《Wake now in the fire.》Chapter 3. Sway


Chapter 3. Sway

Vie spent the morning in the house gardens with Nain Joan.

As they worked together Vie asked about Finns' parents

decision to live apart.

"Other than accepting it, and funding her lifestyle choices,

Innis had no say in it. It was all Finns' Mothers' doing

- the uppity bitch."

Surprised by her tone, Vie apologised for asking.

"It's quite alright, " Nain Joan said. " I didn't mean to be curt.

Over the years I have developed an abiding dislike

for Miriam. As soon as Finn and his sisters where settled in

and studying at University, Miriam decided to pursue her

political ambitions, free of the hindrance of marriage or the

responsibilities of children."

Nain Joan put a ladder against a rose arbour and Vie

steadied it as she climbed.

"Finn and the girls come back to visit during the holidays.

Charlotte more than Beatrice - but not Miriam,

she hasn't set foot in the house in the last four years."

Vie handed a pair of pruning shears to Nain Joan.

"It's funny you should ask Vie, Charlotte is coming back to stay."


The curtains swayed in the bedroom windows.

"I didn't realise how much I missed the smell of the sea."

Charlotte said.

Vie watched Charlotte unpack her things onto the bed.

"Is that your Land Army uniform?"she asked.

Charlotte smiled. "Breeches, a smock and some high boots.

I'd hardly call it a uniform."

"They're a bit masculine - but I like the breeches." Vie said.

"So do I." Charlotte held them up and twirled around

as if she was dancing with a partner.

Vie laughed.

"Finn told me you had a beautiful smile."

"Did he?" Vie said.

"He did." Charlotte sighed, and enjoyed the sight of the deep

blush that spread across Vies' cheeks.

Vie looked at the ground and slowly shook her head.

''When is this terrible War ever going to be end."

"The War?" Charlotte said. "I hope it goes on forever."

Vie looked at her in surprise. ''You can't mean that Charlotte."


Authors Note.

This chapter is unfinished. I will add to it in the coming weeks.

Any ideas or comments you may have would be welcome.

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