《Eyes of the Sign: A Portal Fantasy Adventure》2.30 - Convergence
Eli was feeling much better in clean clothes as he followed Melerasa down the hallway towards the front of the Rest. He’d taken a few minutes for a quick sponge bath before changing, which helped get rid of any lingering odors. The jerky and dried fruit he’d snuck along the way had also taken the edge off his hunger, but he was looking forward to something more substantial soon.
They walked into the courtyard, his attention going to the four people turning at their approach. Reva was there with three men wearing the same dark leather armor. He was a bit surprised that Malitea and her companions weren’t there, but he didn’t worry about the discrepancy for now.
Melerasa stopped, turning to Eli. “I will ensure the meeting room is prepared. If you’d give me a few minutes, honored guest?” she said in a clear voice before bowing to him as if the other four weren’t there. He couldn’t hide his amusement as he nodded back, quite sure he’d caught the ghost of her own grin before she walked away.
“Reva, it’s good to see you again,” Eli started warmly, his eyes trailing over her associates. The familiar-looking guy in the front smiled disarmingly, yet something about his calculating eyes tugged at an elusive memory. He shook off the memory, his eyes returning to his former guard. “I don’t suppose Wolf or Dara is with you?”
“They are not,” she answered in a strangely wooden voice, like some emotionless robot.
“Okay,” he slowly replied. Forcing a smile, he tried to put the weirdness behind them. “Perhaps you’re the commander Melerasa mentioned?”
Instead of answering, Reva gave a shallow bow to the smiling guy who stepped forward. “That would be me, Wandering One,” the man said, his familiar voice triggering a memory.
“Herria!” Eli barked with a laugh, snapping his fingers. “You were at the northern gate. Eko, right?”
“I’m honored that you remember me, Wandering One,” Eko replied with a bow.
“Well, it’s hard to forget your introduction after smacking those two dopes around.” His gaze traveled over the party again. “And no offense, but did you get a promotion? That’s some nice armor,” he said with another smile. They could have been wearing hero props for a movie, the material’s slight sheen somehow catching the light.
“Much has changed in a short time,” Eko responded, his tone hinting at hidden meanings.
“Yeah, I could say the same for me.” Eli smiled ruefully, thinking of the events from just the last week. “Who are the new guys,” he asked, his attention moving to the two unknown men wearing the same dark armor. The shorter one had startlingly blue eyes that seemed out of place with his olive skin and dark hair. The other guy was like a walking wall of muscle, his dark armor bulging almost comically around his heavy frame. He also had a bad attitude, a slight sneer tugging at the big guy’s lips as if he’d smelled something funky when Eli walked into the room.
“This is Talent Garath, our ship’s pilot.” Eko waved at the blue-eyed man, who bowed. “And Talent Mustaka, our enforcer and bearer,” he continued, gesturing at the big guy who gave the hint of a nod. “You already know Talent Reva, our squad’s sagruda.”
Eli was about to ask what the heck that word meant, but the soft tread of approaching steps had him turn to see Melerasa entering the courtyard.
“Your room is ready. This way, please,” she said, giving him a slight bow.
It was a short walk before the group was led into another room well designed for meetings. A large circular table sat in the center, a dozen chairs circling it. There were no windows, but a few bright lanterns hanging from the walls gave off plenty of light for their discussion. Even better, platters and dishes sat on a side table along one wall with a selection of different foods and beverages.
Melerasa left after ensuring Eli had everything he needed, and he was soon busy piling some of the different delicacies onto a wooden plate. “Don’t be shy,” he joked to the foursome standing just inside the room. “A working meal is pretty common where I’m from, so feel free.”
“Oh, if it’s tradition,” Eko said as if that answered all his worries, stepping forward with a slight smile as he grabbed a plate. His companions were a bit more hesitant at first, but eventually, all of them had settled across the table with their own food and drinks. The room grew silent for a few minutes as each focused on their meals.
“So, you wanted to speak with me, commander?” Eli finally said after the worst of his hunger had diminished. He idly nibbled on a bit of cheese, savoring its sharp flavor.
“Yes, Wandering One,” Eko replied, taking a sip of his drink.
“Please, call me Eli. I’m not even sure why Malitea and her group started using that title.” Eko and Reva didn’t blink at his admission, but their two companions exchanged a look.
Eko smiled, though the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s a gesture of respect for any powerful being, especially outside the cities. Our history is full of stories with gods traveling the land, bringing rewards or calamities while teaching valuable lessons along the way,” he said, grinning as if sharing in a joke. “Based on Gifted Malitea’s report of your encounter, I see a parallel with that of Ozmadda, the Pale Death. He is said to walk the old roads of our world, bringing punishment, pain, and death to those who stray from the honorable path.”
“Huh, interesting,” Eli murmured, momentarily distracted by the concept. He knew a few stories like that back home, but he’d never expected to be lumped in with a bunch of parables. He pushed the thought away, concentrating on the task at hand. “But you were explaining what you wanted?”
“Of course,” Eko said, his expression growing serious. “First, Malitea was under my orders when she encountered you on the road. She explained her actions, admitting her mistakes, but I was not the aggrieved party. Do you hold ill will, and if so, can I do anything to atone?”
Eli sighed, shaking his head. “I’m not one to hold grudges. If she really meant that apology, I’m willing to let it go. I already warned her and that dipshit Earnan, so I won’t be as forgiving if it happens again. How’s that?”
“I can appreciate your forbearance, and thank you,” Eko returned, his hand covering his heart as he nodded.
“No problem,” Eli said, chuckling while cutting another hunk of cheese into little squares for easy snacking. “Forgive my ignorance, but could you explain what your team does? Melerasa called you an ‘Easone squad,’ but I’m not sure what that means. Reva probably remembers how clueless I was when she showed me around the manor, so get ready for some dumb questions.” He sent a raised eyebrow Reva’s way, which she surprisingly returned with the hint of a smile.
Eko nodded, taking a sip of his drink. “A good question for someone not raised in Northmarch. Unlike some other regions, the Pantheon Alliance uses squads as the martial arms of the ruling families. While each family has its own, most of those are small in number and focused on city-wide security and enforcement. Ours, on the other hand, is different. Our duty is to defend the Easone family and the entire Alliance from threats outside our borders.”
“Hmmm, I’d imagine that means you’re pretty damned skilled with that kind of responsibility, but you don’t have armies? I’ve been curious about all the guards wearing different colors here in Bishal, but I don’t think I’ve seen any national force.”
“No,” Eko replied, a slight grimace forming as he drew out the word. “The different guards in Bishal are either Council guards pulled from the most powerful families or local squads. We don’t have a standing army like the southerners. When a threat is great enough for more, the Easone squads often serve as the backbone for any concerted defense. Fortunately, such a need is rare. The last such event was nearly a generation ago,” he said in an even voice, his grimace telling a different story.
Eli nodded, deciding to drop the touchy subject for now. He hadn’t missed the growing tension in the others or how Mustaka’s expression had soured even further.
“If I may ask,” Eko said with a warmer tone as if distancing them from the previous topic. “We hadn’t received word of your arrival. The gate guards likely already asked this, so excuse me if this is redundant. But could you reveal your affiliations? Do you represent another power?”
“Just myself,” Eli snorted. “And yeah, the person at the gate asked me that question, and I gave her the same answer. I have no big family, connections, country, or anything else behind me. Heck, I only stopped in Bishal to pick up some supplies.”
“The Easone family is beside you at the very least,” Reva said, joining the conversation.
Eko nodded. “Indeed. News of your return will spread quickly, and killing Boruta is no small matter. I cannot speak for Dia Aaric or Gifted Ardamas, but I feel comfortable offering whatever aid I can. You need only ask.” Mustaka’s sneer vanished at these words, his face taking on a sickly pallor.
Eli ignored it, his own frown growing at a worry confirmed. “Yeah, I figured others were going to hear about me sooner or later, so I guess there’s nothing to be done. Thanks for the offer. I’m not sure what help I need right now, but I’ll keep it in mind.” He tried to inject a bit of gratitude into his tone even while admittedly distracted by thoughts on his growing fame.
The conversation lulled as he paused to let them continue asking questions, but Eko seemed content as he returned to eating. His three companions mirrored him, though without quite matching their commander’s nonchalance. As the silence lengthened, Eli decided it was time to move this along so he could check on his patient. “So, are you ready to tell me about the bigger problem?”
“Problem?” Eko repeated with apparent confusion, though Reva and the other two looked more surprised than anything.
Eli chuckled, though there was little humor in the sound. “Look, I might be a little slow understanding the cultural clashes and subtleties, but I’m also not a complete moron. I figured there’s a reason you had Malitea and her people leave, even though they were here earlier. It’s just a guess, but I’d imagine the problem is somehow related to the region they were exploring. I remember how they reacted to my warning about the hidden people up north, and they were clearly on a scouting trip. It could all be a huge coincidence, but I think there’s something bigger at play.” He shrugged.
Eko sighed, abandoning any pretense of eating as his eyes met Eli’s. “You’re right that there’s a troubling issue, and your help would be appreciated. Unfortunately, this room isn’t secure enough for that conversation.” He shifted in his seat. “But I’d like to ask something related, and I mean this with the greatest respect possible…but what happened to you?”
Eli only blinked for a few moments, thrown off by the seemingly random question. “I’m sorry?”
Eko gestured broadly in Eli’s direction. “I don’t know what to make of you. All the stories I’m aware of, including Reva’s own testimony, report that you sustained horrendous injuries in your fight with that abomination. Yet here you sit as if it never happened. Further, you look like you’ve spent a year underground while giving off nowhere near the strength in Herria. You recognize Reva and me, so I believe you’re the man I met, but the rest is a mystery. Could you help me understand?”
“Shit.” Eli shook his head, thinking he’d slipped up a bit. He’d purposely kept his aura the same as it had been all day, which he now realized was actually a bit weaker than Eko’s. “Okay, yeah, I can see that,” he said after another few moments, considering how much he wanted to share. “I’m not about to tell you why I look pale or how I was healed after the battle because that’s my own business.”
Detecting the rising tension, Eli decided on a slightly different tactic, hoping this wouldn’t blow up in his face. “I should also point out that people I trust warned me about flaunting my power, telling me how dangerous it was to catch the wrong kind of attention. In fact, Wolf Easone was one of those people,” he said calmly, remembering the man’s words on the subject. Fluxi had been even more explicit, but he wasn’t about to tell them about his rainbow-haired counselor. “That’s why I brought my patient inside the Rest to finish his healing.” He gave them a crooked grin. “That’s also why I’ve been purposely diminishing my power.” For a demonstration, he poured a good bit of energy into his aura, quickly eclipsing Eko’s by a wide margin. He didn’t try for too much, as he wasn’t trying to flatten them into the floor, backing off the power when Mustaka and Garath went white-knuckled in their chairs. “I’ve also learned a few things since my time at the manor,” he uttered into the stillness, the foursome staring with shock. “If I was sure I could trust you, I’d tell you more, but we all have our secrets.”
“I see,” Eko said, blinking away his surprise as he nervously licked his lips. He finally shook his head, a grim look forming. “I’m sorry, Eli, but if you plan on staying in Bishal, I will have to insist, even knowing how poorly that will go for everyone involved. It is our duty,” he said plainly, the strain in the room skyrocketing at his words.
Eli’s soft chuckle drew funny looks from the group. “Then it’s good that I’m leaving Bishal in the morning. That removes the problem, right?”
“You’re leaving?” Reva almost gasped with disbelief. “But you just arrived. Surely a few days…” her words trailed off, likely noticing how her companions were staring her way with varying degrees of surprise.
“Yeah,” Eli replied with a touch of uncertainty, bewildered by Reva’s reaction. He was pretty sure she’d never uttered a single word in his presence before today. “As I said earlier, I only stopped in Bishal for supplies. Since you know a bit about my past, I doubt it’s a surprise that I’m heading for the manor – I’d like to check in with the people there.”
Eko nodded before making a small waving gesture with one hand. Mustaka and Garath relaxed in their chairs as Reva’s expression went blank. “I understand, Eli. In that case, I withdraw my insistence. But if I may, there’s a proposition I’d like you to consider.”
“Sure. Let’s hear it,” Eli returned, relaxing as the room thawed.
“New facts have come to light over the past weeks, which change the dynamics of our investigation,” Eko said, sitting forward. “I was going to send General Easone an invitation to visit Bishal as he would be helpful with resolving some new difficulties we’ve encountered. With your agreement, our squad’s airship will make the journey instead of sending a messenger. Garath, how long would it take for a roundtrip to Wolf’s Manor, assuming a one-hour stop for passengers?” He turned to the blue-eyed man.
“The manor?” Garath mused, looking up at the ceiling. “Hmmm, we have the stores for more than twice the distance, so I can be skyborn in an hour. Taking off at night and at this time of year, the winds out of the west will be rough…say four hours if everything goes perfectly, though more likely six or even eight. Am I to assume a full load?” he asked his commander, who nodded back. “Understood. Even then, the return trip should be easy. We could be back by midday tomorrow, but if you want to plan around it, I’d say it's more likely mid-afternoon.”
“Excellent,” Eko said with satisfaction, a grin slowly growing as he looked at Eli. “So if General Easone accepts the invitation, we could meet in the squad’s office tomorrow evening. Perhaps then you’d tell us more about your mysterious disappearance and reappearance? We could also discuss our squad’s troubling project. Would that be agreeable?”
Eli couldn’t help chuckling at the man’s offer. “Alright, commander. If Wolf speaks up for you, I’ll give you more of my story. I won’t tell you everything, but I can definitely fill in many of the questions. Mind if I send a note? I’d like to ask Dara to come along too.” He’d practiced a bit with writing in the local language, but this would be the first real test of his skills.
Eko nodded. “Reva, you’ll carry the messages to General Easone. We need you to ensure he recognizes the gravity of our request.”
She simply nodded, her face still expressionless.
“Great,” Eli said, standing to signal that their meeting was coming to an end. He grinned, not bothering to hide his excitement. “What time should I be there, commander? Can you have someone guide me? I have no idea where your office is.”
“Certainly,” Eko replied as he stood, his companions following suit a moment later. “I’ll have Malitea and her group escort you. They will be here four hours after midday.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Eli said, gesturing as he opened the door. “I’ll just need a few minutes to write that note.”
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