《The Other Side》O T H E R fourteen


Boston 1 year later

Boston was the life change I needed. Aside from missing Sierra and Jackson, this place is perfect.

My classes are amazing, my tiny loft apartment is amazing and most importantly my new found understanding of my own self worth, is amazing.

In the year since coming here I have grown into someone who knows what they want and deserve. I will no longer stand for being treated like less than I am.

My time with Noah taught me exactly what I don't want. I will never be someones fuck buddy again. My heart and my mind have to be as valuable as my body or I'm calling it quits. I've been on several dates, I'm enjoying myself, but I haven't felt a spark, not yet.

I'm waiting to meet someone that gives me butterflies, someone that makes me feel the good kind of nervous. Until then I'm enjoying my life.

I have joined a local area running group and a book club with some girls from my doctorate program.

School is intense and keeps me very busy. I don't feel like I'm waiting around for love, not like before. I'm too busy to look, so I'm letting it look for me for a change.


"Ok everyone, this is professor Robinson. He will be explaining the reason for all of this chaos" Professor Allen says pointing around the room. Looking around, I can see the class size has doubled. Extra students are leaning against the wall with no seats left.

"For those of you that don't know me, I'm Professor Robinson. The extra students here are my climatology 540 students. Professor Allen and I are combining these courses for a joint project, due at the end of the term. I'm going to pass out these assignment packets that have all the details, rubrics and expectations. We are combining these courses to assess climate impact on coral reefs. Some parts of this assessment will seem strange and difficult as they are not part of your field, lean on your partner, who may find that easy but will struggle with the information from your field. This is to be a true collaboration. We want you to work together, each partner bringing their expertise. This is worth a whopping forty percent of your grade, this project is a big deal, we have high expectations. I'm going to start reading off pairings. When I call your names please stand, find your partner, then you're dismissed. Go discuss the project, exchange contact information and set up a meeting schedule. Evangeline Brolin?" He calls out.


I begin to stand "Right here."

He walks over to speak to me "Your partner is my student aid. I had to send him across campus to my office. He will be here shortly."

I nod my head and take my seat. As he rattles off the rest of the partners I zone out. I'm reading over the packet of materials, highlighting areas I know will be difficult for me, areas that will be my partners field.

After about ten minutes I look up and realize all the other students have been paired up and most of them had left the room. Pulling out my notebook I start to write out a list of references books I know will be helpful for the marine science part of this project.

"You must be Evangeline" an Australian accent pulls me from my list. I look up to see a tall, very handsome man extending his hand to me "sorry for the delay. I'm Connor Abbott, you can call me Abbi."

Placing my hand in his I feel a small sense of dread. Connor Abbott is exactly the kind of man I've been avoiding. You know the type. Effortlessly charming, ridiculously handsome, obviously at ease with women because he knows how desirable he is.

I'm paired with the lost fucking Hemsworth brother, neat.

He must sense my hesitation. "I hope you don't mind but I asked to be paired with you."

"With me?" My brows knit together.

"Well, not with you, per say, I was in the office while our professors assigned partners. I may have requested that I get the best student Professor Allen has." Hes smiling "I didn't know it would be you, specifically, I just wanted the best."

"And why exactly did you want the best? To match your caliber or to ride my coattails?" I quirk my brow at him.


His smile grows. "I wanted an equal match Miss Brolin. The fact that you're absolutely stunning is a very welcome bonus." And there it is. The ladies man had joined the chat.

I snort and he looks shocked "I'm sure that usually works for you doesn't it? Throw around words like stunning, with that accent? We just can't help ourselves, can we?" I stand from my seat "let's exchange information. Maybe we can meet at the library later this week to plot out how we are going to attack this."

"Or" he counters "we could go grab dinner tonight and figure it out."

"Pace yourself, Abbi, you're looking a bit overeager. We have twelve weeks to finish this."

"I'm not great at pacing myself. When I know what I want I go for it. All in."

"What exactly is it that you think you want?"

He smiles down at me.

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