《Author's Rant》Alrighty, it's official. I hate myself.


Now, look. Before you grab the pitchforks, or whatever your stabbing implement of choice is, I am completely to blame.

I went back and was rewriting The Shifter, with, y'know, an actual plot. I feel like that will make things better for it in the long run. That led me to put The Core off to the side for a bit, though the ideas didn't stop coming for it. Add in the fact I was taking a summer course, and am still a college student, and, well. I haven't posted in a while. Now, I've had a new idea. Well, not really a new idea, per say, but an idea. It's gonna tie in to literally every story I write, but not in an obvious way. It's just gonna help explain the lore of a few certain plot relevant items later down the line. In fact, timeline-wise, it actually takes place at the exact same time as The Shifter does, although it does remain on Earth. Earth is fixing to get some minor upgrades, though. Later on. In the new story.

This does require you to go back in time a bit. You see, I've mentioned before that I have something like 17 (now 18) stories that I've written. Well, I have lovingly dubbed them all part of "The Otherworld Chronicles". They are all part of an interconnected story universe. At some point in the future, they will even begin to merge, though that is eons in the future. But no, they are all connected by this item (of which I will not explain what it is). This item comes into existence as a direct result of my new story and The Shifter's story interacting. My new story is actually there to help tie up loose ends later on, so it will become important. Eventually. A long ways down the road.


Anywho. Max is a fun character to write. I'm trying my hand at writing a Gender-fluid main character, and Max is just perfection for that. Yay. But no. I am working on my other stories. Don't worry. I just don't have a lot of free time these days. :cry:

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