《They expect me to be a what??》Chapter 4 - The Wish
We walked into the Wish to discover the prince standing on one end of the tavern, ready to defend himself with a plate, of all things. It was pointed at another man clear across the dining area. The tavern was only roughly a quarter filled, and those present were taking cover under tables or behind chairs.
The other man appeared similar in age to the prince, but their looks could not have been more different. Where the prince’s hair was a dirty blonde and looked wavy but controlled, the other man’s was long, straight, and dark brown. It was clean and shoulder length, with some of it in a small ponytail on the back of his head. Like Chad, he was also clean shaven and had handsomely sculpted cheekbones and a strong jawline. His mouth was currently peeled back in a snarl, exposing clenched teeth.
His skin was tanned, befitting someone who spent most of their time outdoors. Sprouting out of his broad chest were very defined arms, implicating he spent most of his time working instead of having others do it for him. It wasn’t like Chad had the appearance of a dandy, servants waiting on him hand and foot, but this other handsome man was easily more accustomed to getting his own hands dirty. His eyes were an emerald green and looked like they wanted to shoot knives at the prince.
Despite these differences, they were still about the same height and build. It appeared they knew each other, but the other man wasn’t dressed in anything that would have pegged him for royalty. Like Chad, he was wearing a traveler’s getup, but it looked worn out like it saw daily use. He wore a plain brown tunic vest with a dark green shirt underneath. The sleeves were rolled up at the elbows. The vest and his brown leather pants had some more of the dark green as a trim here and there, further giving off an outdoorsy vibe. He looked ready to go on the attack, brandishing a chair.
If I had to pick a winner for their upcoming skirmish, it was easy to pick an immediate favorite.
“You can’t just claim her like that, you idiot! That’s not how stuff works! Besides, you only beat me to her because I was walking!” the other man shouted at Chad. Bonus points for him. He at least thought I should have a choice.
“You’re only saying that Dorian, because I did beat you here. Had I not been riding the fastest steed my father owns, you would have snatched her up and stolen her from right under my very nose!”
And his points were now back to zero.
Too bad too, as he was just as handsome as Chad, only in a more rugged way. I started to fantasize about how he might smell like a woodland fire simmering or some sort of pine tree. How those rough and large hands could wrap themselves around my—
Dorian flung his chair directly at the prince, and I had to snap myself out of my fantasy. I hadn’t noticed that Chad already had his sword drawn and was just concealing it by holding it close at his side. He immediately brought the sword up, effortlessly slicing the chair cleanly in two, with the halves flying past him harmlessly.
“BOYS!” a voice thundered out and filled the space.
It took me a minute to realize that it came from Noelle.
My mouth dropped open as Noelle walked over to Dorian, grabbed him by the ear and started dragging him towards one of the few vacant tables to sit him down in a chair.
“Ow, ow, ow, OW!” He winced and complained, bending over awkwardly before he was forced to plop unceremoniously into the chair.
“That-” she pointed in the direction of Chad and the remains of the thrown chair, “is going on your tab. And if you’re extra fortunate, I’ll pretend it wasn’t one of our nicer chairs and charge you more for it!”
Dorian hung his head a bit and refused to make eye contact with her.
“Sorry, Noelle,” he muttered.
Why Noelle was still unwed was becoming frighteningly obvious. It was also clear now why she was the head tavern maiden. She had her mother’s commanding tone, and apparently her wrath too. Catherine must be one terrifying force of nature if ever on the warpath.
Noelle wasn’t going to be pushed around by any man and definitely not by the drunks. Looking at her in this element, she carried herself like a den mother, keeping the customers in check. From Catherine’s description of how the men liked their women in Eitania, strong and independent was not it.
“And you,” she whirled, acknowledging the prince, “put that sword away unless it’s to pick your teeth!”
You could have heard a pin drop.
I was shocked to hear her address the princeling in that way, and I wasn’t alone. Nobody knew what would happen next, jaws on the floor across the tavern.
Surprising everyone however, Chad didn’t mouth off to the fearsome maiden. His face flushed slightly with anger, but did as he was told. He sheathed his sword and then finally noticed that I was standing in the midst of their childish squabble. His demeanor shifted completely as he regained control of his emotions.
“My beautiful lady!” he cried, attempting to save face like Noelle hadn’t just admonished him like a small child. He briskly walked over to me, and I half expected him to use me as a human shield, shrinking back from his approach.
He noticed my apprehension and stopped.
“Well, that won’t do.” he frowned.
“You see? See what you’ve already done to her with your obnoxious, loud-mouthed presence?” Dorian shouted from his place over in timeout.
The red color rose back up into the tips of Chad’s ears and he whirled back at him, “Like you would have had any better of an impression, you worthless country bumpkin!” he hissed.
He started to move to close the distance between the two of them, only to have Noelle put her fists on her hips menacingly, and he immediately thought better of it.
“Yeah, you better be careful Chadwick! Obarith forbid someone slaps you again!” he jeered, as he got dreamy eyed. “Wish I could have been there to see that…”
Chad’s face burned a crimson to match the color of the rest of his cheek. He glanced over at me, clearly having not forgotten this morning. Dorian traced the prince’s gaze over to me and put two and two together.
“Wait, her?” he gaped. “She landed that shiner on you?”
Threat of another admonishing from Noelle temporarily forgotten, Dorian started howling with laughter. “Oh, that’s rich! You were hit by a girl of all people! A little delicate flower in a sun dress!!”
He stopped to finally take me in and realized what kind of a woman Chad had crossed. I was not surprised to hear a wolf whistle as a response. I sighed to myself and looked at Ash, still standing next to me, who looked back and gave me a forced, “I’m sorry?” grin and shrug.
A curse, indeed.
Dorian looked to Noelle for approval that his timeout was over before making his way over to me. Chad again looked as if he wanted to advance but decided not to press his luck with Noelle still playing referee.
As he got closer, he started to look me over more carefully and realized I may have not been the delicate flower he had originally mistaken me for.
“Well aren’t you a special little thing?” he commented. I could tell the question had been rhetorical, and didn’t respond, merely backed up a bit at his invasive eyes.
Unlike when I had shown apprehension at Chad’s approach, this time he didn’t notice and just continued to study me like some science project.
“Or perhaps not so little…” He studied my body from bottom to top, halting for a moment on my toned arms. “She’s got an arm on her, doesn’t she Prince? She could have hit you yesterday and you’d still have that souvenir!”
After lingering a bit too long on my breasts, his eyes finally made his way to mine and he took note of my nervousness. He immediately tried to save face with a disarming grin.
“Where are my manners? We haven’t been properly introduced!”
Dorian offered me a hand, which I cautiously took, only to have him unexpectedly shake it gently. “A pleasure to meet you, my lady. As you have no doubt already heard, my name is Dorian.”
Where before, his words towards Chad had been sharp and direct, now they were as smooth and sweet as honey.
“I look forward to hearing you use it, as I am sure it sounds better rolling off your tongue than his.” He glanced sidelong at Chad.
It was one of the first times I could tell someone was flirting with me and I was genuinely still speechless. Where did these guys get these pick up lines?
He took my silence as a sign to keep talking, but every time he opened his mouth, he continued to dig a deeper hole.
“I understand if you are at a loss for words while being addressed by someone as dashing and devilishly handsome as myself. I’m aware I often create feelings in others that they themselves don’t understand.” He reached behind me to rest his hand on the wall and used it to support himself as he leaned in closer.
He wasn’t that much taller than me, but his overbearing nature made me feel smaller and I shrunk back more, wishing I could become one with the wall.
I also wished he didn’t smell so delic—
Wait a second?
I had heard that line before. Where had I?? Chad!
I spun my head to look over at Chad, confused and still wishing I could disappear.
Dorian followed my line of sight, clearly upset that something had distracted me from him, until it reached Chad.
“My dear, my eyes are ov—?” he started, before realizing why he had lost my attention.
“Chadwick, you bastard! Are you using my lines again?!”
Chad merely shrugged, as if Dorian should have considered such an act a form of flattery. “I don’t know why I bother. Not a single one has ever worked. I really should know better by now.”
Dorian rolled his eyes and turned back to me, only to find I was no longer trapped between him and the wall.
With Dorian distracted, I had taken the opportunity to slip away, tugging Ash with me, and had gone to cower behind the menacing Noelle, who was clearly as unamused with Dorian as I was.
She addressed them both, pointing at the overturned furniture, “Either start straightening up after yourselves,” then gestured at the remaining customers, “and buy some drinks for everyone,” she finally jerked a thumb at the door, “or get out of my bar!”
The prince was obviously done being ordered around and stood obstinately, with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Dorian, however, wisely did not want to be on her bad side again and started righting earlier wrongs.
She looked at Chad and started to say something when another booming voice, male this time, interrupted the scene.
“Now, now, my sweet Noelle. You know you don’t have the authority to kick out my patrons without my approval first! Especially patrons of such high esteem!”
The voice dripped with authority but not in a way that was inspiring. Instead, it made you shiver with the fearful consequences of what might happen if you disobeyed it.
Everyone turned to the sound of the voice, and it was the first time since we’d arrived at the Wish that I felt Noelle flinch.
From the backroom entered a man that immediately screamed sleezy. He was on the wrong side of middle age, balding and was rounder than he was tall. He sported a pencil thin mustache that was struggling to even grow in properly. Where he stood from behind the bar was still several feet away and I still noticed the smell that entered the room with him. It was repugnant, like he bathed in grease and slop. It didn’t help that all his exposed skin had an easily detectable greasy shimmer.
His work apron was filthy as you would expect, but I had the sneaky suspicion he just didn’t care to wash it. Combining his disgusting appearance with the cold fear emanating from Noelle now and I feared for the women who worked under him in the tavern.
“Your Royal Highness!”
He bowed to Chad as low as his fat protruding belly would allow and froze there, staring at the floor, “Please forgive my maiden’s rudeness! She is in constant need of reminders on how to address her betters.” He finally rose and glanced over at Noelle, a sadistic smile on his oily face.
“Just say the word and I will flog her for you myself!”
Chadwick was not immediately appalled at this suggestion, earning him no brownie points from me, but he also did not acknowledge the request, instead righting a nearby table and chair to further sulk at.
“Ale, please. And your finest breakfast,” Chad finally requested. Then, remembering Noelle’s earlier request, “And a round for my fair citizens, due to my insensitivity and disturbing their pleasant morning!”
Cheers of “Huzzah!” rang forth from those in attendance, all the tension immediately forgotten by the pleasant folk at the promise of free drinks.
“Of course! Of course!” The tavern keep threw his hands up joyously, excited to have some royal coin in his pocket. He hurriedly waddled over to the prince and slapped him on the back. The effort needed to maintain his expression, despite the overwhelming smell now mere inches from him, must have come from years of royal discipline.
“My girls should all be in shortly and you will be served by the finest entertainment in town!” He winked and elbowed the prince good naturedly in his ribs. “There’s a reason we’re called ‘Every Man’s Wish’!”
I looked over at Noelle, whose expression was more crestfallen than before. Gone was the fierce maiden, the fire in her spirit dwindling like a candle moments before it was snuffed out by a cold winter’s puff of air.
What hold does he have on her?
The doors to the tavern swung open, a half dozen girls coming into view, and all my questions were answered. The girls were dressed in maid outfits like Noelle, marking them as tavern girls as well. But unlike Noelle, these uniforms were much more akin to the French maid costumes I was more familiar with.
Each of the girls was no older than I had been back home, but they were still dressed in outfits that left little to the imagination. Cleavage and curves screamed for attention everywhere. Chests were bursting above tightly strung corsets, which were barely covered by the tops that were part of the tavern uniform. None of them were allowed sleeves, showing off their smooth bare arms. Long mesh leggings or stockings, complete with garters, ran up young, supple legs and into their skirts, which were barely covering their swaying provocative hips.
The girl’s faces and nails were painted, with lips that shimmered red in the light. Their hairstyles were all long and straight, brushed carefully to flow and drape around them. Usually, these types of costumes were either for roleplaying with someone a girl liked or a really skeezy bar. It was frustrating to be experiencing the latter. The idea of the Wish gave me a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach. I glared at the barkeep with disdain and made a wish that he would inexplicably burst into flames.
The girls moved in a synchronized formation, obviously morning routine, each with a forced smile. They bat their eyelashes and greeted everyone in unison:
“Good morning, everyone!”
They then broke formation and got to work, tending to all customers waiting to be served. Two of them rushed over to Chad and their boss and immediately started clamoring for favor.
Noelle and I shared a glance as she softly shook her head. She could tell what I was thinking and, terrible as it appeared, was silently assuring me nothing could be done. Ash patted me on the shoulder softly in his own acknowledgement, then left my side to start working as well.
“I know, right?” Dorian had quietly gotten closer and slid himself into the seat beside mine. “Normally I’m all for this kind of show from some pretty ladies, but this is a bit much.” He jerked a thumb over at the tavern owner still clamoring for Chad’s favor, “Roscoe over there is as bad as they come.”
He made a broad sweeping gesture to the atmosphere around us.
“This is what happens when you luck out on a treasure delving mission and everyone in the party but you died.”
The last word was absolutely dripping with sarcasm.
“You wind up with a ton of money and the ability to buy out the inn’s previous owners and turn it into your own disgusting playhouse.” Dorian sneered.
I languished at the thought and watched the two girls struggling to amuse Chad and Roscoe. They had returned with food and Chad was mostly eating and keeping to himself, doing his best to ignore their advances. Roscoe was entertaining himself, his hand starting to slide up the skirt of one of the girls he had coerced to sit on his lap.
Noelle had also noticed and made her way over to their table.
Dorian nodded after her, “Thank the Goddess for Noelle. If it weren’t for her, this place would be a full-on brothel by now, with the girls serving us drinks in the flesh in between other provided services.”
Noelle made it over to the table just before things got worse and separated the girls from Roscoe, probably with a ploy that others still needed to be waited on.
I looked back over at Dorian. “How does she do it? Keep him in line I mean?” I still recalled the chilling fear I felt wash off her in waves when Roscoe’s presence oozed into the bar.
Dorian shrugged, “I only know what is rumored. If the truth is anywhere near close to it, Roscoe’s reputation would be destroyed.” He sipped a drink I hadn’t realized he had gotten. “But the story goes he tried to get handsy with Noelle a few years back when he first hired her. She didn’t go for it and beat him within an inch of his life.”
He stabbed a finger at Roscoe disdainfully.
“He is sole owner of the Wish, and a very powerful man in this village because of it. She couldn’t out him publicly, but she then knew what kind of danger other girls that work for him would be in. So, ever since, she has stayed on as his second and kept the bar running and the drinks flowing. By staying close, she also can protect the girls.”
He allowed himself an amused smile, “She’s actually quite popular in Bronzemead. Everyone knows she’s a descendant of the Goddess. The customers love her, she’s easy on the eyes, and she keeps the girls safe as best she can, so they also provide great service. Roscoe hates her, with every fiber of his being, and is constantly looking for a way to get rid of her. Fortunately for her, such a move would be too costly.”
He drained the rest of his drink and waved for another.
“So, they’ve been stalemated, doing this dance for years now.” He scratched at the side of his face absentmindedly. “Honestly, if anything happened to him, she’d probably be a popular choice for the new owner. Being a woman wouldn’t matter a whole lot, as adored as she is, but she’d also be the first suspect.”
Ash brought him his requested drink. Dorian reached for it, but Ash didn’t immediately let go, giving him a look of “watch it!”
Dorian took the hint and quickly changed subjects.
“So! What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this?”
He gave me his best winning smile and I rolled my eyes and quickly looked somewhere else.
He seemed not to notice my annoyance and continued. “I’ve got another rumor to share with you. Stop me if you’ve heard this one, but the latest gossip on the streets this morning is that you are connected to the falling star from last night. Care to fill in the fuzzy parts?”
Before I could respond, the tavern door flung open again and a man stumbled through them, covered in dirt and sweat.
Dorian shot over to him, the man grabbing him by the arms and stammering out, “Hide! Everyone, quickly! This isn’t a drill!” He then immediately lost consciousness.
Dorian shook himself free of the man’s grip and stood to face the door.
“What is it?” I asked.
Dorian responded with a single word.
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A callous human trafficker and underworld crimelord that takes advantage of less fortunate and weaker people is reincarnated as a low level enemy in a JRPG-esque world. Being the weakest creature in the known world is supposed to teach him some humility, or at least make him suffer. But he has other plans...
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Sorcery, Sword and much more bring the world to fruition. The world is seen lively, to many who live normal lives with no known issue of despair. Fun and games are what keeps them sane and filled with little adventure whatsoever. Yet the world harbors many deep and dark secrets seen by many others with a deep seek of adventure. This world, is not all of fun and games. Intended for five volumes, each shorter or longer in length. No extra plans, as it is intended to be a shorter series rather than a long one.
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There is no rhyme or reason to the flow of life. Cora knows this better than anyone, a normal suburban girl living on the edge of a major city. So when she gets ripped out of Earth and dumped into a new world, she will do anything to return. But as she wanders through worlds and becomes part of a system unimaginably greater than herself, she realizes that returning home isn’t as simple as it seems... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The warning tags are added because there is a high potential of the content warned about occurring in several chapters. They are not meant to be the explicit focus of Unbind, but they will be recurring elements, albeit with scarce frequency. As a warning, there will be a note added before a chapter should it contain mature content. Updates will be posted every Sunday. As a fledgling writer, I appreciate any commentary!
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Alistair’s Great and Powerful Startup Dungeon
The Great Golden Hero Thorian the Fair is dead! Ok, Great might have been a little much… and the only thing Golden about him was his armor. Fine! Thorian was an ego driven maniac that killed thousands of Adventurers in the pursuit of glory. Now that he has died the God of Rebirth is judging his soul and determined that the only creature Thorian can inhabit is a Dungeon Demon. Devoid of his divine luck and stripped of his power, the newly made Dungeon Demon Alistair must struggle Fang and Claw to build his new home. Sometimes cosmic justice exists and it’s a kick in the head.Author’s Note: Hey, if you like Town/Dungeon building please come in and read my story. My main focus will be writing a fun story about a struggling demon trying to gain power and a little bit of safety in his new life. Occasionally, a chapter will deal with the outside world and how Alistair’s home changes some people’s lives. Sadly, there will be errors in spelling and grammar, but I am being up front about it, please leave specific feedback and I will gladly correct it.
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