《Darick Ryan: The story of a Empire Cop》Chapter Fourteen: Creepy Cult
October 18th, 1995
Darick went to work despite his injuries the previous day even his sister Sonata and girlfriend Mackenzie Smith pleaded with him to stay home. Darick told them he was fine and not going to let a few broken ribs stop him.
At the Ninth Precinct.
Darick sat at his desk just rubbing his head until he went to go and visit his cousin Asyling.
In the Captain's office after being told to come in.
"What you'd reading?" asked Darick
Capt. Asyling replied, "Just some reports your father written up back in late '80 early '81 about a Satanic, Sacrificial, Breeding cult. Not the type to mess around with, I mean the cult kidnaps women as young as sixteen! Anyway, can I help you Darick?"
"An evil Satanic cult?" said Darick, "Mackenzie was telling me something about it last night,"
Capt. Asyling replied, "Just put a ring on her finger,"
There was another knock on the door and Capt. Asyling told the person to enter.
It's Asyling's twin sister, named Mackenzie Ryan who's in the same uniform as Darick and Asyling but her uniform has another patch that says "HIGHWAY PATROL" above the patch that says "POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPIRE BAY"
"Hope I ain't interrupting," said Mackenzie Ryan, "But I had an interesting morning so far,"
Capt. Asyling replied, "What is it, Mackenzie? I'm busy talking to Darick about a creepy cult. Not adding he's holding back that he has a girlfriend also named Mackenzie,"
" 'bout time he got another girlfriend," said Mackenzie Ryan, "The first one was a straight-up bitch. The second one was likable. Hell, I even have a crush on her,"
"I don't have a girlfriend!" said Darick
Darick then walked out of the office and walked out of the police station. But Mackenzie Ryan soon caught up by running out.
"Hey Darick," said Agent Mackenzie over the walkie-talkie, "Come meet me at 456 Alchemy Street in Tallwood,"
Darick replied, "I'm on my way. Hey cousin? Mind giving me a ride?"
Mackenzie Ryan gave Darick a ride to where Agent Mackenzie Smith told him to come and meet her.
Tallwood at the address.
Darick got out of the 1960's Americana-styled patrol car. Darick even walked up to Agent Mackenzie who was reading some papers in a vanilla folder.
"Hey Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "Glad you made it,"
Darick replied, "Hey Macke..."
There were a few gunshots and the two took cover. Mackenzie Ryan got out but she radioed in a 418 (shots fired) and that they need backup.
Additional cops came and surrounded the house with shotguns like the Steak (Itacha M37), Baker 312 (M1912 Shotgun), Baker 350 (M500 shotgun), Marine Combat Shotgun (R870MCS), and Police Tactical Shotgun (M1100 Shotgun)
There were several more gunshots and the request for a Watch Commander and officer for the request to use Tear gas. But they couldn't wait a minute longer so several officers went in and a couple came right back out with one of them saying "They're all dead,".
Darick and Agent Mackenzie entered the house where it was pitch black not adding all the utilities were cut off. But in the living room was horrific where they saw dead children ranging from the ages of a few weeks old to twelve maybe thirteen years old.
I just lost my lunch, Darick thought, This is fucked up!
The officers including Agent Mackenzie Smith were flabbergasted on how they escaped unnoticed.
Darick then left the house. But he and his cousin Mackenzie Ryan took a ride to search for anything suspicious.
A couple of minutes later the duo saw a red 1969 Americana-styled muscle car fly by coming off a sidestreet and Mackenzie Ryan turned on the single rotary light and siren and placed the pedal to the medal to catch up.
They were going so fast that not even four minutes later they were in Uptown.
In Uptown.
Someone leaned out of the back of the car and opened fire on the patrol car and Mackenzie Ryan was driving on the right side but went over to the left into oncoming traffic (because Little Bird drives on the right).
Darick also unholstered his Phoenix pistol and returned fire even though they were vehicles driving or parked and pedestrians walking on the sidewalks.
This seems like an unbecoming of an officer, Darick thought, But we were taught that in chases we should use deadly force to stop vehicles though.
It wasn't long until he ran out of ammo but after all a seven-round magazine with 56 bullets in total doesn't last long. Darick then took Mackenzie Ryan's .44 Magnum (S&W M29 with 8 3/8'' barrel) and fired it but her revolver only had six shots and forty-two in reserve.
Darick was able to shoot and kill the gunner but he ran out of ammo.
Several blocks away
Agent Mackenzie was riding in her car.
"We interrupt this radio program," said a radio announcer, "There's a deadly high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen are heading north of 32nd Street,"
Agent Mackenzie looked at her watch on her right wrist, "Yeah I got time to intervene,"
Agent Mackenzie Smith turned on the siren and rotary light and headed to intercept where when she approached 32nd Street she floored it and T-boned the car.
Mackenzie Ryan stopped the car and the two got out where Mackenzie Ryan got the Police Tactical Shotgun and went to the suspect's car. Darick went to go and check on Mackenzie Smith.
Their doors were jammed and Darick used his walkie-talkie to call the fire department for vehicular extraction but Darick took out his baton and smashed out Mackenzie Smith's passenger side window so he could climb in.
Darick took out his utility knife and cutted the seatbelt but her face was bloodied from hitting the steering wheel and dashboard.
Darick was able to bring Mackenzie Smith out of the car and put her onto the asphalt.
"Mackenzie wake up," said Darick, "Come on wake up! Wake up damn it!"
Darick then ran over to the police car and got the medkit and ran back over to Agent Mackenzie Smith and used the medkit on her but he doesn't know if she was allergic to any kind of medicine. After all, all first responders, park rangers, utility workers, teachers, industrial workers, security guards, emergency management, search and rescue personnel, campus police, lifeguards, ski patrol, prison CERT members, and stage managers on Little Bird are CFR's aka Certified First Responders.
Darick kept saying for Agent Mackenzie to wake up but nothing but he also checked her pulse and it was throbbing.
Twenty-two minutes later
Agent Mackenzie awaken wearing a hospital gown but noticed some wires going up and down her left arm. But her right hand and was being squeezed.
She looked over to her right side and saw Darick holding her hand and squeezing it but he had some tears coming from his eyes.
"Darick," said Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "Mackenzie? You're finally awake!"
"Darick?" asked Agent Mackenzie, "Where am I? What happened?"
Darick explained what happened but he's glad she's fine now and glad she's awake.
The two shared a romantic kiss.
"Aww," said a feminine voice
Aw, damn it! Darick thought
It was Captain Asyling.
"You two do love each other!" said Captain Asyling, "You two should get married and have babies!"
"Go away Asyling," said Darick
Capt. Asyling replied, "But I got some news. Not good news but bad news,"
"What is it?" asked Darick
Capt. Asyling replied, "Agent Mackenzie. Well, that cult you're investigating they're going to be coming after you. Oh boy, I do love CIs. But I'm going to have an officer be stationed outside of your hospital room door and have another officer to replace that officer within eight hours,"
They both know that it wasn't good if Capt. Asyling would be assigning an officer outside of Mackenzie Smith's hospital room for protection. Darick also gave Mackenzie Smith a romantic kiss on the mouth.
"I'll be back later Mackenzie," said Darick, "But be safe,"
Darick then gave Agent Mackenzie a romantic kiss on the mouth before leaving. In the hallway Capt. Asyling gave Darick a note of a place where the cult meets up and he should go and pay them a visit.
Half an hour later.
At some kind of warehouse on the city's outskirts.
Darick entered it from the second floor from the outside but it was pitch black and he pulled out his flashlight and turned it on.
It was decorators like what people would see at Mardi Grass in New Orleans but it crept Darick out.
I know my opinion is very unpopular with fellow officers, Darick thought, But the Empire Police Department is just so corrupt and rife with corruption! How corrupt we are making other corrupt police officers or corrupt police departments look a lot better. Heck 98% of the officers are made up of racist or sexist or both white officers who'll attack a minority or a person of Hispanic, African, or Asian descent. The other one percent are white officers who actually do their jobs and the other one percent are officers who are of African, Asian, Hispanic, and other races. Heck two hundred years ago before the city allowed people of other minorities or whatnot to join the white officers would use racial terms to describe them and beat them up or straight up shoot them.
Darick swallowed his saliva
Heck this police department will be responding in richer areas so quick it's like they'll be there in a heartbeat, Darick continued, While in poorer neighborhoods it'll take a long time. But after all a lot of cops are on the mafia's payroll or on the Little Bird Union payroll or members of the Little Bird Union. Actually, the Little Bird Union sounds like they represent workers here on Little Bird but actually no it's another version of the fucking Klan. I think they're descendants of Neo-Confederates or just racial white pricks. Thank goodness, we have orders just to shoot and kill those racist fucks in the Little Bird Union.
Darick entered a room and flipped a switch and the lights came on and saw a lot of endless of party decorations which it actually scared him. He also noticed a Baker 195 the civilian version of the Marine Combat Shotgun with the latter being based on the R870 MCS and the former being just the R870 a hard wood home defense one.
Darick picked up the shotgun.
Darick headed back to the way he came in but he took another way around and apart of the catwalk broke apart and he fell twenty feet.
Half an hour later Darick reawaken with his back hurting but he picked up the shotgun and went on his way but he heard some talking and it was members of the cult talking to each other.
They weren't talking anything good but one of them mentioned Agent Mackenzie Smith and said that "She'll be a great broodmare as retribution on what she did to us".
Darick didn't identify himself as a police officer but used the shotgun and fired it at the evil cult members. After he killed them he got into his car and went back to the ninth precinct.
At night at the hospital
Agent Mackenzie's hospital room door was opened.
Agent Mackenzie was sound asleep but there were beeps from the hospital machinery keeping track of her vitals.
Soon a person walked in with a syringe full of something. But he turned on the room's light.
The dude walked up to a sleeping Agent Mackenzie he had a wicked smile on his face and he was about to inject her with something until Agent Mackenzie immediately awaken and drew her pistol.
It was a shock and the guy heard two more guns cock where behind him were Darick and Agent Mackenzie's mother.
Both Darick and Deputy Director Lousie were about to argue who got to arrest the guy but Darick did point out that Losuie did help create Mackenzie Smith, birthed her, nurtured her, taught her, educated her, and loved and still loves her with all of her heart not adding that Mackenzie followed her mother in her footsteps and became a Federal Agent.
He's right, Deputy Director Lousie thought, I did help make her, I did carry her for ten months in my womb and later belly, I did birth her, nurtured her, bathed her by force when she was a child, I did educate her and taught her how to survive in the wilderness and taught her survival skills and how to use firearms. I even taught her to how to avoid men and women like her pompous ass of a father who walked out on us the day after we made her. Then that jackass came back when she was fourteen trying to convince her to join the Navy. He had the balls to do that and he never met his daughter until she was fourteen!
Deputy Director Lousie walked over to the guy and arrested him but she put the handcuffs on him so tight it cut the blood circulation off to the guy's hands. And she threw him into the back of her undercover police car and took him to the Ninth precinct with Capt. Asyling riding shotgun.
Still in the hospital room
"Hey Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "I was wondering. Well, I've been thinking about opening up some kind of club. But I need some additional money. I want to open a place where our colleagues and friends and family can relax and so,"
Darick replied, "I don't have that much money! Do you know how much money it'll cost to open up a place like that?"
"Yeah a good amount," said Agent Mackenzie, "Twelve to Twenty-Five grand,"
Darick replied, "Try like forty grand. Yeah in small towns it'll be between five grand and thirty grand but in the big city you're looking at 40 grand for the cheapest!"
Darick and Agent Mackenzie then shared a romantic kiss mouth to mouth and Darick left to go home and to let her sleep.
Tomorrow morning, October 19th, 1995
Darick got out of bed very tired due to he didn't go to bed until 2:30 last night. He was just tossing and turning just worried about his third girlfriend while she is in the hospital.
There was a knock on the door and Sonata answered it and it was their cousin Asyling Ryan.
"Where's Darick?" asked Capt. Asyling
Sonata replied, "Still asleep! It's 6:30 AM!"
"I've been up all night!" said Capt. Asyling, "Investigating that creepy cult that Darick and his 'bedbug' been investigating,"
Sonata replied, "Darick's 'bedbug'? Who's that?"
"His girlfriend Agent Mackenzie Smith," said Captain Asyling
Sonata went to go get her older brother who was very tired and wanted to sleep in but he got out of bed and went to the living room in his patrol uniform.
"Captain, what are you doing here?" asked a very tired Darick
Captain Asyling brought him a cup of coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and a tablespoon of cream. She doesn't know how Darick likes his coffee but he still accepted it anyway.
"Why did you leave the navy, Asyling?" asked Darick
Captain Asyling told Darick while she was a logistical officer on the Battleship Aroura an Aroura class battleship. She was busy with backlogs of paperwork she had to fill out on what they needed 1600 pounds of chicken, 160 gallons of milk, 30 cases of cereal, 360 pounds of lettuce, and other hundreds of pounds of food.
Well a few caucasian sailors came in and locked the door and she had to fight them but it was all for naught and she was gang raped but she did report it to the ship's Master at Arms and they filed a report but when they returned to shore she was placed in a military prison.
"Why did they put you in a military prison?" asked Darick
Capt. Asyling replied, "Because I have boobs and a vagina the other three have testicles and penises. They rather believed that I was coming on to them but I wasn't. Well let's just say I just walked out and told them to go fuck themselves because a crime did happen and they rather look the other way because they rather believe three men because they were well two were Chief Perry Officers and the third was a Petty Officer First Class!"
Darick gave his cousin a bear hug and it shows her that he'll have her back no matter what. Asyling knows that not all men are sexists pigs and she knows not all men are like that but they're a lot of men and some women out there that'll do that.
Captain Asyling then told Darick that she dug into the creepy cult last night while they slept and all that. And well she found out where their main base of operations is and it's at a creepy abandoned sanitorium on a mile long and half a mile wide island in the bay and it's been abandoned since '43 after the September 4th to 13th Cyclone.
Darick thanked her for the information but he can't do anything because there was no way to get there because of the nearby naval base for one and other is that no boat goes there. But there's one person who can help and that's Deputy Director Lousie.
At the EOD Building in the city
"Hey Deputy Director Lousie," said Darick, "We found where the cult's main base is!"
Deputy Director Lousie replied, "Good morning to you too. I know where though,"
"How do you know that?" asked Captain Asyling
Deputy Director Lousie replied, "We've been running aerial recon over it since 1944 with PBY Catalina's and other naval recon planes. We also used helicopters from '46 to now also since the late '70s and now we also used UAVs. We knew they were there for a long time."
Deputy Director Lousie then picked up a radio and said "Squad leaders. Begin your assault,"
The three could hear the gunfire from the three Elite Operations Detachment Maximum Force Squads in heavy bodyarmor and military grade firepower attacked while a majority of the cult members were asleep and caught them off guard. But a few tried to put up a fight but it wasn't worth it because they just got mowed down real fast.
After a couple of hours at the hospital
"So it's over?" asked Mackenzie Smith
Darick replied, "It's over. The cult is no more they're officially destroyed,"
"Did all of you find out what was in that syringe?" asked Mackenzie Smith
Deputy Director Lousie replied, "Yeah honey it was some kind of drug that would've locked up your body so the guy could rape you to impregnate you with his baby so they can have a new leader within twenty years. Lucky we were here. But yeah the cult wanted to kidnap you and make you a broodmare,"
"Another term that they want to make you a baby factory," said Darick, "Just keep you locked up and only purpose to pop out babies. Yes I know where babies come from,"
Hours later it's 2:30 PM
Capt. Asyling had a pair of bincuoulars and saw the three sailors who raped her eating lunch with their dates.
"Greenlight," said Capt. Asyling, "9-Lincolin-3, and 9-Edward-3 the light is green,"
Soon Darick and Mackenzie Ryan patrol car's pulled up to the resturaurant and the two cousins got out and walked up to the three sailors while they were on their date.
The two cousins arrested them and before either or could arrest the third sailor one of their dates decided to try and attack them only to meet Darick's 23-inch oak baton in her stomach.
The third sailor who was uncuffed decided to try and make a run for it only for Mackenzie Ryan to give chase and shout "STOP OR I WILL SHOOT" and she did fire a warning shot into the air but the guy kept on running so she shot her revolver again but in the guy's back leg to make him fall. Officer Mackenzie Ryan also arrested him with a bloody right leg and put him in the back of her patrol car.
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