《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 64 - Solomon revealed


With David jumping ship on the raven, the owl and the rooster agreed that enough had been done to shake him up and that the time had now come for them to move on to Jim Balmer, which meant that the time had also come for Ryan to reveal himself. Taking this step carried with it serious legal risks for Ryan but in the rooster's opinion these risks paled in comparison to what the raven would do to him if it could take action against him without fear of provoking any sort of public reaction. The three of them traveled from Stockholm back to London and made their way to Broadcasting House, the global headquarters of the BBC. The owl and the rooster flew up onto the roof and Ryan went inside. Ryan spoke to a receptionist at the entrance and told her that he was the hacker/leaker Solomon and that he wished to do a television interview. The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed an extension, telling the person on the other end of the line that there was a young man here claiming to be Solomon.

"Somebody will be with you now," she said to Ryan politely after putting the phone back on the receiver.

"Okay," Ryan answered nonchalantly.

Hardly a minute later a grey haired man with glasses dressed sharply in a black suit emerged from an elevator and walked purposefully in the direction of Ryan.

"Are you the man who says he's Solomon?" He asked Ryan.

"Yes, that's me."

"I'm Nick Burrows, I'm a producer for the BBC," the man said, extending his hand to be shook, which Ryan did, "why don't we continue this conversation upstairs."


Nick took Ryan up to his office on the third floor and asked him a series of questions to verify if it was indeed possible that this was Solomon sitting before him. Nick had been following Solomon since his initial breach of MI6, if Ryan said anything that wasn't consistent with Solomon's history, Nick would pick up on it. Nick began by asking Ryan about his childhood and how he got involved in hacking. Ryan told him the story about his father going missing in Iran and the years that he had spent trolling through government intelligence data for clues as to his whereabouts. Nick remembered the case of those missing oil workers and the frustration that he had experienced as a reporter unable to get any information on them. Ryan went through the list of all of the intelligence agencies that he had breached in his searched for information about his father, followed by everything that he had done as a member of The Torchbearers before launching Solomon.com and exposing the dirty secrets of the world's rich and powerful. Everything that Ryan had said had thus far checked out and Nick was growing excited about being the one to get the first interview with Solomon. Before he could give the go ahead for the interview he needed Ryan to furnish him with a piece of hard evidence to confirm that he was Solomon. Ryan removed his laptop from his bag, opened it up on the table and quickly typed something on the keyboard. He spun the laptop around so the screen was facing Nick and pushed it toward him.


"That's my back door into the US Military Security Co-Ordination Center," Ryan said.

Nick didn't understand computer code and had to call one of the IT workers to verify that Ryan was telling the truth. The IT worker came into the room and spent a few minutes studying the code after which he was able to confirm for Nick that Ryan was telling the truth. Being the man responsible for breaking the story of the century was fingertips away for Nick and he wasn't prepared to waste any time in breaking the story. He used the phone in the room to ask for a studio to be made available immediately and made a second call to Stephen Sackur, the BBC's preeminent journalist and host who, like Nick, knew all the ins and outs of Solomon's history. Ryan was escorted by Nick from the boardroom to a make-up room to get his make-up done while Nick went down to the studio to make sure everything was ready, which it was. Nick returned to the make-up room and escorted Ryan down to the studio and introduced him to Stephen. Ryan was seated in a chair across the table from where Stephen would be seated and was fitted with a microphone by one of the studio technicians, and it was in this moment that Ryan became aware of the enormity of his importance. Stephen took his place in the seat across from Ryan with his glasses on and a sheaf of papers on the table in front of him; it was only a matter of moments now until Ryan became world famous.

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