《The Art of You》Bonus | Endings & New Beginnings


mature content ahead: you be 18+ to view this chapter.

clothing box into my car. We stood, staring at the front of my apartment complex, which had become a tiny time capsule, holding all of my college memories captive. I wanted them back.

A lump in my throat formed. "Oh no, I'm going to cry again."

Before Elijah had a chance to wrap his arms around me, Reva fell into my arms in a sob. "What the hell am I going to do without you?" She sniffled in my hair, and my tears began to fall. "Who's going to do the dishes?"

Laughter meld with my tears. "That's all I'm good for?"

"I'm kidding, you know. I just don't know how to do what comes next."

I held her shoulders. "You are going to do big things."

"So are you."

Elijah's hand rubbed between my shoulder blades and cast an empathetic smile.

This was the inevitable moment that never felt tangible.


Real adulthood.

Unlike college adulthood which was simply Bootcamp, preparing us for what some may consider the real world. Except, I don't feel prepared at all. Every month that passed leading closer to graduation only made me realize you're never fully prepared for what's next. You just have to be brave enough to take chances.

Since we were born, we had our lives planned out: pre-school, kindergarten, six years of elementary school followed by three of junior high, four of high school, and roughly four years of undergraduate (give or take everyone's unique educational and life path or geographical location).

And now my schedule overflowing with tasks was completed, leaving me with a calendar of endless white boxes needing to be filled.

"I see your brain gears smoking." Elijah pulled me to his side. "Can I help put out the mini-fire inside your head?"

I tucked my face by his armpit, causing him to laugh. "Nothing we haven't talked about already."

"It'll be okay."

I knew it would be okay because I had him.

Elijah was the one tether I had between college and my future, preventing me from floating into a dark abyss. Figuring out how we would stay in each other's lives was not easy. It resulted in many tears, late-night conversations, and hard decisions.

Were we ready to live together? Where would we stay? What job would we have? Where was Elijah furthering his education? What would our parents think?

Most importantly, was this what we wanted?

There wasn't a doubt that I wanted to be with him.


After many discussions with my family, I decided to stay in South Carolina instead of returning to Pennsylvania. Overcoming the pang of regret in my heart that I wasn't going back to live with my family hit hard, but I knew it was for the best.

A job offer lined up with a Creative Directive company in Charleston. It was not my long-term goal, but it paid well enough while I planned on commissioning artwork. And it just so happened Elijah was applying to the College of Charleston Department of Architecture and Engineering school.

Which also meant we toured crummy rentals during our senior year.

Which resulted in us putting a deposit on a studio apartment.

And now we were packing our cars with our belongings and driving there today to start a new chapter.

"You be good to her, okay?" Reva poked Elijah in the chest.

"I will." Elijah's smile held the promise.

"You be safe in New York."

"I will, I promise. I'll call you and send you pictures, and we can visit each other too."

"You bet we will." Reva and I hugged again, and just like that, we climbed into our separate cars and started driving away.

I was thankful Elijah wasn't in the car with me because all I did was cry. But then my phone rang. "Baby," Elijah's voice came over my car speakers. "I see you crying in the rearview mirror. Do we need to pull over?"

"No. I'll be fine," I choked on a sob. "I'm happy, but I'm sad."

His chuckles filled my car and warmed my heart. "We'll be there soon. Our parents will meet us tomorrow to help settle in, and everything will be okay. We'll still see everyone."

"I know. Stop watching me in the mirror. This is supposed to be a private moment."

"You're on a public highway bawling."


He laughed. "I love you, Van Gogh."

"I love you too, Eli."

When we got to the apartment, the landlord waited with a set of keys. We walked into our desolate new home and stood hand in hand.

"We could put a couch there." I pointed to the empty area.

"And the table and chairs there."

"I think the color blue would be a good theme."

"The floor is uneven."

"We'll make it work." Elijah squeezed my hand, pressing a kiss to my temple.

This was our place.

Unspokenly, we got to work, unpacking the car and shoving boxes where they fit. Our parents were coming to visit, and this would be the second time they met (the first being our college graduation). I knew how much of an honor it was for Elijah to introduce me to meet his parents, and I felt nothing but love from them.


I stayed up researching Ghanian Culture and etiquette before meeting them. I learned their culture is very family oriented and protective over their children. I knew Elijah and I were solid in our relationship, but meeting parents makes everything more real.

I set a box down with a groan. "My arms can't take any more trips."

"We can call it quits for tonight."

We stared at our disastrous apartment and the single mattress on the floor where our bedroom was supposed to be. The room was dark aside from the lone lamp in the corner, casting a warm yellow glow into the room. Despite the lack of furniture and the strong smell of cardboard, it already felt cozy.

Elijah left to pick up pizza while I dug through boxes for sheets. When he returned, the bed was made, a single candle flickered on the windowsill, and I was under the covers with nothing on. My heart drummed against my chest.

"Foods in here, Sadie!" Elijah shouted. When I didn't reply, he came looking for me. Our eyes met, and he leaned against the doorway, a grin dancing on his lips. "I could get used to this."

He sauntered toward the mattress and sank beside me. The blanket barely covered my breasts as he cupped my cheek and searched my eyes before leaning in for a savory kiss.

It was slow and warm, and my body melted against his. His palms combed over my chest, then slid behind my back, trailing the length of my spine until they landed on my lower back. He pulled me closer.

His tongue parted my lips, and our kiss grew needy. My hands found the hem of his shirt, and we only broke our kiss to pull the clothes over his head. Instantaneously, my fingers trailed over his chest, and my name slipped from his lips.

It sounded like a plea and a prayer mixed in one. I answered by letting my back hit the mattress and guiding him on top of me. At some point, his pants came off, and we climbed under the fresh white sheets, our bodies flesh against one another.

It felt like the first time.

My heart swelled when he gripped my jaw with enough force to make my stomach flutter and placed tender kisses along my face. "You can be as loud as you want now," he rasped against my lips.

"We still have neighbors."

"Not today, we don't."

"Is that a challenge?" My fingers trailed blow his navel, tantalizingly. "You know how I feel about challenges."

He writhed under my touch. A devious grin stared back before he lowered his mouth to mine, pinning my hand to my side. My stomach bloomed with heat, simmering throughout the furthest parts of my body.

Oh, words and feelings could not express how he made me feel. Especially when he looked at me and slipped between my legs, causing me to gasp and catch the sound with his lips before it dissipated into the room.

"I will never get enough of you."

"Now you have all of me for days upon days, upon days..." my voice trailed into a soft laugh as he kissed my chest.

After touching me for a time and practically making me beg for more—which I had no problem doing for him—he turned me onto my side.

It was painful staying still as he lay behind me, his front snugly against my back, cocooning me. My heart drummed against my ribs, and I craned my neck in an attempt to find his mouth.

One of his hands gripped my hip bone, the other laid under my neck, his palm firm against my chest, pulling me close. His lips found mine as he slowly, carefully pushed inside me. Heat and pressure burst through me like a fire, making me drunk with pleasure.

That time, he let my sounds ring out into the room. He chuckled, raspy with pride which only made me work against him harder.

This was the beginning of many nights and new memories. Because after we made love, devoured pizza, and showered the sweat away in the lukewarm water, we curled up on our floor mattress, and he pulled me taught against his chest. His big arms encased me, shielding me in his warmth despite the summer heat.

This place was unfamiliar to us, but I could feel the four walls slowly beating to life.

Our new beginning.

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happy surprise bonus chapter ;) I miss you all & Eli/Sadie. Hope you stick around for my other work!

: Are you reading my new book ?

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