《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 233 [Rick][🍋🍋]


“I’m going to make a meal out of you.”

Her proclamation brought a sharp gasp out of Rick. He was not going to deny the appeal of her body, she was sexy, and the sensation of her touch was a rush of layered sensations. His body relaxed under her caress, not from any power or magical ability but because she appeared to know exactly where to touch and how. Muscles melted under the silk of her fingertips. At the same time, her soothing touch brought heat and tension, pooling it away from his limbs and bringing it into a singular point in his groin.

Within barely seconds of starting, Rick knew he was harder than he ever remembered being.

If Monica was designed to fight, Kiara clearly was meant to fuck.

Rick knew he stood no chance against her in terms of skill, endurance, strength, or even capability. Even without using her powers, in any kind of direct confrontation he had little doubt she’d chew and spit him out without breaking a sweat. She expected him to be little more than a morsel. Odds were Kiara was already thinking of her ‘real’ challenge, the feline.

His better approach would be to not play the game how she expected him to.

He chuckled, inhaling sharply. “Maybe a little lower.” There was no move to restrain himself, hold back, or even fight her.

Kiara didn’t make a sound, merely a flick of her fingers, tightening against his thigh and digging slightly into the skin. The mantle of pleasure was broken by a jolt of pain that lasted but a split second.

“Kinky.” Letting out another chuckle, Rick hadn’t even flinched. “Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good massage, but am I going to just lay here all night or…?”

Gold eyes pierced up at him through the darkness, brows furrowing. He could almost see how the Succubus altered her plan on the flick of a dime. A saccharine smile spread across pearly white teeth, the maiden leaning away, easing the pressure that kept him pinned to the ground. She pressed her chest out, heavy breasts jutting out proudly. “Perhaps you can return the favor.”


And in the twitch of her eye did he find the flaw in her plan. She’d been expecting something else entirely. Well, that was what she got out of ignoring the kind of world Rick came from.

He took one of her nipples into his mouth, and without waiting for confirmation, bit down on it hard.

“What the-!?”

Kiara didn’t wail in pain, no, she shuddered, gasping sharply in surprise before pressing more of her tit against his face. The pillowy flesh became the entirety of his world, and the human suddenly found himself devoid of easy access to air. But he wasn’t about to lose the advantage, bringing up one hand to reach around and grasp her ass while the other mauled at her free tit.


He was not gentle. And yet, no matter how hard he grasped at her, his fingers found only pliant welcoming flesh. The Succubus's ministrations of his body had taken a momentary pause at the shift in focus, but she recovered quickly, apparently having changed her plan once more as she reached straight down to his cock and squeezed.

It wasn’t tender, but it was exactly the amount of pressure to cause him to hesitate. A simple stroke of her fingers and a tingling followed, he nearly came there and then, his spine lighting up like a christmas tree that’d been plugged into a nuclear reactor. Rick’s entire body tightened, electrified, jaw clenching shut, teeth groaning, sparks flying across his vision.

Rick was holding on to her body with a white-knuckled grip, his teeth ached around the nipple, and Kiara didn’t even flinch. She just stroked again, pushing him all the way near to the edge and leaving him there, his body wracked with jolts that curled his toes.

“Atta boy.”

Kiara cooed, using her free hand to keep his head pressed against her breast.

Lungs burned, and the need for air started to claw at his chest. His body fighting between the urge to cum and breath. The electricity of her fingers kept cramping his every muscle. The fight was impossible to keep going.

So Rick let go, allowing his body to explode and focused on pulling away for breath. Dots of light blinked around his field of vision, his body screaming at him to relax and fall onto the pulsing pleasure. An act that Kiara clearly wanted as well. And all the more reason he couldn’t let himself falter.

He leaned forward, tipping her to fall onto her back. With her falling back on to her own bat-like wings, it was the one moment that caused a sound of complaint out of her. Her curves lay on the dirt without discomfort, the underside of her left thigh stained by Rick’s release. Not that the orgasm had appeared to drain his libido any, he was still rearing to go, and seeing her lay on her back, legs open wide, his hind-brain spoke of the next move.

Rick promptly ignored that, as well as the smirk that glowed on those golden eyes of hers. He bent down, moving to bite her navel. “Huh?” Her question was spoken right as his hands reached out to caress her thick, welcoming thighs.

The sound of confusion came back, louder this time when he refused to follow the urging of both his body and her caress. No, he went down. His mouth found his target easily enough, she was drenched, hot, the scent of her sex a spicy mix of cinnamon and apple. It took effort for him to remind himself she was indestructible as far as he was concerned.

So with another bite, this time he got her to let out a squeak.

An honest to God squeak.


The maiden froze, her body shuddering, groans of surprise quickly followed as Rick tasted her. Out of all the things she’d expected out of him, this had clearly not been on the list.


It was the one thing he managed to let out between greedy licks. He half expected her to try and choke him again, but she… didn’t. The maiden had gone still, deathly so, her hands hovered near and around his head, but never touched. He sought for the little nub of flesh hidden between her folds and her fingers moved to accompany his own on her thighs. Her grip dug into her legs, pressing them down as she shuddered.

And she stared at him every second of it, eyes wide like saucers, biting on her own lower lip, body tense like a spring. Gasps and moans betrayed she was approaching her own release fast, and that was exactly the cue for him to slow down, teasing with his fingers up her thighs, goosebumps running through her body.

“Are you insane!?” She gasped in a harsh whisper, groaning, her sharp nails digging into her skin.

It was the voice of someone caught doing something they shouldn’t, of someone about to be dragged into something dangerous. And Rick could guess the danger was not to her but himself. She was a maiden, her thighs alone, despite their plumpness, could crush his skull faster than he could pull away.“Do you want me to stop?”

“This… you…!”

“Rick.” He leaned closer, licking again, drawing a slow shuddering breath. “My name is Rick.” Her attempt to draw indignation or even anger came to an abrupt end with it, the maiden fighting not just the sensation but herself.

She couldn’t let go, because if she did, he could very well die there and then. He’d found her line. Right here, right now, she needed him alive, wanted it. But he had one more ace up his sleeve.

“You can push me away.” He continued, moving a finger into the velvet embrace of her pussy. “Or just ask me to fuck you.”

The shock turned to determination, the woman grit her teeth, lips tightening shut, challenging him to do his worst. And he did, teasing and edging her, working her up and letting her cool, never giving her an inch to spare or a second to rest. Despite his best efforts, however, he could not keep it going forever.

Within minutes she writhed and became impossibly tense, the orgasm washing over her. Once she let out a slow winding sigh and relaxed, Rick knew this was as far as he’d be able to go. The Succubus was well aware of it too, she bothered with neither teasing words or fanfare, the moment she’d regained her breath she used her unstoppable strength to push him to lay down.

“I’m the one doing the fucking here.”

A promise and one she fulfilled right away, lowering herself onto his achingly hard cock with no further wait.

Both of them moaned at the same time.

“Oh shit.” Both of them had spoken in unison.

Her pussy wrapped around him tightly, an iron grip with velvet folds. Kiara’s hands reached up to his shoulders and her nails dug into his skin, drawing blood. Her eyes were wide in shock, mouth parted, gaze locked with his own. He choked on his breath, unable to hold his body still, she dove for his lips with a ravenous kiss.

There was nothing behind it, neither of them bothered to play or maneuver or do anything other than to lay claim as much of the other’s body as they could. Hands grasped, flesh yielded, her tail wrapped around his left calf as she bounced relentlessly on his lap. They barely bothered to draw in air or to break the kiss, she mashed her tits into his chest, he pulled at her hair, she clawed at his back, they thrust into one another.

And something snapped into place.

Something unseen, but felt, felt more strongly than everything else. Their eyes opened wide in shock, meeting brown eyes with gold. He felt her, the emotions within her, brilliant and intense, surprise, fear, anxiety, lust, desire, hesitation, anger, pain, and so many other things that swirled and snapped. A realization that ran through her features in dawning horror, quickly mixed in with an overwhelming desire to hold back.

The orgasm rocked them both, breaking any such attempt.

Thunderstorms rolled down his gut and up into her eager embrace. Tension that led to exhaustion. Rick would’ve collapsed if not because she’d reached out to grab him. The move surprised her, and she let go right after, leaving the human to crumble to the ground as she sat on his lap, flushed and panting for breath.

Rick, for his part, could only barely hold consciousness. The blow had been intense, everything was swirling all around him. He barely heard Kiara speak in a worried barely audible whisper.

“The fuck was that!?”

He only chuckled, groaning and laying on the ground. “That’s the bond.” With a slow shake of his head, he closed his eyes. “I hope this was enough to feed you, I don’t think I have more in me right now.”

“What?” She shot him an ascane look. “Just what have you been reading? Sex is how I get energy, and you barely-.” There was a pause. “I’m… not… that hungry? Huh.”

“Glad I was of help.” Rick just lay there, every inch of his body aching. “It’s your turn to keep watch.”

He ignored the glare, moving on to the bedroll and collapsing onto it. Mentally, he called out for Dia and Monica. Frankly speaking, so long as they didn’t murder each other while he slept, he didn’t care. He’d handle things… tomorrow.

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