《MY FAKE DUNGEON》Chapter 12: Alex vs the abyss…


After a mellow night.

Alex woke up early and prepared for his plan.

His plan was simple, he was gonna blow that fucker up with black powder by throwing it at it.

.... That's plan A of course and probably the most optimistic plan of them all but who knows maybe luck could shine on him.

If that doesn't work then as long as he can hinder its movement, and slow it down, then it is enough. He had no idea of its habits other than smacking its head so he couldn't make a better plan, he could only try and kite it around. He mark four points on the map, at the first point he was gonna try to throw explosives at it.. it doesn't matter if he couldn't kill it instantly... the most important thing is that he could slow it down. In the three points marked on the map he had already planted some bullets, molotovs, and small-scale explosives. After all, he couldn't carry all that at once.

As for plan C? He planned to come up with it on the job. He couldn't help but sigh at his crude plan...

'Days of preparation and I could only come up with these?? I sure do suck...' Anyways he was gonna mock himself first to get the energy up.

At the monitoring area, he strap the scorpion Evo to his back and grabbed the shotgun. Since the mk18 was a bit long it was uncomfortable carrying it on his back especially since he was probably gonna go running hard pretty soon.

"Good luck to me Iris," he said to Iris as it was concerned for him.

Taking one calm last breath of air cause it might just be his last he opened the passage and step outside his base.

Immediately he went into alert mode.

He headed to where he first saw that abomination.

He came to the familiar pillar of rock.

There he saw the torch he planted. He planted torches on all four points so that it will be easier to light up the Molotov and black powder. At the same time, there was a small jug of gasoline by the side... his money was nearly used up... he might have to rely on free food in his father's restaurant just to come by.


Then he took a sneak peek at the monster, it was still just as ugly and just as stupid as ever, banging its head on the door.

'I hope it's got dumber every it hits its head' Relaxing his nerves, he joked.

'Alright' Preparing his mind, he held his breath then...

"Hey, fucker!!" Pointing the shotgun at the monster, he shouted at the top of his lung intending to take its attention. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, he saw the creature turn its head in his direction then...

"HEEIIIH!!" It let out a screeching roar!

Alex hearing this simply answered with.




Because he practiced his shooting, he saw two splatters of black blood on its body.

"IEEE" This time it screamed in anger and plunged towards Alex.

"Shit!" Alex was surprised by its speed. Immediately he grabbed the black powder bomb and lit it with the torch. But instead of throwing it, he let it fall from his hand.

Alex turned around and ran away immediately!

He ran with all his might. He got only 6-7 seconds to run away from a 4kg black powder.

Sounds of slithering to the ground rang out, and Alex turned to look at the back, he suck a cold air.

"HELL!" It was faster than he thought. He thought he could at least run tens of meters after throwing out the bomb but now...

Not having time to think Alex ran with all his might and just when he felt he was gonna get devoured he jumped forward and ducked!


A loud explosion rang out and dust and rocks flew all over the place. He vaguely heard something falling from the side.

Alex's ears rang. He felt the impact on his body so even if his mind was telling his body to stand up immediately, it didn't listen, it took a couple of seconds before he could stand up. Just as he intended to see where the explosion happened, when he turned his head, there he saw the huge long body of the abomination.

The distance between them was less than ten meters. Seeing it up close, goosebumps rang from all over his body. Black blood and fire was all over the place, he couldn't properly tell where it was injured but he was sure it will slow it down. As for it being dead? The thought never came to him.


Then the huge body shook.

He snapped out of his stupor and staggered his way to the second point while he lighted his 2nd bomb.

After the fuse lit up, he immediately threw it at the creature as he desperately ran.

"HEII!" But before the bomb exploded, it made a strange cry.

Alex got no time to think about what it was as he distanced himself from the bomb.

BOGG! Another explosion occurred but this time it was quieter.

Alex fell to his knees, he immediately tried to stand up when he heard a galloping sound.

"!" He pointed his shotgun at the side and pulled the trigger!


He was not given time to asses it when more sounds of running were coming close to him.

He immediately stood up and ran, monsters greeted him along the way but Alex shot them all once with his shotgun, with the firepower of a shotgun although it might not be able them to kill in one shot, it was enough to incapacitated them giving him enough time to breathe and reload.

Creepy crawly, centipede-like spiders, human-like monsters. Different kinds of monsters attacked him.

"This... that fucker can call other monster to help it!?" Alex was shaken up by the revelation but held himself up as this was not the time to be shocked.

Finally, he reach the second point, there was a torch burning planted next to a rock, he ran so fast that he slid down to stop, he saw two Molotov hiding in it as well as a jag of gasoline next to it, he had planned to use this on that abomination but know he has to use these on other creatures.

He grabbed one Molotov, lit it up, and threw it at the upcoming monsters. As if that wasn't enough, Alex grabbed, the jag of gasoline, opened the lid slightly, and with all his might threw it forward. The jag fell on the burning ground and immediately a fiery explosion occurred,


The fire reach the sky as the ground burned. Alex reloaded his shotgun. When he finished reloading, there he saw the abyss holder once again coming at him, but this time, it was slower.

Not afraid.. Alex shot it until the shotgun was empty.







Black blood splattered all over and rage took over its body as it headed towards Alex wanting to devour it.

Seeing this.. Alex heaved a small sigh relief that it didn't run away, if it did, then he'd be the one chasing it instead.

He reloaded once again when...

"GARTH!!" A monster tried to jump at him, but Alex grabbed the desert eagle strap to his thigh and shot it.



The monster fell down and slid to the ground.

Not wasting any bullets, he put it back and reloaded his shotgun. The fragment holder was getting closer and he grabbed the last Molotov. Lightning it up, he was about to throw it when something tackled him and it fell on his hand,

As he was rolling on the ground he saw the Molotov falling, breaking, and then.. fire spread! Reaching him instantly.

"AHHHRG!" He screamed in pain as his left hand was burned. He hurriedly grabbed a couple of healing crystals and cracked them at his burned hand.

Half of his clothes were still burning so he rolled to the ground. Then suddenly.. he realized something, Panic filled his heart, he ignored the pain and grabbed something in his back. It was the final bomb. He saw the fuse was already halfway burning...

Not having any time to think, his body reacted faster as he threw the bomb away.

However, just as he threw it, A giant mouth lunged down to him, intending to swallow him whole.

Terror plastered his face as darkness swallowed him, then...


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