《Glass: Allegiance》Chapters 14 and 15 (Summary)


Lucas and Wren stand up and attempt to get the thieves to calm down. They recognize that these are young teens who seem down on their luck and thought stealing was a good idea. Armin buts in with a more detached approach, saying that he’s been hired to hunt them down and arrest them. The change in tone causes the bandits to refuse going quietly.

One of them throws a knife at Armin, whose response is to draw an arrow (he properly equipped his bow when he stood up) and pull it back. Lucas notes his stance and the muscle tension in his arm. A hunter wouldn’t hold that position for any longer than they need to, only for a second when attempting to fire. An armed holding stance for using a bow would have less tension.

Lucas acts quickly, drawing his hatchet and swinging upward at the tip of the arrow. He chops it off before Armin fires. Armin flinches and releases the tip-less arrow into the air. The two of them exchange harsh looks for a second but turn their attention to Wren as she jumps in and tries to calm the bandits down.

She explains the situation in more friendly terms and even offers to let them keep some of the stolen goods. Wren asks where their parents are. It turns out they’re orphans and that their parents were all killed serving in Patrae’s military. They mention that last part because they notice the insignia on Wren’s sleeve. Wren makes a sincere apology. She also says that if they make a good case to the Premier about their situation, they can negotiate minimal or no punishment. Again, they can keep some of what they’ve stolen, so this is a good deal for them. The alternative is being arrested by force, in which case they’d probably go to prison for a few years.


The bandits agree to go quietly. They leave a small portion of the goods at the mouth of the cave and go with the group. Armin makes a note of stating that if they try to run along the way, he’ll easily hunt them down. The bandits stay close to Wren for the remainder of the trip back.

The confession of the bandits to the Premier and the negotiation of their lax punishment begins when they reach the meager capitol building and approach the Premier’s office. Wren acts as an ambassador between the two parties while Lucas and Armin stand aside. Wren promises that Corinth will be compensated for more than they lost and that the Court of Patrae will provide funds and goods. In return, the bandits go free.

The chapter ends with the bridge being lowered. Wren and Lucas cross the canal.


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