《Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]》Prologue: Enter The Spider Dragon! [Revised]



Enter The Spider Dragon!

Interesting enough, I came to awaken somewhere in a loop that seemed limitless. Engulfed in darkness as the strange texture of nothing surrounded my soul growing me desperately.

Nothing to my senses, much less memories of a life that I had experienced before these new circumstances came to light. An endless path, with no close destination as the travel through only grew darker rather than lighter.

A meaning to all this complexity, well there were none to be brutally honest. Life served no purpose to my foreign being even in this space of nothingness that only brought misery to my way of thinking, truly miserable. What else is there to do, after all I am alone without a choice of living a normal life or that of nothing as I am now.

Perhaps I am exaggerating and growing desperate each passing second or perhaps even more than a measly second; there is no form of way to tell time in this material matter.

[Commencing New Birth]

[Expected Time: Sixty Seconds]

[Available Options: Slime, Ogre, Human, Fox, Dwarve, High Elf, Low Elf, Goblin, Dragon, Spider]

The options of reincarnation, several with a good ring to them others not so much. Goblin, not the best if I am led to believe either way not something I would choose. Ogre, almost similar in some characteristics despite that they are stronger if my beliefs are right; still not something I feel right on choosing.

Low Elf or High Elf, sure great ring to it but the idea of being an elf feels irrelevant to me. Perhaps something I don't feel right on choosing with the options given. Fox, an animal obviously not a thing I would lead myself to live even if it held itself as a strong entity. Spider, no clue at the slightest. Perhaps an evolution of it would prove beneficial but the idea of withstanding myself to a long path of waiting just doesn't sit right. Dragon, ferocious and most obvious to be my choice of electing more so compared to the other.


That is my answer, Dragon.

[Granted: Dragon]


[System Error]


[Dragon Evoked To Spider Dragon]

[Expected Time: Starting Soon]

[60, 59, 58, 57, 56]

A change in the system, due to an error done at the last second into a mixed breed creature of Spider and Dragon. Not that I would object or anything, but a little more of information would seem to be required. I have the slightest idea as to what the ideology of a Spider Dragon even is.

Could it have to do with the parents, after all mixed breeds would tend to be answered by that knowledge right. Otherwise what could possibly be the correct answer to this unforeseen turn of events. Not objecting the idea but still this is abrupt and without any information I won't seem to understand the whole reasoning behind this decision done by a unknown system. Is this destination even a regular world, after all dragons don't seem to be a normal thing to my brain without any speck of intelligence.

[47, 46, 45, 44, 43]

Only a short while left in the whole process, the new life awaits that is if I had already lived once before in the distant past of which I bear no memory. Strange enough, I couldn't really care a single bit, although I worry of the hardships will come to face me in a hard and difficult level. Afraid I am... after all this is new to me at least to my mentality of recollection.

Who knows, perhaps I will come to understand this reason and the decision taken behind as to why I fail to remember the past I could've once lived. There are many reasons yet none flourish into the center of my functioning brain of odd matter.

[24, 23, 22, 21, 20]

A family, that is perhaps the first thing that will come out of this new adventure. I get the strange and warmth feeling of excitement just thinking about it; then again I won't be born a regular creature so things will be way different. Perhaps the best option would've been something more regular such as a dwarve, or even an elf for all I know but what could be expected out of me? After all I am clueless to all these things!


Brothers, sisters, a mother and a father that is all I could possibly ask for at this point. I have no reason, but they seem rather important to me but I don't seem to know.... why?

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0......]

[5000 XP]

[5 Skill Points]

[2 SP Skill Points]

[1 Evolution Token]

[5000 Bonus XP; Reincarnation Benefit]

[10 Skill Points; Reincarnation Benefit]

[2 SP Skill Points; Reincarnation Benefit]

[4 Evolution Token; Reincarnation Benefit]

[Spider Dragon Leveled Up---> LV: 7]

[Commencing Reincarnation]

Silence emitted as the darkness turned into dimmed down lights of white. I fell down to the ground surrounded by liquid most likely due to birth which was weird to be honest. Eyes were unable to open, but the texture of grass traveled at my palms and shoulders as I slowly lifted from the ground.

I felt someones presence with many more smaller things to release from the inside of the thing that stood tall.

Cleansing away the wetness that surfaced my body, I glared to what laid in proximity in what appeared to be a cliff high in the grounds that surrounded. Near me, were other similar born dragons, each different in appearance bearing different characteristics from their respective heritage. One held much similar to a regular dragons, others had some similar looks to insects and animals which would honestly make it understandable for the reason of my bizarre reincarnation.

Looking up above, was the mother who glared at us, her children only giving the look of dislike as she fled away leaving her offspring behind in the cliffs that led nowhere.. She flew away, far into the distance making it obvious that she would not support us in life even more now as she would normally be required to feed us from anything even tend to us from a dying illness.

'Status Window.'

[Nameless] [Baby Spider Dragon] [LV: 7]

[HP: 10000/10000] [MP: 500/1000] [SP: 50/100]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Skill Points: 15] [SP Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Tokens: 5]

Interestingly enough, much of the final system notification led true. Skill Points, SP Skill Points, and Evolution Tokens all came to be in my possession and the experience accumulated led my level in reach of level 7 in just a short amount of time. Even so, my skills, at least the basic of requirements were low, done especially by the fact of being a baby in this small figure.

The only question would be the usage of points and tokens; after all there was zero information in how I should normally be able to use them. Not even information in evolving myself if it were possible without the use of Evolution Tokens.

[Skill Points Available: 15]

[Available Skills:


[SP Skill Points Available: 4]

[Available SP Skills: None]

[Evolution Tokens: 5]

[Evolution Available: ]

Well, surprise surprise. My worries were answered somehow?

Countless options, even with limited amount of points in my personal disposal. Although the SP skills still seem to hold much more points to accumulate to even gather any available skills or perhaps my current form would be unable to withstand those specific skills.

I have an evolution option, but I want to refrain myself from using those points. Instead I want to focus on advancing myself in a natural manner rather than with the use of the system. I'd rather spend my points onto skills rather than evolution stages for the foreseeable future.

For now, 'Let us purchase Appraisal!'

[Obtained Skill:

[13 Skill Points Remain]

For now, I should study and understand my newfound skill.

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