《Ready, Set, Go! - GameLit Isekai》Interlude 1: "The Disastrous Life Of Sa— I mean, Mr. Narrator"


Narrator looked at the half empty cup of coffee on his desk. Depending on who you asked, they might tell you the cup wasn't half empty, but rather half full. However, poor Narrator here had no time to think about such trivial things right now.

He had other problems in hand.

"No Drawer... no Editor... not even an Assistant? I pity the Author... How can he write such quality material with no backup?"

Hehe... That's actually nice coming from you, Narrator... But, back to the point.

"Just look at these reports... How in the holy cow could that overestimated clown fire them all?"

Looking at the thin white paper sheets on his hands, he felt like his migraine was only going to get worse. At the header of each page, the reason for expulsion was written in bold italics, as if to point out even more his superior's incompetence.

Drawer - The guy always had a sheet of paper and a pencil in his hand. It was honestly pretty creepy, and it was chipping away my patience. Fired for creating an unhealthy work environment.

"Are you serious?" He held the sheet in disbelief. How could this... downright stupid God fire such an important piece of the redaction team for such banal reason?! Holding a sheet of paper and a pencil all the time was the Drawer's bloody work, for Satan's sake! What should he have done instead?! Going around, selling CocaCola?! That would make for a far more unhealthy work environment!

Narrator didn't understand why humans kept drinking that even after all the side it had. Why would someone want to drink something that made your teeth fall off? He was okay with coffee. However addictive, it was still safer than the other option.

Editor - He was annoying, honestly. Feeling his breath in the nape of my neck, his eyes scanning for any errors I might make, hearing him correct everything I say... Fucking annoying. Fired.


Narrator couldn't believe it. This was the first time he saw someone getting fired for actually doing their job. Actually, the second time, counting drawer.

"Ah... What to do, what to do, what to do...?"

Even so, the Editor problem wasn't as urgent as the Drawer problem. The Author would probably do just fine editing his own words until they found someone willing to do it for free, or at least the budget to pay a new one.

Assistant - I kinda liked him. He was a good minion, doing everything I asked him to do and all. He even brought me homemade coffee once! Sadly, the coffee had a diarrhea-inducing substance. Probably a silly mistake, but even so they won't be permitted. Fired.

... Was it that bad that this little, recondite part of the Narrator's heart wished the Assistant had succeeded on his little prank? Probably. But he wasn't about to change that, not unless his boss suddenly developed into a different, better version of himself...

Like he said before. Impossible. Being hit by a meteorite and a lightning at the same time was more probable.

Which meant...

"Yet another sleepless night fixing the big idiot's mistakes..."

A long night awaited him.

He cursed God's name.

What a sad life it is, that of the responsible underlying trying to make up for his incompetent superior's mistakes...!

But even so, he moved on. Swiping the sweat and taking a zip of his now cold -damnit- cup of coffee, he started going through the reports once again and trying to fix the bloody hell printed on paper.

...Work was to be done, after all... He would one day be the one on the winning side.

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