《The Tale of A Fortunate Slave》Ash's Armor And The Third Princess


This chapter takes place two months after 'Wake Up Call'. Not much has changed since then, the only notable thing is that the Duchy of Lions is being an ass about not getting enough military support for Hellfort. The island chain west of the low continent is inhabited bey a previously unknown civilization.

Ash is in the courtyard, taking a break and eating some crackers. As she was eating Lucy and two other people walked into the courtyard. Ash whistled to get their attention and waved. "Hay, Ash!" Lucy called out and waved back. Only one of the two accompanying Lucy waved the other had what looked to be a blindfold on. She saw one of them say something to Lucy. After a few seconds the three of them walked over to Ash.

"Hay, Ash." Lucy said once they had arrived. "I have someone I would like you to meet." She gestured to the girl that wore similar regalia to Lucy. "This is Roxanne, Third Princess of Daemonia and my younger sister. Since you haven't met her before I should tell you that she is blind, hence the blindfold." She introduces.

"It's more of a stylistic choice than any thing else." The blind Princess says before gesturing in the rough direction to the maid looking girl. "And this is Mary, my personal maid. She helps me with almost everything. It is good to meet you, Ash."

"You as well, Roxanne." Ash speaks which surprises the other Princess but before she can say anything Ash continues. "I may be a selective mute but I know when to speak such as, when I'm talking to a blind person."

"How considerate of you." The blind six-year-old said. "It is not often that someone actively tries to consider that I can not see."

"That should be expected though, most people can see." Ash replies. "In my position however, most can't relate to me because they were never is slavery."

"That is unfortunate my friend." Mary gets a chance to speak. "From what I've heard, being a slave is a bad position to be in. Especially when your 'master' isn't a good person." She said 'master' with hate.

"You are mistaken." Ash says, looking at the maid. "It is far worse than one could ever imagine. I could and would go on and on about how bad it was if I didn't have negative memories and at least some light form of PTSD from it. I have touched on the subject to a non-triggering point but you will have to ask Lucy about it as we might not have the time for that conversation."


"Again from what I've hear, PTSD is not fun." The maid speaks once more. "And I don't doubt you on your condition."

"You are right this time 'round." Ash says. "It is NOT fun in the slightest."

"Am I the only one a bit lost on this conversation?" Lucy was the one to speak this time. "And what is this 'PTSD'?"

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD for short." Both Ash and Mary said at the exact same time. They looked at each other and broke into laughter.

"Hay y'all." A new voice said. "What's so funny?"

"We were just talking when these two decided to jinx themselves." Roxanne said wile the two were still laughing. "Though can you tell me who you are? I still can't see."

"It's me, Mercy." The maid replied. "It has been awhile has is not?"

"Yes it has, Mercy." The blind Princess said. "Though I'm sure that Mary will be happy to see you."

At the mention of her name May looked over. "Hey, Sister." She said to Mercy with respect. "How have you been?"

"Wait. You two are sisters?" Ash said with surprise on her face. "Actually I can see the similarities."

"Yeah, we're sisters alright." Mercy said. "The Valkyrie sisters at your service."

They talked and talked for a good while but lunch had to come at some point. As the four of them made their way to get said lunch, a man came up and said that the Queen wanted to see Ash. As Ash was walking down one of the many halls a familiar face made his way in the opposite direction.

"Ah, hello Ash." The eight foot tall Yamato Hiroto said. "How have you been? I have not seen you in a while."

She signed as she reached into her pocket.

"I have been well as well." Yamato says. He then sees what Ash is taking out of her pocket. "Is that caramel?"

She replies.

"Might I ask for your secrets?" Yamato says with confusion and curiosity. "It's not everyday that someone finds my source of caramel."

She signs.

"I see. That is unfortunate for me." The elderly man says. "But I am unable to continue to talk with you, young Ash, I have something I need to attend to." He waves as he walks to away while Ash waves back.


Ash made her way to the meeting room where the Queen was sitting on a chair behind a desk.

"You needed something, my Queen?" Ash asked in a formal manner. "I was told to meet with you."

"Yes, I do need something." The Queen said as she gestered for Ash to sit. "And drop the formalities when it's just us."

"Of course. Dropping formalities." Ash said giving a small nod and taking a seat. "I must say though, your third daughter is quite nice, even if she can't see. Someone raised her well."

"Thank you... wait you just met her?" The Queens question was answered by a nod. "I honestly thought that you met her already. You'll have to tell me about that later. Getting back on track, there's something I would like you to see." The Queen pulled a case from under her desk. The rectangular case was made from wood and had a clear almost glass-like substance on the lid of the box, one could see a set of folded up armor within. Ash eagerly took the box from the Queen, who gestured to a small room set to the side and Ash went in. When she came out from the changing room, that was technically a very very large closet, she was wearing the set of leather-chain armor. The rather light armor was customizable enough to fit any weather or terrain, had finger-less gauntlets that were adjustable so the wearer could have an actual pair of gloves underneath, an additional scarf, winter boots, hooded coat, and several other features that would make this list a bit too long. it was colored in grays and silvers that complament Ash's gray and silver eyes, hair and tail.

"So? How do you like it?" The Queen asked. "The odd swords you wanted should be arriving in a week or two."

"I love it!" Ash says happily. "And the Daisho and Ninjato are not odd, they're traditional swords of the Isles that the Kitsune, Inu and Nekomata races were all born. Though there's supposed to be a beastkin race for the four seasons but the fourth was lost in some sort of event if the legends are anything to go by. I'm getting off track aren't I?" The question was pointed more to herself then anything else.

"A little." The Queen words help snap Ash out of wherever she was. "But that is a fascinating subject to save for another day. Getting back on track, I think that does look good on you Ash. Though I do have to ask, why did you chose this set in particular? There were better choices."

"Thank you!" Ash did a little spin to let the Queen get a full view. "And I agree that there were better choices but almost all of them would have only worked for three or four environments while others were very situational or unpractical for my purposes, but with this one being so modular and adaptable it can do most thing the other armors can while still giving good-enough protection at worst and amazing at best in addition it's very easy to conceal, making it easier to hide within a crowd which a fully armored Paladin can't do easily."

"Those are some very good points, Ash." The Queen had hints of surprise in her voice. "You have some very good eyes."

"Thank you, my Queen." Ash said, resuming formalities. "I should get going though, I still haven't had lunch." As if told by a deity or two, her stomach gave a growl, which made the Queen giggle.

"I do think that would be a good idea, Ash." The Queen said. "You are dismissed. But do retrieve your stuff from the break room."

At that Ash jogged into the room she had used to change and got her neatly folded set of clothes and put them into the box that the armor came in.

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