《A Requiem For The End》Chapter 8 (Prelude 8)


Yuga sat in front of the bed, legs crossed. It’d been half a day since he found the boy and he was yet to wake up. He found some clothes in the log house that conveniently matched the boy’s size and put it on him. Bored of watching, he decided to continue one of the books he’d left unfinished. He looked up from his book at the sleeping boy. He had blonde hair and fair skin. He was smiling in his sleep, must’ve been dreaming a nice dream. It was sad to see…..Because the reality that awaited him was not pleasant in the slightest.

“Mama, mama….” The boy moaned in his sleep.


It was a bright sunny day, the sun shined brightly and the sky was clear. Mama was inside the log house, preparing to make dinner. He didn’t know what she was making but he knew it’d be delicious, after all, mama was the one making it. A nine year old Luke sat outside on the green grass, he’d finished all his chores and didn’t know what to do with himself now.

He heard the crunching of leaves from the forest and turned in the direction of the sound. Papa was back and he’d brought wood for chopping. He dropped them next to a tree stump they normally used and went in to get an axe. Papa never let him chop up wood but he was determined today. He quickly ran to the tree stump, waiting for papa to return. His father returned from the house with a huge axe in hand. He moved towards the tree stump and started chopping the wood, paying no attention to Luke.

“Papa, can I-“

“No, when you’re as big as me, or your mother.” replied his father before he could finish his sentence. He asked this every time his father cut wood so he was already prepared with the usual reply.

Luke ran into the house, sulking as he went. He knew his father wouldn’t let him do it, he was mean!

“What’s wrong, Luke.” said a voice in concern as soon as he entered the log house. It was soft and sweet, it was the voice of his mother. She was sitting on a bed as she had been all day. She didn’t do much these days, mama had explained that she was pregnant. That meant that another person was living inside her, and her stomach got bigger every month.

“Papa never lets me chop wood, he says I’m too weak.” replied Luke. His mother chuckled lightly at his response.


“No, you misunderstood his meaning. He just means to say that chopping wood is really hard and it’s better for mama and papa to do it.”

“But I can do it too.” said Luke pouting.

“I know, but it’s not for you to do.”

“How about this. You can still help help bring in the logs. An extra serving for every ten logs you bring.”

“Really?!” exclaimed Luke.


“Deal!” said Luke excitedly before running off to drag in every log he could find.



“Get hot water.”

“Breathe slowly and push.”


It had been many hours that mama was screaming like that. She was giving birth papa had said. That meant the person living in her was finally coming out. But it sounded painful….. It was very late and Luke was very sleepy but he couldn’t sleep, not till he was sure mama was ok. After about an hour the screaming had stopped and was replaced by the sound of crying.

He ran into the house to see the new person. His father was holding it, that was what was crying. His mother looked worn out but she was ok. He could finally sleep. He curled up on the floor and slept off, his mind at peace.

“He’s finally asleep. He stayed awake all the while, waiting for her to be born. He wouldn’t rest till he knew it was ok.” said Mayhon looking at his wife.

“He’s a strong boy with so much love in his heart.” she replied.

Mayhon smiles. He was a sweet child wasn’t he? He gently picks up Luke and drops him in a bed. “Goodnight, Luke. You’re not alone in this home anymore.”


“Say hi to your sister, Luke.”

Luke had just woken up. His mother sat on the bed holding the little person in her arms. He walks up to her to see the baby. She was smaller than he imagined.

“Hi…..” he said softly while waving slowly at her. She smiled in response, a cute smile that warmed his heart. He was smiling too now.

“She looks just like mama, just smaller.” said Luke.

“Yes, she does. Now you have a sibling, and as the older one it’s your job to protect her. Always.” said his mother.

“Why, she looks like mama, isn’t she strong like you?” asked Luke.

“She will be, but not yet. Until then, you’re her guard.”


“Oh, ok. I won’t fail!” he assured his mother.

“I know you won’t, you’re a strong boy.”


Everything was silent and peaceful, Luke had made sure of that. The baby was sleeping and it was his job to make sure she was fine. Some flies had come around earlier but he quickly dealt with them, he wouldn’t fail. He paced up and down the house checking for the slightest danger and until he was sure there was none he wouldn’t rest. But in spite of all his efforts the baby woke up with a cry.

“Mama, the baby is crying!” shouted Luke in panic.

“Don’t worry too much, it’s normal for babies to cry.” explained his mother. She walked in and soothed the baby till it fell asleep again.

After many hours, the baby was still asleep. The baby hadn’t cried once and Luke had started to worry. “Mama, she isn’t crying, is something wrong?”

His mother just face-palmed with a sigh at his needless worries. “She’s ok, you can go off duty now.”

“He’s slow for his age.” said Mayhon, standing by the log house door, looking at his wife.

“I think that’s ok. He’s honest and has good heart. That’s all he needs.” she replied.


“What do you think we should name her, Luke?”

“Eliane, like mama, because she looks just like you.” said Luke.

“No, she needs her own name. Don’t you think it would be confusing if we had the same name?”

“Oh, right.”

“Hmmm, I think I know what to name her..”

“What?” asked Luke.

“We’ll name her….”


“The battles between the voyagers is getting closer to our home.” said Mayhon with a look of worry “To think that even our log house far off in the forest wouldn’t be safe either.”

“We’ll need to leave, maybe to your brother’s house. Tell him to come get us.” said Eliane.

“Where are we going?” asked Luke, standing by the door. He was thirteen now, nearly old enough to cut logs.

“To see your uncle and cousins.” replied his mother.

“The journey will be long, do you think you can keep up?” asked his father.

“I can.” Luke said confidently.

“Of course you can.” his father said with an assuring smile. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning.”


“Papa! Keep moving! Mama is, reilum ok?! I’ll come take her!” screamed Luke at the top of his lungs. They’d been traveling for a few days on foot and got caught in a blizzard in the middle of their march. It was too late to go back now, the only way was forward. The snow was so much they could barely see in front of themselves.

“No, you just keep moving. Mama will handle this.” replied his mother, clutching her baby tightly to her chest.

She told him she’d handle it but in reality she was on her last legs. The cold had sapped away all her strength and she could barely move herself forward. Her husband and his brother had already fallen on the way, probably dead by now. She would have fallen too if she wasn’t holding her baby. She could die but at least the child should live. She kept pushing forward but soon fell to her knees. She couldn’t move forward any longer, this was it. She lay in the snow, shivering, desperately holding on to her baby, trying her best to keep it warm. Once she died so would the baby but she couldn’t just stop trying, mothers were like that. She clasped her hands together, desperately praying to something, anything, to save the child at least.

How much time had past? She couldn’t tell. They should’ve stayed back, at least they might’ve had a chance. Luke, where was Luke? He’d gone ahead, he was still going strong when she last heard him.

Luke, you’re still moving, even when the rest of us have fallen. That’s what mama loves the most about you, you might not be the brightest but you’re honest. Your honesty and unshakable faith in what you believe makes you as strong as you need to be. This is the end for mama, I’m sorry, I couldn’t take care of your sister. But keep moving on. But how will you do without your mama and papa? We’re all you’ve known. You wouldn’t know how but please try. Don’t stop trying, don’t stop living…….

And with those final thoughts her life came to an end, in the cold harsh snow, hugging her baby close to her heart.

Mama and papa are probably ahead already, have to catch up. Can’t slow them down. A little further, just a little further….

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