《Is this some kind of joke, God?》The Expantion | 5


I didn't sleep well that night, the terror of yesterday stayed with me. Was it a mistake that I ordered to kill those people? One way or another, I have to deal with it for the sake of my people. It was around 6:00, early hour, I already could hear the base in it's full activity. I entered the main room only to see Heintz and both my bodyguards. Haintz looked at me and said,

"Leutanant, due to recent hostility of nearby village I request you to summon your bodyguards. The SS is good at this job, two of them should be enought."

"He's again on that shit?"

"Please Leutanant, take your safety into account, we cannot loose you because of not trained bodyguards.", while looking very serious at me.

"Yes, both of us agree! You should get someone more competent than us!", one of my bodyguards said.

"I uh... okay, if you insist so much.", I didn't want to do this. Summoning those ruthless bastards, just thinking about it makes me sick.

I summoned two people, female of course, if I have to be stuck with someone I prefer it to be woman. Well at least it's what I've thought at the moment. They appeared in black uniform, both had Iron Crosses and side arm. One appeared to be Untersturmführer, and the other one a Sturmscharführer. You could difference them by their collar ranks, and their shoulder ranks. The Sturmscharführer was equivalent of Stabsfeldwebel from the Wermacht she had two "low saturated" dots with two white strips on a black background, her rank on shoulder showed silver border with two dots at the end of it and one dot at the beginning of the rank. The rank of Untersturmführer was equivalent of my current rank, Leutanant. She had full silver rank, the same as I wore, the difference between us was the on her collar was three full silver dots. Both saluted me and said,

"Hello, Leutanant! What orders do you have for us?", she asked with serious face.

"You will be my bodyguards from this point on, do not leave my side.", I said while glancing at their uniform.


"What are your names?", I wondered.

"My name is Erica.", she had light silver hair and light blue and yellow eyes.

"My name is Maria.", that one had deep black hair and bright blue eyes.

Both of those names were very popular at their time, very generic names I would say.

"I'm glad to have you. I put trust into both of you.", I said and turned back.

"So Heintz, are you happy now?", I asked.

"Yes, you will be much safer from now on.", he says with little smirk, well he won that one.

"Well, we will be going Leutanant, have a great day.", my two old bodyguards left the main HQ room.

"Well, now that I think about it, Heintz I have multiplied my soldier slots by a lot, do you have any request of soldiers as of right now?"

"No, Leutant, how many soldiers can you bring?"

"Over six-thousands."

He looked at me, "Well, since I cannot think of anything right now, do as you want sir, but please leave about ~100-200 slots for emergency if ever needed.", he says while looking at the map.

"I'll keep that in mind. Well, I'll take my leave Heintz.", I said while slowly going to the door.

"Understood.", he says and salutes. I saluted back and left the room.


"What will you do now, Leutant", Erica asked.

"Well I want to go around my base, maby I'll think of summon that can give us advantage in combat."

"If I may Leutant, I have a suggestion", Maria said.

"Speak freely."

"I think a artillery unit will do a lot of good for us, and a mechanized battalion would be great as well, It could server as rapid-response unit.", she says as we walked out from the building.

"Well, I think your suggestion is really good actually, I will do as you said."

"We have a lot of empty space around the corner, I left it for summon place and additional support companies.", we walked around the corner, there was a lot of free space I have left.

I have summoned 20 artillery with personnel to use it, furthermore I summoned more additional three half-tracks with 10 people in each, and another tiger 1, and three Panzer IVs Ausf. F2. It was a big force already that could response fast where needed. Moreover I summoned additional medic company with buildings they need. I briefed them about their tasks and left them to assimilate within base.

"Wonderful, Leutant", Maria said.

"Thank you. Anyway, we'll go to the entrance of the base, I want to see if they need anything."

"Copy that.", both of them said.

I walked to the one booth and then to another one, none of them needed anything really, but then I saw someone on a horse going our way.

"What is that?", I asked.

"It appears to be small unit consisting of horse units, Leutant.", soldier in booth said. Well after some moment it appeared to be more that one person, it was a few actually.

"Alert the snipers and the rest of the base.", I said.

"Understood.", in a matter of seconds about ~60 people already took defensive positions.

The people on horses looked like adventures you could see in games. Light armor with sword, guy with big shield, a magician woman, I guess that might be a Healer. Either way, they approached us.

"Uh what is that?", the guy I firstly say asked.

"This is our base, what do you want.", I asked.

"We heard there are dangerous bandits around here from the Local Noble."


"Yes, he offered a very good reward telling us they killed a lot of people in the middle of his town. Did you maby see them?"

"Uh, well no..?"

"Are you sure you didn't see anything?"

"Look, Leutant already said he didn't see any bandits, piss off.", Erica said, she probably saw how concerned I've become.

"Wo ho ho, attitude girl, you should keep your dogs on a leash "Leutant" or they will cross the line.", he said while pointing at the woman on horse, it wasn't a normal girl, she was a what's called, "demi-human", she had cat ears, a real cat-girl unbelievable. She had a metal collar, it seemed like shes a slave.

"Are you trying to say we're slaves? We're a military organization! Furthermore did you enslave that poor girl? How dare you!", Maria says out of anger.

"Maria...", I facepalmed.

"Oh, sorry Leutant my tongue slipped.", she says and looks at the ground.

"Military organization?", he asks.

"Who do you stand with?"

"With no one. Mind your own business.", I said.

"Haha, good one. What's more, what are those weird sticks pointed at us?", he says while looking around.

"Something you don't want be used against you. Leave."


"No way we'll leave! We can be here! And you're illegally, plus you call yourself a "Military organization", this is treason, we should report you so the countrys authorities can deal with you!", he says and smirks. What a douchebag, someone should teach him a lesson.

"But we can.. let it slide, if you pay us a small amount.."

"Small amount? Are you crazy?", I tapped the booth guard on a shoulder and whispered "Alert the snipers, if he shows any type of hostility shoot to kill.", he nodded and slowly approached the radio to contact the snipers.

"What is that dude doing?", he asks while glancing at him.

"Nothing, please leave this is your first warning.", I tried to make him focus on me instead the guard.

"Ha! Warning? You threaten me? Do you know who am I? A-tier adventurer, you should thank me for not killing you yet!", he says loudly.

"I couldn't care less who you are. Leave. Our. Base.", I gave him an angry look.

"Do you really think you stand a chance? You can't even use magic!", he really thought he could just easily wipe us out. I do not understand his hostility thought, at first he looked like normal person, guess I was wrong.

"Why do you bother? We do not want anything to do with you, or anyone."

"This dumbass...", he looked at his comrade and slave "I know that you're that bandit, the noble gave us very precise description moreover your weird horses are in the back too! How dumb you think we are?"

"Well fuck, I could predict that."


"Yes, Leutant?"

"Take, we need to take care of them, don't hurt the girl thought, I want to question her."

"Copy that Leutant.", she then shoot the "A-tier adventurer". He collapsed dead, the sniper took the shoot at the other guy, he collapsed as well, if was a really quick death, they probably didn't even notice until the could feel a little bit of pain in their head.

"You there, girl, step down from the horse!", Maria shouted.

"O-okay.", she responds with very weak voice, what those fuckers did to her?

"Come with us.", I said while making hand gesture.

Then I walked up to the booth, where the radio was, "To the scout unit, check the parameter for any hostiles and stay on alert.", "This is scout team 1, solid copy."

"W-what will you do to me?", the girl asked with yet again, very weak voice.

"I just want to ask you few questions, you're not in any danger unless you lie to us."

Then we started going in a way of the HQ, we could see the scout team already coming out and the mechanized battalion on a highest alert. The tanks and half-track were ready to deploy at any given time. Then I noticed Heintz running out of the building.

He ran up to us, "Leutant, are you okay?", "I'm okay, thank you. It was just a mild incident, all of the base forces are on alert and scouts are already send, do not worry Heintz." I pointed at the forces and disappearing scout team. "Okay, I'm glad you're safe. You've had me worried after I've heard the gun shots. Who is this girl anyway, Leutant?", he asked while pointing at the girl we've capture. "She was a part of the "party" that attacked us, I'll question her.", "Alright, just be warry, we don't know what those people can do yet."

Indeed we didn't know almost anything about the world we're currently in, that's why I hoped to question the girl we captured about the situation in this world, and in what territory we're currently in. I also will want revenge on that piece of noble shit but it’s not ready to be counted as a practical option yet, and we still didn't clear out the mimic town not so far from here which is not even realistic given the circumstances we're in as of right now, the hostility of this world annoys me very much, and without proper warfare plans we'll not be safe at all. Relatively speaking, we can be annihilated at any given time, the only reason we're still alive is because that noble underestimated us even after the massacre in his town. Heintz is very right to stay alert, and we've made an enemy already, not counting the hostile mimic town. Our bias towards this world was wrong from the very start, what a terrible misunderstanding this is. It’s necessary to treat axioms, hostility of the habitats and the like as assumptions. We committed the folly of assuming that the habitats of this world weren't hostile, In reality all of them showed hostility. It’s a contradiction. We should have observed more closely and realized. The price for letting our assumptions cloud our eyes is enormous for an already huge error we've made. An apparatus of violence must use its weapons effectively. Otherwise we'll all be doomed. I need to learn about our enemies technological capabilities, how rapidly they could really mobilize, how several armies they presently have readily accessible, and whether they possess any allies whom can counteract our plans to assault their city in order to prevent this from occurring.


Once we went into the building, the girl was prominently frightened and appeared to be apprehensive about what would happen to her after having witnessed how quickly her master has been gunned down by our weapons. But we cannot allow ourselves to be surprised yet again, we must maintain our convictions that she may be dangerous. This would be a grievous mistake, and, to be genuine, it would potentially trigger my soldiers to completely disintegrate. Far worse, if Heintz or I had perished, the whole command structure would have crumbled, separating the soldiers under our authority without direction or consciousness of what was going on. The base would therefore be left alone and defenseless to aggression from whatever direction. Each and every commander would recognize this as an opportunity to mitigate an disadvantaged foe, and a solid chance to do so. Without organization, the soldiers would quickly capitulate or perish, and the vast bulk of our technology would've been seized by the enemy, who'd use it to their obvious benefit by fortifying their forces. We eventually arrived in a dimly lit room which consisted of just one desk as well as two wooden chairs. It was the interrogation room I had quickly assembled. We sat her down in a chair and I sat opposite her, Erica and Maria to my left and right respectively stood behind me.

"So, I've got a few questions for you, if you don't mind."

"I'll tell you whatever you want, sir! Please just don't hurt me!"

"I won't do that, just please be honest with me and everything will be fine."

I began questioning her to learn every bit of information I could about the environment we were in. She was a slave, though, as such she knew very little for herself. They were reportedly given little or no knowledge regarding the outside world, potentially to tamp down any opposition or uprising. It was a strategy which did work while also being cruel. I only came to know that we were on the land of a nation called "Aegis," and that she was originally from the country's outskirts, where similar people to her also resided. Nevertheless, that nation's troops invaded their settlements, leading to her capture and subsequent sale and separation from her family. A truly cruel fate. I was honestly at a loss as to what to do with her. She could lie with everything, from what I can tell, even though her story makes perfect sense. She might divulge exactly where we are, putting us in threat. I needed to do something with her, as such I wanted to avoid it. My feelings told me that I'd be cruel to lock her in imprisonment for a little while, despite logic urging me to do exactly that. Ah, how effortlessly others could manipulate our emotional responses. They are not a good source of advice, so I should utilize reason alone to steer well clear of issues.

"Thank you for your cooperation, sadly you cannot leave at this time."

"W-what? Why?"

"I'm not sure if I can trust you, and I'll not take any chances. You'll stay in our prison until I figure out what to do with you. I'm sorry."

I took six soldiers and putted them on guard duty. They will rotate every 8 hours, to makes sure they can work properly.

"Tomorrow this village will taste metal, especially this noble. It will be fun."

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