《Welcome to the new World》Volume 1 chapter 6 Who are you


When I opened my eyes, I saw a wooden wall in front of me. It was something strange and improvised, and I knew we were moving because the wall and everything around me rose and fell rhythmically.

The box was completely sealed, except for a few holes in the roof of the box. Everything was completely covered. I didn’t understand what was going on, not really, but what I did know was that I was nothing more than a prisoner.

I tried to remember how I got there, but nothing made sense. The last thing I remembered was that Asian boy. He said.

“You like being run over, don’t you?”

But apart from that, all my memory was fuzzy, and I didn’t even know what I was wearing. I assumed that these people had put these clothes on me, and looking around, I said.

“Where the hell am I?”

I didn’t expect anyone to answer. Actually, the box where I was, barely allowed me to sit down, but inside the shadow, a voice answered me.

"You’re captured, I can’t believe they got to you before us, but we’re already here, don’t worry.”

I clearly heard those words, and my mind jumped. It was not possible that someone was with me in that place. However that was happening, from the shadows of the box, a woman manifested herself. She came out of the shadows like someone who comes out submerged from a pool, and right in front of my face he said. “Damn, this is narrow.”

Her eyes were clear, and her face was so close that I could feel her breath on her mask. She looked like a ninja but without sleeves. Her arms were bare as well as her head, the mask covered her nose and mouth, allowing her eyes to be seen clearly, and her long brown hair tied in a ponytail.

Her body barely fit in the box attached to the front wall, even though we were close to her, and she said, looking around her.

“We don’t have much time. If we enter Lunare territory, we are lost. We need to act fast.”

I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t understand anything about what was happening and seeing me, she said. “Has any gift manifested?”

I looked at her, and my heart was pounding. I didn’t understand what she meant by the gift, but I could only think that her body was very close to me. Seeing her, I said, “I do not know what you mean.”


She, who seemed to have all the answers, said. “Bastards, they already took advantage of us, but don’t worry, I promise I’ll get you out of this place.”

She, looking at the floor of the box, put one foot in and began to submerge when seeing her leave, I said. “Do not leave me, please.”

She smiled, looked me in the eyes, and said.

“Never, hero! I’ll get you out, don’t worry.”

She disappeared, and in my fear, I began to wonder if I would see her again. I was too terrified to understand that she had called me a hero. At that moment, I didn’t know what she was referring to, and it was starting to scare me until voices and screams began to be heard outside. Who’s there!!?”

I raised my head, and as I moved, I realized that my hands were chained with a strong shackle, and in the dark, feeling the chains, I said.

“Perfect, as if I didn’t have enough problems.”

However, outside I could hear how the desperation of the group that was taking me, grew. Everyone was screaming.

“Hey, what was that!!?”

“Did anyone see something!!?”

“Turn on the damn lights now!!”

Without being able to understand anything, he felt something on my feet again and looked down, and I saw how the girl had reappeared from the shadows. Her face was visible, but now she had blood marks on her eyebrow when I saw her, I said.

“You’re hurt!”

She quickly put her hand to my mouth and, with a finger, pointed where hers would be to tell me to be quiet. Showing me her hand, I saw how she was holding a key and opening the chains she told me.

“Hero. I need you to hold my hand and hold your breath, it’s like being underwater, but to avoid being scared, better close your eyes.”

I looked at her. She held my hand, and I could feel her delicate skin between my fingers. She began to submerge, and I realized that I was submerging just like her, terrified. I saw how my body sank into the shadows along with the girl, and holding my breath, I closed my eyes.

I felt submerged underwater, but I must admit that my curiosity overcame my fear. I opened my eyes and began to see the interior of the earth, bone insects, and a lot of earth around me, I thought I would drown, but I managed to maintain my composure when she, holding me, brought me to the surface again.


We went out in the shade of a tree as if we were emerging from the water and I, breathing again, saw her when she placed her finger on her lips and made the sign for her not to say anything.

“Where is it??”

Another man yelled.

“How do you want me to know it!! I didn’t see her take it.”

I looked forward and saw the body of a man on the ground who had the same clothes as the men who had left me unconscious, and seeing me, she submerged herself in the shadow again, winking at me.

I was terrified, I looked down the road and could easily see twenty men all wearing a uniform blue like soldiers of ancient times. With muskets and flintlock pistols, even swords, and bows.

An idea began to take shape in my mind when I felt the young woman’s delicate hands covering my mouth and lowering my head as she said.

“When it explodes, we’ll run. We’ll use that distraction, alright?”

I looked at her, confused, and said.


She looked at me and said.

“Cover your ears!”

And I covered my ears, listening to her, which did not prevent the explosion from completely stunning me. The explosion was tremendous. Getting up, I looked at the box where it was that was now completely destroyed, and all the soldiers fell to the ground, stunned by the explosion.

The girl took my hand and said.

“Run!! Run!! Quick run!!!”

And she started to pull me. I looked at her and decided that if I was going to listen to anyone, it would be the girl who released chains. We started running through the forest. The terrain was difficult to overcome, but my movements surprised me. I had never been good at running, but now it was as if I were an expert.

“I can get into the racing team like this!!”

I said without realizing it and began to test the limits of my new physical condition, jumping trees, bushes, and rocks without problems. Even the darkness did not prevent me from overcoming obstacles with ease until reaching a point I reached a cliff and stopped.

What I saw was something impressive. Two twin moons illuminated a huge valley of forest and rivers, its beauty was tremendous, and something caught my attention, a gigantic beast was flying aimlessly through the sky. Seeing all that made my heart flutter until the girl’s voice said.

“Hero, watch out!!”

I turned to see her, and she was running desperately towards me. Her hand was reaching out to reach me when I turned my head to the right and saw it. A huge rotating blade was coming toward me with all the speed in the world, and it was going to destroy me in half, and fear was responsible for paralyzing me.

The fear was so much that I held my breath, and, closing my eyes, I waited for my tragic death. However, closing my eyes, my body sank again as if I was submerged in the water, the same feeling I had when the girl took me out of the box, but this time I was alone. I crossed the floor of the cliff, and the next thing I saw was how my body fell into the void. Seeing myself falling with nothing to do I let out a tremendous scream and seeing the ground far below I began to think about my end.

Two hands wrapped around my body and seeing the young woman who had saved me again, and I smiled when she told me.

“Trust me?”

I nodded, and her biting my neck made her eyes turn into full shadows, and with that skill, she moved the shadows of all the trees that caught us to drop us softly to the ground below the cliff.

Terrified, I touched her neck and looked up. I saw all the distance we had fallen and was surprised I looked at her, tired she pointed to a place and said.

“Don’t stop. Move forward, please!”

And with those words, her body fell unconscious in front of me. She collapsed at my feet, breathing exhausted, but my mind left her full of questions. However, seeing the top of the cliff, I remembered my captors, and I knew that doing what she said was the best thing. Holding her on my back and I got into March didn’t know what was happening, but now he could run and no doubt he would run nonstop to survive.

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