《Demon Lord revenge》The Valley of Two Worlds Part 3


"Fuck,why i didn't find another monsters i am just finding goblins,i am going to be a goblin slayer or what?"-Elfire with angry face screamed.

"Kill that man,don't let him escape"-A boy screamed.

After Elfire heard that voice he climbed a tree and jumped on another one trying to see what happen.

A man in brown clothes and a white cloak was fighting seven peoples with swords and bows.

"Ice punch"-The man in brown clothes said making his punch like ice,punching one of them.

"Your strong but you need to die,you have to be happy because me,Arthur Alser will excute you to death"-The boy said.

"I saw you like my brother, but now you want to kill me"-The man said ripping his clothes.

With a monstrous force he broke a man's hand trying to avoid all the arrows that were flying to kill him,all the spells that were trying to hurt him.

The man used ice magic to create a wall to block the arrows and at the same time he create a sword to attack the anothers and in some minutes he avoided all the attacks and killed five of them.

"Ghggh,if i was not poisoned i was going to kill you all"-The man said trying to not fall.

"Even when you are near to die you can kill five people that are close to be elite knights "-Arthur said with a evil smile

"He is like me he was betrayed by the people he trusted the most, but i knew that i was going to be betrayed but he didn't"-Elfire thought to himself.

Elfire's eyes began to be red,he jumped down from the tree he made steps near the man in brown clothes.

"Who are you?"-Arthur screamed angry

Elfire raised his hand and made a huge fireball that used all his energy.Then he grabbed the mans cloak and ran from there hiding in the forest.


"Catch them,don't let them live"-Arthur screamed when from the forest 30 goblins began to appear making Elfire some time to escape.

"My plan was a succes,that fireball made some goblins to appear there even some wolfs and bears."-Elfire thought to himself.

After some hours,Elfire found his cave and hide, waiting the man to wake up.

"I didn't thought i will wait 5 hours,i was lucky i was in a forest if not the changes to die were more higher"-Elfire thought to himself.

"I need to get more stronger if i want to get my revenge,i need to awake my Ri,i need to make my beginer magic to Emperor magic or Semi-master magic,i need to to gain more skills"- Elfire thought to himself.

The man begin to awake and with a suprised face he asked Elfire.

"Why did you save me"-The man asked."

"I saw you need help so i i was generous and i helped you"-Elfire replied.

"My name is Lucier Berto and if i can help you please say"-The man said.

"That's what i wanted,if i use the good words i can manipulate somebody to help me grow stronger"-Elfire thought to himself.

"Help me break trough beginer magic level"-Elfire said.

"You want to have apprentice magic rank"-The man said.

"Your magic is close to mid elite magic, so you need to know how you break trough."-Elfire said.

"If you want break trough beginer magic level you need to experience the boost of an attribute"-The man replied

"So how i experience a boost"-Elfire asked.

"If you want to awake the boost,you need to use a magic to its full power"-The man replied.

"I need to fight E rank monster or C rank if i want to use a magic to its full power."-Elfire said.


"I didn't said that you need to fight,you need to use a magic to its full power u can try to train your magic."-Lucier said.

"I want you to fight me,so i can try to awaken the boost but i you just to use magic"-Elfire said.

"Ok,if you want to fight me then i accept,even if i don't use any skills it will be easy to beat u"-Lucier said.

Both of them exited the cave and they started the fight.

Lucier created six ice arrows and sent them flying to Elfire,then he made the air to get colder and made some snow in the air,Elfire vision became bad he could not see anything and with this attack Lucier could end the match easy if Elfire could not see the arrows but because of Elfire skill [Detection] he could detect some arrows and he dodged two of them but when the third one was close to attack him he used shadow step to dodge all the attacks and coming behind Lucier,he tried to hit him with a shock wave but Lucier created a ice wall to block Elfire.

"I didn't think that you are so strong but let's make you use your full power"-Lucier said creating a ice sword.

With single hit, Lucier made Elfire flying in a tree,Elfire made ten fire arrows sending them flying to Lucier,but he destroyed all the attacks with easy but Elfire came to his back and used [Magic Eye] and made a huge fire blast but with no effect.Lucier made Elfire falling on the ground.

"I didn't know that ice is stronger that fire"-Elfire said with anger.

"Don't think like that but my Ice magic is more strong that your fire magic"-Lucier said.

Elfire breath became more colder and its eyes began to glow red , its aura became more dark and with a monstrous anger he began to fight Lucier in combat,Lucier was close lose when he tried to use his sword his hand was attacked by Elfire leg.

Lucier punch became like ice when he tried to land a hit on Elfire he avoided it and he punched his face,Lucier grabbed Elfire punch and he hit him and he send him flying in a wall.

"Kid your quit interesting"-Lucier said.

A fire blast tried to shot Lucier but he blocked it with a barrier. Elfire began to make steps and he exited the mist but Lucier eyes where suprised,Elfire aura was more darker that when it appeared first.

Elfire used shadow step and he was near Lucier then he tried hit him with a thunder strike that had no effect.Lucier created a new sword made from ice blocked Elfire attack.

Lucier tried to move but he was blocked by Elfire attack.Elfire appeared in front of him and tried to hit him when Lucier made a barrier and sent him flying,Elfire began to rise from the ground his eyes began to glow more red,in Elfire's punch began to burn and lighing began to appeare.When Elfire tried to hit Lucier he fainted from his attack.

"This kid is a demon but that is not the thing to be scared, the thing that everybody needs to be scared is its true nature when a first saw him he was a normal person but when his demom blood is awaking he is another person,but he awaked two boost at the same time."-Lucier thought to himself.

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