《The Kings of Thendor - The Two Kings》Chapter Thirty - The Day of the King


Chapter Thirty - The Day of the King

Adric could hear loud chatter and the rumble of what sounded like thousands of people in the hall outside the door. Amos stepped into the room.

“How many people are out there?” Adric asked.

“The entire kingdom,” he said. Adric’s eyes widened.

“It’s customary.” All citizens must bow before the new king.

“I know,” he said, slightly annoyed. “Is all of this necessary, though?” He asked. Adric was garbed in excessive formal dress, a fur-lined cape that fell to his ankles, and which was placed on his shoulders by a pair of golden epaulets.

“You know the answer to that question,” Amos told him, perturbed. “Now, just a reminder, you’ll be escorted out to the throne by your advisor,” he motioned to Thale, who nodded. “You will not sit. The throne isn’t even a real chair, it’s just symbolic. You will stand in front of it, facing the crowd. Say nothing, do nothing. Thale will then stand in front of you and present you with the sword.” Thale patted the handle of the sword, whose tip was resting on the ground beneath his feet. “You’ll take the sword, and Thale will be the first to bow to you. When he does this, slightly incline your head. That will signal him to rise. Thale will rise, and he will take his place behind you. I will then come forward with the crown and I will recite the lines of Alldelan coronation. I will offer you the royal vow, which you will then accept. Once you take the vow, I will ask you to kneel. It is customary for the future king to kneel before his officiator. I will place the crown upon your head and pronounce you King of Alldel. At this point, the rule of the nation falls from Thale and is given to you. You will rise, and I will then kneel before you. The crowd knows at this point to kneel with me. Once I rise, I will hail you king, the music will play, and you will walk to the end of the aisle, where Karina will take your arm, and you will escort her to the banquet.”


“Easy enough,” Adric said, though his heart was shouting otherwise. He wondered if Amos could see his heart pounding against his chest. He thought perhaps it might escape.

“Alright. Congratulations, Adric,” Amos said with a smile. “Thale, I think we’re ready.” Adric felt his heart leap again, and his fingers grew warm and wet.

“Your Majesty,” he said and pointed to the doorway. Adric allowed Thale to lead him from the safety of the private room, and they stepped out onto the red and gold runner that led to the ceremonial throne.

People cheered themselves hoarse as he made his way down the aisle. Music was playing in the background, though Adric wasn’t listening to it. He was concentrating on keeping his breakfast down. Thale followed closely behind him.

When they reached the throne, Adric stopped, as he had practiced, and then pivoted on his heel to face the crowd. More cheering and frantic waving of hands ensued. As they had been told, Thale knelt on one knee and presented Adric with his sword as it lay flat along his hands. Adric accepted the sword and nodded to Thale who rose and fell back into ranks behind him with the field marshals of Alldel. Gaden was not among them. Only genuine officers were allowed to participate in the ceremony.

Amos emerged from the room beyond. His white robes glowed brilliantly in the sunlight. He strode up the aisle with the utmost grace and dignity. Adric stood, motionless, waiting for Amos to arrive. He carried in his hands a round, open-topped crown of gold inlaid with rubies and etched decoratively around its rim. Amos stepped up onto the plinth with Adric, and he turned to face the crowd. Amos raised his hands to call for silence. The crowd obeyed, and the only things that could be heard were the birds chirping in the background, completely oblivious to the proceedings around them. Amos turned back to face Adric. As he was instructed, Adric knelt before Amos, his hands still on the sword. And then Amos spoke.


“Adric of Alldel, it is my distinguished honor to preside over you this day. Do you vow to protect this kingdom, to put her people first, care for her citizens, protect her walls and borders, and serve her until death takes you from this world?” A momentary pause and Adric spoke firmly.

“Yes, I do.”

“Then by the power granted to me by the Council of Alldel, I hereby crown you, King of Alldel.” Amos placed the golden crown on top of Adric’s head, and Adric rose to look Amos in the eye. Amos smiled at him, and he bowed before Adric. Adric looked out over the crowd. As one, they all lowered themselves in a perfect bow to their first king in almost six hundred years. Adric inclined his head ever so slightly to Amos, who then rose. He then turned to face the crowd once more, and shouted,

“All hail His Majesty, the King of Alldel. Long live the King!”

“LONG LIVE THE KING!” The crowd repeated in unison. They repeated the phrase three times, and then the fanfare of music resumed, louder than ever. Adric walked down the stairs and made his way to the back of the aisle. The crowd was going wild. He couldn’t help allowing a grin to spread across his face. He had done it. The thought made him dizzy.

And then he saw what he had been waiting for all day. Karina was standing at the end of the aisle waiting for him. He held out his arm for her, and she took it. He led her through to the banquet hall just inside the citadel. She kissed him just before the doors opened, and Gaden and Haela came through.

“Your Majesty,” Gaden said and bowed his head.

“Stop that,” Adric said with a laugh. He wrapped his arms around them. “I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said. They all nodded to him.

“Guess what Avan told me,” Gaden said.


“His mother, Nasha…” He smiled suspiciously.

“What?” Karina asked, as though trying to pull the thought from his mind.

“She’s pregnant,” he said.

“No!” Karina gasped. Gaden nodded, as everyone smiled. Adric didn’t know what would come in the following days, his first as king. He had no idea what being a king would truly mean, or where that would take him. What he did know, was the friends he had with him were more valuable to him than anything else in the world. They were happy for this moment, and he intended to enjoy every minute of it. No matter what waited for him out there, he knew that this was the reason he fought the war. This was reason enough for him to continue the resistance against Rhodhinia. Rogha was still out there, as were the necraphym, the Old King, and the mystery that was the Staff of Lorlea. He would lead Alldel in its search to dismantle those powers. He would resume his grandfather’s mission. He would lead them to peace. His people deserved it. His friends deserved it. Elric’s newborn child deserved it. This was something he felt was worth fighting for.

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