Marked as Idra it was moving in such dense forest at 58 km/h, an inhuman speed on a street even more inhuman in a forest. On the aerial view a series of dotted line appears. Patterns to followed. Then back to Nixie.
“Sef1 to Sef4 move to designed position AE9.8 then get ready with the rocket launcher.”
“Sef 5 to Sef8 go down the hill and get on the other side. Get ready to shoot down fleeing hostile entities running toward sector JU3.1”
“on the move remnant”
Idra was getting closer and closer. Then enemy communication got hacked by Idra. A woman was yelling angry and anxious at someone, probably her buddy in crime.
“what the fuck did you had in your fucking mind you useless dickhead. New need a new plant immediately”
than the man replied.
“what you mean a new plan. They should have just a couple of soldier out there. We are 26, we can kill them with some casualties”
then a slap.
“you don’t fucking get it. Why the hell did you had to shot at the kid. You doomed us all”
“it’s just a death kid. What could be the problem. We will be able to go for a bigger assault before they could react”
A second slap, or maybe it was a punch. The woman, that seems to be the head of the group, was now terrified and hysterical.
“there will be no fucking assault. We won’t survive this night.”
The aerial view zoomed on the further way house. Only 5 men guarding it. Idra was almost there.
“you still didn’t get it? She is coming. I know she is and when she reaches us there won’t be any mercy”
Then the view immediately moved to Idra’s helmet. She appeared out of the forest, right in front of one of the guards. Her left arm impaled the guy in the stomach. Blood flowing out of his armour as she lifted the dying man coughing blood. Most of his face was covered by military gears but not his mouth dripping copious amount of blood on her arm. Meanwhile with the right arm she pulled her gun. A strange automatic pistol built to make almost no sound. She fired exactly 4 shot while lifting the man. 2 toward the guards outside and 2 through the window. All pullets were oriented to pass through the small gaps in their helmets and kill them. Then she stared at the one on her arm as he desperately grabbed her arm trying to call for help until his very last moment. Back to Nixie.
“5 down. Rocket squad get ready, 85 seconds. Team ambush for you its 117 seconds. Enemy routes on your HUDs”
Then again the conversation from the hostile creatures. Now it was the man replying.
“what the fuck are you saying. There are no more Idras, they are all dead.”
The woman was crying and sobbing. She knew that it was over.
“there is a new one you fucking idiot. And she is a damn monster”
“we will be fine. Let me call the outer guards”
and that was the moment that started the panic. Nobody from the outer guards picked up the call. Nobody could. But his call was redirected, to Idra. The man was just hearing an extremely distorted dying man coughing blood and gasping for air. It was the guard that she impaled just before. The same sound was transmitted to all the available speaker spreading panic instantly. Letting the enemy hear their dying comrades was Idras’ signature. Most rushed out in panic, a new Idra was after them. A group tried to reach for their transport vehicle but at the exact moment they opened it’s door the rocket from Sef3 hit causing a massive explosion. Then Sef1-4 opened fire to the one left alive from the blast. Electromagnetic weapons shredded through their armour, their burning escape vehicle and their walls. It was a hell of bullets meant to reduce every single one of them to pieces.
On the other side running for their life other men rushed toward the forest but Sef5-8 were ready and ambushed them. Screams of agony echoed through out the valley as bullets pierced their organs cutting bronchi, throats, muscles and arteries. Idra rushed in that bullet storm to get inside the house. A pair of legs was thrown from a window immediately after. Then when all was almost over and the Sef squad was closing in, the final communication. The video was showing Sef1 camera what was staring at a window on the upper floor of the building. It was the woman again. She was begging.
“please, please, please it was him not me! I was forced! I didn’t want to! Please! I can give you informations. NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME! PL”
Then the window was covered in blood. On the other side Idra. She staring at the soldiers and just stood there with her black bloody suit.
Then Nixie spoke again. Her voice was pure happiness.
“good men. Get your asses back at base I’m gonna make you cookies”
“urra! Are you the one making them?”
“yep which one would you like? Does chocolate chips with chocolate filling sound good?”
“you are amazing Remant Nixie”
“haha, thanks, they will be the reward for coming back all safe and sound. Idra want to join us for the mission success celebration?”
No sound coming from her. Then she broke the window and jumped out. The black goo was moving all around tossing away the blood and cleaning the suit. She had some strange mechanical extensions at her legs. The she finally spoke in a calm and cold voice.
As she said so she immediately ran off toward the forest disappearing. She disappeared even from the radars.
Nixie let out a sigh.
“maybe she will join us next time. Don’t take it personally folks, she...(redacted)....”
“we know Remnant Nixie” replied Sef1
“we or at least I…”
“we captain, we…” replied Sef3.
“well we just hope that one day she could...(redacted).... We took Idras for granted for way to long. It’s time to show them that we can stand by ourself, or at least together with the others remnants.”
Then the video stopped.
Disbelieve. The video just seen was the first footage from an esterian device but that was not the important part. It was directly taken from a military operation and shown clearly several things: her strength, her ruthlessness, her people coordination and most importantly her rank.
The video showed clearly what kind of problems she solves and how important she is. Csuicha was now starting to understand how dangerous she really is. Her strength was not brute force but thinking. Perfect prediction, fast hacking and movement. She was unstoppable. Electronics bend to her will and the world follows her commands. There is no way to stop her if you get her angry. Probably every single thing she did so far was calculated to get them where she wanted and indeed it was, almost. On the other hand, totally unaffected by Idra’s video, Scilla was already thinking about how to use this new acquied information for her gain.
She may be less powerful than our liin but look at that. She knew before engaging how people were going to behave, as if she could see the future. Her calculations were perfect and with them she led Sef to victory with not even a scratch on their armour. If she does the same for us then nobody from my squad will ever be hurt or at least the number of causalities will drop. She is just fucking amazing. Plus she punished those fuckers that shot a kid. I would have done the same.
Then Idra spoke. Her voice was enough to freeze them in position. Now even the slowest thinker in the room had caught up to how threatening her mere existence was.
“I suppose you got it now?”
“I would say that I’m indeed impressed by your capabilities”
“now that you know me… what is the colour of the liin’s eyes?”
That felt different. Idra changed topic in the middle of her sentence. Something wasn’t right. Then the ambassador spoke.
“white, almost as her skin”
“do you all agree?” replied Idra. It was not a thing that has really anything to be discussed. Serafia had indeed white eyes, as all albino leans does. So why was she so interested. Then once most agreed on the colour a sudden movement. She was in front of the liin, one foot on the floor the other on the couch, her hand flow in a flash right beside the liin head. Csuicha was able to extract her pocket knife and pointed it at Idra’s throat even if it was a bit pointless considering the armour.
“good reflex but you were not my target”
Then she pulled back and sat again. Scilla was about to say something that Idra opened her hand revealing 3 small self-sealing empty tubes. She was looking at them. Csuicha was strangely concerned more for the vials then from what just happened.
“Scilla, do you see anything in them?”
“was I suppose to see something?”
“mmh whatever I will run some tests later on the ship.”
--anomaly detected--
“keep track of it. Inject suppressor”
Then she put the vials away in her small backpack. Those that were present as witnessed were still incredulous and so Scilla spoke to break the silence.
“never thought you where the melee type”
“cause I’m not. It just happened that I wanted to play a bit with my...prey!.”
as she said so she jumped toward Scilla. Face to face, her goo moved through all the armour and was now on her hands converting her fingers in long sharp claws.
“are you afraid of me?”
Scilla however putted her harm under Idra’s armpit and lifted her up like a cat.
“afraid? I’m exited, I’m euphoric to the idea of having you. Together we could do so many things. Our operations will drastically improve… you could do so much for us and especially for me that I’m starting to believe that I’m in a coma. This is just too good to be real”
Idra let out a second ominous laugh that gradually changed to a happy and joyful one. Then she launch herself toward Scilla grabbing onto her, to then move like a monkey on her shoulders. She put her legs across Scilla’s torso to fix herself in position. Her groin on Scilla’s neck and as soon as she was in position she started patting and playing with Scilla’s hair.
I must stay calm, she is just playing around.
“you are gargantuan, so this is how it feels to be a mountain”
the celling was high enough for her to almost stand on Scilla’s shoulders so she was able to play around pretty easily. She was in fact constantly moving like a hyperactive kid. In particular she liked to bend over Scilla’s head to be able to stare at her upside-down.
“you learned a new word”
“yes, you like it”
“maybe a bit to refined for your standards”
“what standards?”
A moment of silence both from them and from all the presents. Idra was totally different. Hard to believe that there was the same person inside that black suit of hers. Normal people couldn’t even get close to her while Scilla can lift her up like a cat as if nothing is happening. Then Idra spoke again.
“what a pain. Your friends don’t seem to appreciate me that much. I even prepare a gift for them”
“they are just a bunch of grumpy politicians, you have to be patient with them”
“what if I don’t? I’m free, I’m strong, I have power. I could peel their faces of and use their tits to make a flesh pillow”
Scilla was going for a risky move, taking the lead and side with her to satisfy Idra’s curiosity and thirst for suffering. Few misspoken words could end in a mess but that was the only way.
“well if you are patient you can calculate more and manipulate them more. So you can optimize your gain, be it information or don’t know, something you may need I guess.”
“fair point. Would you mind moving closer to the windows?”
“let me guess, showing off your gift?”
then Scilla stood up and moved with Idra on her shoulders toward the window that faced the landing zone.
“so what is inside the loot box?”
“haha, it’s a beautiful gift. Unfortunately I had just a couple of days so it’s not much but I tried.”
“they are not shiny rocks, leaves or chunks of wood right?”
“Fuck! I should have gone for the coloured leaves”
“Idra, I’m joking…”
“then fuck you this time.”
“so what is inside?”
“a problem and I will let you take a decision. I looked for something I could do for your kind and I found those.”
Then she moved Scilla’s head to face the screen. All the present stare at it as the Idra symbol faded to let space for a live streaming of the inside of the container. Inside at least 10 leans beaten up but still alive.
“those are the worst criminal around. Your laws kill them too, I just gathered them”
Then the camera inside the container started moving around, stopping for each creature. Paedophiles, all of them. On screen all the needed information to evaluate the case: names, crimes done, victims, evidence of child abuse of any kind, chat between them with their victories. It was a horrible show of sickness, one so awful to scar you forever if you look at it for too long. Scilla’s blood was boiling, her rage was beyond any limit. She had a soft spot for kids, after all she wanted at least one. Knowing that someone was still alive after ruining such innocent lives was not at option. However it was a spiky situation. Between the captured leans one was a daughter of a member of the federation assembly. Secondly letting an external entity enforce the law as she pleased was not a good sign of power. People started speaking between them, they needed a solution, but all their words where just noise for the only one that had the power to change events. Then Scilla shouted.
Her cheeks were opening, she was sending a clear sign to not oppose her. Her yell was so powerful to shake even the windows and the bones of the attendants. Idra dismounted from her shoulders and place herself in front of her. Once she landed her suit’s goo spiked a bit but return immediately to normal.
--anomaly detected--
“fucking fix it!”
“those fucking piece of shit touched a kid! there is nothing to discuss!” said Scilla angrily.
Idra then replied satisfied from her answer.
“I agree my friend. Child abuser should die in absolute pain. Just tell me how much pain should they receive?”
as she said so the screen changed again. Now it was divided in 2. On the left part, a simulation of a flamethrower on humanoid creature. Effective and painful.
“this is the first option, but I have prepared more”
Then on the right there was a Petri dish filled with something that looked like skin. Then a strange liquid was poured onto it. Immediately it started to deform reacting in pain. It was the metabolic waste that she already used on Scilla but more powerful.
“lastly I have this”
Then she pulled out from her pocket a small auto-injector with a black fluid in it. It was the powerful metabolic waste. The one she promised to never use again. Her suit spiked again.
--anomaly detected--
--anomaly isolated--
“I didn’t use it, but if you want it’s all yours. Just tell me what to do Scilla.”
However Scilla still had a heart, she couldn’t use that damn injector.
“flames are not enough. Don’t use the injector neither. The ban also applies to me”
Idra retracted her hand and putted away the fluid.
“you did the right choice. I don’t like hypocrites. Let them suffer”
Then just a bit of nebulized fluid was injected inside the container and then it burst open. The leans inside rushed out gasping for air, some started couching blood, other started peeling naturally. On some a necrosis process started on other their blood vessels started breaking. It was terrible, screams of agonizing pain echoed in all the complex and beyond it. Some guards tried to get near but the androids shot at their feet. The heavy walkers rushed out to grab the security guards and moved them away. Too close and they would get caught in some left over particles. During all this Scilla was staring at her decision unfolding before her eyes.
They must suffer, I don’t care if the worlds sees this, we must punish those bastartds.
The attendants and in particular the few that could move were starting to fear for their safety, so they were mentally preparing for being attacked. Almost coincidentally as the liin stood up Idra started laughing ominously looking out of the window, but something wasn’t right. Her suit was spiking again and way too much.
--core anomaly detected--
--artefact unstable--
--unknown reaction from the artefact--
“shut down suit power supply. Redirect body surplus to suit systems”
--brain division weakening--
Idra’s suit was spiking even more without control. Its surface looked like an extremely noisy signal. Something wasn’t right.
On the room main screen a series of ID, position and crimes appeared. It was building itself piece by piece but it was showing more and more glitches as it progressed. Scilla moved to Idra, she understood that she was not going well.
“Idra what is happening, how can I help you?”
“I have to get out. I have to get out immediately!”
Then Idra tried to run toward the door, but it was too late.
On the screen a new criminal was identified, it was an ittiro present in the room, near the door.
--bbrain dddviisionn weaaakknnning (brain division weakening)--
--iiisolationn fffailled (isolation failed)--
--shutshutshutttinng ddownn (shutting down)--
--enemy detected--
- End1485 Chapters
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