《Scavenger》BONUS: The Scavenger's Handbook


Thirty simple rules that WILL save your life.

You can fix the motion detection sensors of a Warden but you can’t learn these rules? I don’t buy it, Cake. I won’t be around forever you know.

~ Grey


You are a Scavenger. Lucky you. Never forget, you are living on borrowed time!


Food and water are not just words. Without them you are dead! But don’t allow them to become a burden.


Sleep when you can! Doesn’t matter if its day or night, you need to be rested. A tired mind, leads to mistakes and mistakes mean death.


Find a safe place where you can haul up when needed! And for the love of God, prepare an emergency exit!


Did you scout ahead? No? What the fuck are you waiting for! Spend a day to get familiar with your surroundings and return to safer ground. Only then venture forward. IDIOT!


Bullets are life. Don’t waste them and don’t be stingy with them when you need to gun and run.


Don’t postpone maintenance and never do a half-assed job! Clean and replace your filters!


Don’t be greedy!


Always try to help. Like it or not, a bullet between the eyes or a knife to the throat is also helping. And please, make it quick.


Never second-guess yourself. Make a choice and commit to it.

RULE #10

Travel light!

RULE #11

A riffle and at least two handguns, one main and one back-up. Loaded and with a bullet in the chamber, a knife and a blade. Less than that and you are begging to die. So, go make sure you have everything!

RULE #12

Meet is food and meet is meet… Just don’t think about it.


RULE #13

Your friends are huffing paint… Seriously, why haven’t you ditched them yet?!

RULE #14

You are cold? Use a blanket or put another coat on. Fire is only for cooking in an emergency! Why? Guess what, it attracts attention, idiot!

RULE #15

Canned and pickled goods only! See previous rule if you don’t get it!

RULE #16

Don’t panic! Repeat. Do NOT panic!

RULE #17

Spider silk is strong and resilient. Wrap it in cloth and you have an all-purpose rope. And yes, I am talking about the giant ones.

RULE #18

Lots of faeces around you, there are only two possible explanations. You are stuck in a latrine or it’s a sign of mutant horde.

RULE #19

Shopping malls and pharmacies, don’t bother with them. They’ve been picked clean long ago. Apartment towers, that’s where you’ll find useful things.

RULE #20

Blue for infection. Green for radiations. Red for toxic poisoning. It’s free fucking colours, is that so hard to remember!

RULE #21

People are not your enemy. But don’t trust them either. And always, ALWAYS, check for signs of a plague!

RULE #22

Never enter a bar with a loaded weapon! Never! There is no if, no nothing! Something sharp or blunt, on the other hand, is perfectly fine.

RULE #23

You found a dead tourist and by some miracle their energy weapon is intact and loaded! Don’t bother. There is too much radioactive dust in the Sectors and you’re left with a fancy flashlight.

RULE #24

Death is everywhere. Accept it and move on.

RULE #25

At the first sign of rain seek shelter! Block doors, windows and holes in the walls with whatever you find! Actually, avoid any room with that many holes in it!

RULE #26

Shrimp hounds are blind not deaf! Widejaws are deaf not blind! Learn the fucking difference!

RULE #27

Avoid Wardens! What don’t you understand about that one?

RULE #28

Keep an eye out for signs left by other Scavengers. They can save your life.

RULE #29

Leave signs for anyone that might come after you. Who knows, you might need a rescuing. Make sure it is obvious what they mean! A fucking smiley face is not a sign!

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