《The War of Spirits》Chapter 2- The Naming


"I suppose I should have explained this earlier, but you weren't in any real danger, so no harm done." Said the boy's father, "Now, I am no theologian or philosopher to question how the worlds came into being. Nor will I tell you what the creator was, for I don't particularly know or care. I am not going to tell you of any myths either because they often do more harm than good in inciting fear. What I will tell you is entirely from my own personal experience and what I've heard from those I have complete trust in."

"Dad, what is a myth?" asked Little Wolf tentatively.

"Ahh, sorry, kid, I should have explained that too. A myth is something that isn't actually true but holds a kernel of truth so far hidden it becomes impossible to tell what is fact and what is fault. This means that, for now, they are worthless, and you shouldn't pay attention to any of them.

Now back to the Spirit world. It is a realm that partially overlaps our own, as far as I can tell. Most humanoids are unable to affect the spirit world even though it's right in front of them. There are a few scattered throughout each species that can do it, including me. On the other hand, all spirits can affect our realm whenever they feel like it, which can be very frustrating. You are gonna be encountering spirits in your everyday life now that you are aatma. Because of the change that will occur at the time of your naming inside the Spirit World, they will be able to interact with you, and you will be able to see them. This is not for every child, but every child named by a spirit within their own realm. Tonight we will finish the completion of your soul, granting you a connection to all the realms even if you may be unable to touch them. But most importantly, you will be fully anchored to this realm protecting your soul from wandering. Of course, there are many other creatures one can get to receive names from.

We'll talk about the different types of spirits later, but here is a little overview of the nature of spirits in general. Unlike us who seek order instead of chaos, spirits are the opposite. There is an order within them that sets boundaries that they must follow, yet within those boundaries, they seek to express chaos, each in their own way and personality. I'll eventually tell you about the races of spirits, but there are individuals such as Wisahkeha who are strange and unique. These types of creatures don't have a race, or if they did, it is long forgotten. They just go by their name, and they all have a large effect on the world whenever they feel compelled to stir up trouble."


"This is really interesting, Dad, but I still don't understand what we are doing here and why we're asking that terrifying fox for my name."

"Wisahkeha is very terrifying, that is for sure," said his father laughing. "However, he is the only named spirit I know that owes me a favor, and being named by one such as he has a lot of perks."

"But why are you asking a named spirit." Little Wolf was beginning to feel rather tired, and all this information was making him sleepy

"The Naming, especially the first naming, is very important. A name is not only something people can call you but a declaration of who you are at the core of your soul. A name will decide how the present interacts with the world and what the future you will look like. As for why we are here, when someone names a person, they must also give them a gift to protect the named in their new life. There will be a link between you and Wisahkeha for the rest of your existence. And to be honest, I am hoping it is a link that will bring you safety rather than one to bring chaos. But, to be the perfectly honest son, I don't quite know. All I know is that he will give you a generous gift in order not to be completely embarrassed in front of the other named ones, especially Absorka. And a naming gift is one that is carried for a lifetime, so I'm sure it will be kind of special in general. So by having a named being grant you your true name will separate you from the rest of humanity."

"What sort of gift will it be, though? Do you really have to be so vague?" asked Little Wolf, frustrated.

"How am I supposed to know." The father laughed back. "My first naming was done by an unnamed dark fairy, though what I received has been lifesaving."

"What did you get from the dark fairy," asked the kid excitedly

The father leaned in close as if it were a very big secret. "My shadow."

"Ohhh," said the child, "But I already have a shadow. Does that mean I got a gift from a dark fairy too?"

"Hahaha, no, It's just that mine is a little different than yours."

"Do you think I will be able to get a shadow like yours from the scary fox?" asked the child.

"Probably not. I brought you to a named spirit to get something better than mine. Just wait and see. Even if Wasehkeha is a trickster, I'm sure his gift will be better than anything an unnamed spirit could give you."


They sat there in silence after that, his father was staring off into space, but Little Wolf was growing impatient. So he began looking around for anything interesting. While the terrain was beautiful, there were no animals around. It was all weird forms and shifting purple and blue swirls. Turning back, Little Wolf decided to stare at his father. The man was older and much, much bigger than Little Wolf. He had long, straight hair and a hooked nose. Little wolf didn't know how tall he was, but his father seemed really tall. Sighing in boredom, Little Wolf decided to start counting how many purple swirls there were around him.

"I have decided on a name," said the fox appearing in the space in from of them suddenly.

"Took you long enough," snorted the father.

"First," said the fox, completely ignoring the pesky human. "I must double-check something. Come here, child."

It was as if a force drove Little Wolf towards the fox. Even though he was scared, he walked toward the massive fox, eyes locked with the alien yellow ones. Little Wolf thought he heard his father say something, but he ignored him, so focused was he on the named being in front of him. Little Wolf was now standing in front of the creature, but when now happened, the boy felt a sudden urge to reach up and touch the powerful creature's fur. Little Wolf reached out his hand slowly. He was so close to touching it when the fox suddenly opened his jaws and ate Little Wolf. The boy didn't feel any pain, but he was suddenly swirling in a black void, unable to touch, feel, or hear anything. It did not drive him mad, though. It instead brought him a sense of peace unable to be described. He sat in this void for an unknown period of time, calmly waiting for something to happen, which was entirely different from the usual behavior of the seven-year-old. And then, all of a sudden, he was back standing before the fox as if nothing had ever happened. He turned and looked at his father to see what he thought of the matter, but the man didn't seem worried at all. He didn't even look like he had seen the fox eat him, which was weird to Little Wolf. His father was usually really good at paying attention, and it surprised the little boy that his father hadn't seen it.

"It is as I thought." Said the fox, "the apple may fall very far from the tree this time after all. Child, you will be a far greater man than the sniveling idiot you call a father. Your lucky I didn't decide to name you then eat you."

The child turned his head back as if in a daze and allowed the terrifying yellow eyes. To swallow his vision once again."

"So, I shall name you, and so shall your soul be complete, from this day forth you are Jachum for you are a child of a spirit."

Then Wasehkeha spat on Jachum and said, "This is my gift to you."

And with that, he disappeared, leaving behind a very confused Jachum and a worried-looking father.

"Well, Jachum, it has been a very confusing night for you. I'm sure you're tired, though, so let's go back home, and we will figure out this mess tomorrow."

Little Wolf or Jachum now nodded his head, trying to hide the second yawn that had begun to push its way out of his mouth. His father reached out a hand which Jachum took obediently. And just like that, they were back, his father sitting in his chair and Jachum sitting across from him.

"Now off with you, Little Wol.. Jachum. We are going to start your studies and training at a wider scale tomorrow, so make sure to get plenty of sleep."

Far late into the night, when Jachum was fast asleep, his father was still sitting in his chair, rocking back and forth and silently cursing the fox. "The motherfucker claimed my boy as his own. He didn't even ask." The father was genuinely worried, he had heard stories of children of spirits before, and much like his own mother's tales, the stories went along the lines of "Don't make enemies with the children of spirits. Their minds are unlike any human I have ever met. They see things you and I are unable to. And they do things you and I would shudder to even think about."

"What have I done," he said mournfully into the night.

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