《Darick Ryan: The story of a Empire Cop》Chapter Ten: Clearing names.
October 7th, 1995
"What are we going to do?" asked Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "I don't know. Each second that we sit here the higher the chance the corrupt bastards can find this place though!"
"Only thing I can tell you about this city," said Darick, "Don't know how long you'd been here. But..."
Agent Mackenzie replied, "That there are more criminals in this town than in prison," Almost every city agency is corrupt. We do something that'll help the city to expose corruption in this city,"
"Exposing it won't help," said Darick, "Remember back in '86 here or in the small vacation city of Palm Shores?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "No I don't,"
"Back in 1986 a guy running for Governor and ran on cleaning up crime and starting with prostitution," said Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "But wasn't he caught in a police raid?"
"Yeah in the city's Seacoast Hotel," said Darick, "He says he was going to put an end to prostitution but the Administrative Vice Squad busted him getting a double blowjob from a Hispanic and African-Little Birden women. Yeah it wasn't pretty in the papers it ended his political career, and his wife left him too,"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "And the other one?"
"Didn't your mother tell you?" asked Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "No she hardly told me about the cases she worked on,"
"Well in Palm Shores," said Darick, "Guy was running for president in the 1988 election year. Well, you'd know cities on the ocean. They're more or less open targets for smuggling. Well, your mother was the lead agent. Let's say after a while your mother found a bigger fish and all that. Your mother found a ton of criminals. She found extortion, blackmail, prostitution, Illegal fights, black market, and trafficking. She cleaned up that city single-handedly only with her pistol. After all Palm Shores Police Department was either on the take of gang bangers or mafiosos and didn't enforce the laws,"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Yeah my mom did do a lot. Just with a SpecOps (S&W M39), and a silenced MAC-10. She made everything right or wrong depending on what side you were on. There was a case she did rich douchebag. He thought money made every problem he had to disappear. Let's just say the LBFAA had him not take off and let's say a federal warrant got him. Sad he didn't face the justice he was shanked in a holding cell,"
"Well we need to find a way to clear our names," said Darick, "Not just sitting here. Heck, I sent my baby sister to school and I worry that some random G-men will pick her up either on the way to school, walking back from school, or while she's in school!"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Well I'm going to go find a payphone,"
"Why don't you use your pager or gov't company flip phone?" asked Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "I turned them off so they can't trace their location of them. Also wouldn't surprise me If they got someone waiting for me to use either or if not both of them,"
Agent Mackenzie then went and entered the district of Andersen and entered a payphone booth and closed the door not adding she placed a quarter into the old time payphone.
"Come on. Pick up... pick up... pick up," whispered Agent Mackenzie, "Come on mom please pick up!"
Someone replied, "Hello who is this?"
"Who's this?" asked Agent Mackenzie
Someone replied, "This is Ms. Charlote Caroline. I'm Ms. Lousie Smiths's secretary. Who are you?"
"I'm Special Agent Mackenzie Smith," said Agent Mackenzie, "I'm trying to reach Ms. Lousie. Is she back from her vacation?"
Ms. Charlotte replied, "Sorry. No, she isn't back yet. She left a note saying she'll be back tomorrow morning."
"Can you get a message to her?" said Agent Mackenzie, "I know she's in the wilderness without a phone and all that. But do you think it's possible she can get word if an agent can be sent to her location?"
Ms. Charlotte replied, "Sorry but she did say she's cutting her vacation short and will be in tomorrow morning,"
"Alright thanks," said Agent Mackenzie, "Well have a good one. Wait before I go can you have her meet me in the City of Empire at the Airport,"
Ms. Charlotte replied, "Yeah I'll tell her,"
Agent Mackenzie went back to her hideout but made sure she wasn't followed.
Back in the hideout.
"Why don't you get some people and protest about the corruption?" asked Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "Not going to work. They're going to beat us up with their nightstick, spray us with pepper spray, shoot us with rubber bullets, and the fire dept going to spray us down the street with their high pressured firehose,"
"That's true," said Agent Mackenzie, "Well damn. Honestly, I don't know what to do,"
Darick replied, "I got it! I know it'll be a crime but can find a way to expose corruption in city hall!"
"What do you mean?" asked Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "We're going to rob the mayor,"
"That is the stupidest thing I've heard," said Agent Mackenzie, "But go if you want,"
At night in Tallhill
Darick climbed over a fence and saw some people in trousers, white shirts, loafer shoes, white socks, and a police utility belt with a pistol, walkie-talkie, pager, and a flashlight.
No surprise there that the corrupt Mayor has guards, Darick thought, Well better get this over with.
Darick snuck by the guards and went to the back door which wasn't locked so Darick entered it and tipped-toed around a bit but dodged more guards.
Inside of the two-story mansion.
Darick went inside and went to the second floor and found a door that says "PRIVATE". Darick opened the door and found a safe but there was a red flashing light.
Darick then went down to the basement and turned off the safe's alarm and he went upstairs and lockpicked the safe and found a lot of important stuff.
I'd better get out of here, Darick thought, But I bet the Empire-Tribune, Empire Times, and Empire Post would love to have stories to run these and it'll expose the corruption in the city gov't. Wonder how many people would care?
Darick was about to leave but saw red lights outside so he slid a curtain back and saw twelve 1960s Americana-styled police cars with their single rotary light on.
Yeah have twenty-four car officers, Darick thought, but their response in poor districts is they'll send one or two officers and a piss poor response time but in rich neighborhoods, they'll send a platoon of cops with an almost instant response time!
Darick then escaped without the police and guards noticing but heard a helicopter fly over with the searchlight on.
Darick entered Agent Mackenzie's safe house.
"Darick it's almost three in the morning!" said a very tired Agent Mackenzie, "Where the hell did you go?"
Darick replied, "Paid a visit to the mayor's house and got some incriminating stuff,"
Darick then threw a lot of files and a book down onto the coffee table.
The two went to bed.
Eleven in the morning the next day.
"Damn there must be thousands of names in here," said Darick, "If not more! It even says how much they're paid per week too!"
Agent Mackenzie, "Yeah a huge payout. My gut says whoever pays them off has the cash. I mean they must spend up to $500,000 a month if not more to pay off the cops and government officials,"
"five hundred thousand dollars is a lot of dough," said Darick, "Maybe we should make a call to the city's anti-corruption team. But I like my idea more of giving it to the city's media and exposing the corruption. Do you know anyone who works in media in this city?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "No sorry I don't,"
Darick placed his hands on his face.
"It's okay to cry," said Agent Mackenzie, "Just be true to yourself and others, always be honest, and be yourself,"
Darick replied, "What do you mean?"
"They're Aesops," said Agent Mackenzie, "It's okay to cry. It means crying and expressing sadness is okay. Just be yourself is well being yourself and don't try to be someone you're not. Always be honest means well honesty is the better policy and lying won't help and that'll get you into a hole you can't get out of. Also, don't give into peer pressure. So you're a cop but does your sister want to be a cop? Protecting her is one thing but you'd also have to let her go and all that. Also, the final thing a hard truth Aesop is that some men cannot be reasoned with or convinced."
Agent Mackenzie then left to go and entered the district of Andersen and called her mother again.
"Hello?" said a woman's voice, "How can I help you?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Mom? Is that you?"
"Mackenzie? Is that you" asked Deputy Director Lousie
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Yeah mom it's me. How was your vacation?"
"It was fine sweetie," said Deputy Director Lousie, "How are you?"
Agent Mackenzie, "Not good mom. I'm being hunted down for trying to expose corruption in the city of Empire. And I really need your help. I know you're not able to me out all the time but now I'm just very scared and don't know what to do,"
"It's alright honey," said Deputy Director Lousie, "I'm on my way to help you. Where are you?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "I'm on a payphone in Andersen district. At the intersection of 33rd Street and 88th Street."
"Alright sweetie," said Deputy Director Lousie, "I'll be on the next flight to the city of Empire."
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Wait, mom. Before I go. I'm working with a former cop who was fired for doing his job, But he tried to expose corruption in the city as well and he's betting hunted down as well. But we really need your help,"
"Mackenzie listen to me," said Deputy Director Lousie, "I'm. Coming. Out. There. To. Help!"
The two hung up.
Back at the hideout
"Well my mother is on the way," said Agent Mackenzie, "But she won't be here for another three hours or so. Give or take depending on traffic to the airport and all that,"
Darick replied, "Cool."
Three hours later.
Agent Mackenzie went back to the payphone due to it's where she and her mother are going to meet.
On a hill.
Agent Mackenzie saw a black 1963 Hornet Fairview (1963 Ford Fairlane) with a blue interior approach the T-intersection and a 1980s Freighliner with police decals on it that says: "POLICE SPECIAL WEAPONS AND EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT", and an upside-down triangle patch that says "POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPIRE".
Eight guys then got out wearing dark blue uniforms with a helmet, goggles, balaclava masks, kneepads, elbow pads, and a ballistic vest that says "SWAESU" on the back and the front has "OFFICER: (OFFICER'S NAME), and BUREAU OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS"
Agent Mackenzie drew her pistol and fired at the Special Weapons and Emergency Service Unit advanced to the car. But her gunfire made them go to her and shoot at her.
There was another small arms fire where it was Agent Mackenzie's mother after the whole ordeal.
"Why were they after me?" asked Lousie
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Because they don't want anyone to expose their corruption. Come one mom,"
Back at the hideout.
"Well, that was 'fun'. Well it was more excitement than your father on the night we'd made you," said Lousie, "And a lot more action,"
Agent Mackenzie, "Eww mom. I did not need to know that,"
"Anyway I need to head to the city's field office," said Lousie, "Then I can help you and the former cop you were talking about. Where is he?"
"Hey Darick!" yelled Agent Mackenzie, "Get out here!"
Darick came out.
"Yeah Mackenzie?" asked Darick, "You'd need something?"
Deputy Director Lousie replied, "Who's this?"
"This is Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "Darick this is my mother. Mom this is Darick,"
The two met and wished they could've met under better circumstances and the two showed Deputy Director Lousie the evidence that Darick collected.
"Well this is a start," said Deputy Director Lousie, "Come on,"
They followed Deputy Director Lousie and entered the city. But she did her work and cleared their names and it was hard but she had the power and all that.
After their visit to the EOD Building they went and paid a visit to all three of the city's newspapers and tabloid buildings and it was a juicy story for all of them to cover and all that.
"Damn my legs hurt," said Agent Mackenzie, "Wish we had a car,"
Darick replied, "All of this walking is good for you. My legs hurt too but my mother always said that complaining never helps."
"He's right Mackenzie," said Deputy Director Lousie, "Complaining never helps,"
At the Ninth preceinct
Deputy Director Louise was about to knock on Captain Esposito's door but heard him talking to someone over the phone and mention a locker at the city's main train station.
Over at the train station at locker 431.
"What the Hell is this?" asked Captain Esposito
Deputy Director Lousie replied, "Captain Esposito we got a search warrant for Locker 431 and we want you to open it,"
"I swear to God," said Captain Esposito, "Only things you're going to see are my clothes and golf clubs,"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Just open it or we'll open it for you!"
Captain Esposito then went to open the locker.
"If you're wondering how we got a warrant so fast," said Agent Mackenzie, "Well, Deputy Director Lousie knows people over at the General Attorney's office,"
Captain Esposito opened the locker.
"There see!" said Captain Esposito, "Just my golf clubs and clothes,"
Agent Mackenzie then got the duffle bag and opened it.
"Clothes? Huh?" said Agent Mackenzie, "About fifty G's in here. And look at this! Four pounds of Coke, Five pounds of Crack Cocaine, twelve pounds of Crack, three pounds of LSD, and forty pounds of Marijuana. Wait a sec. fourteen pounds of Meth."
"You know all those drugs are illegal," said Deputy Director Lousie, "This ain't medical marijuana. Captain Esposito. You're under arrest for possession intent for distribution, Illegal termination, Public corruption, corruption, and crimes against morality. You have the right to shut up, anything you say will be used against you in a court of law, if you cannot afford an attorney life is unfair. Alright take him away,"
The two then arrested Captain Esposito and took him outside and placed him in the back of another 1964 Hornet Fairview.
"Hey Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "You deserve this,"
Agent Mackenzie then placed Darick's badge onto the left breast of his flannel shirt and a white t-shirt under it.
"You two should get married," said Deputy Director Lousie, "Before you two say anything. You two will make an adorable couple."
Agent Mackenzie replied, "MOM! For one, we're both seventeen! Second of I'm a workaholic! Do you think I'll be home enough to raise a baby or babies? I'm a Gov't agent and he's a cop! We work in one of the dangerous careers that ain't being a soldier or a firefighter!"
"Just pointing it out there," said Deputy Director Lousie, "Just have a nice dinner date. But I know if you two were together I know that neither of you will be like Mackenzie's father,"
At the EOD Building.
Darick got dressed into his police uniform which he safely put in Agent Mackenzie's locker and to him he though he'd never though he would've worn it again.
They decided to take a ride but Deputy Director Lousie then got a couple of field agents.
Over at city hall.
The trio with the other two Gov't agents got out of an elevator.
They interrupted the mayor's press conference and arrested him for corruption and threatening a peace officer.
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