《Armored Suit XGain: Flowers that Bloom》Chapter 11: General Maximus Algo


“Mankind is at the precipice of evolution.” General Maximus Algo said as he placed down the packet file he had just finished reading. “What holds us back is this war, and the notion that man will only evolve if they leave the earth.” Deep within the fortified city of Amaria, the Earth Federation Headquarters stood. Surrounded by the very best of defenses that money could buy, it served as a remainder of the constant looming threat of war. “What say you General Hawthorne? Do you believe the stories of extraordinary men and women of our past?” General Hawthorne shifted his position slightly, looked straight at Maximus and uttered-

“No. I do not.”

The top Earth Federation Cabinet had convened a meeting several hours ago regarding the rumors of ESPERS. Humans who possessed a sort of sixth sense. This could range anywhere from precognition to clairvoyance. General Maximus and Hawthorne were old comrades in arms and had returned to Maximus’ office to discuss the meeting.

“I see. I would have agreed with you Hawthorne, but I believe we may have a real life Esper in our midst.”

“Do we now?” General Hawthorne wanted to laugh out loud, but he knew that Algo was serious. He had never been the type to tell jokes and his advice had saved the Federation from an early defeat when Bardone had first fielded their Armored Suits. He had to wait and listen, then he would have a rebuttal.

“Char Seykan. The legendary Red Lightning of Bardone. A woman who with a single Armored Suit has taken down large swarths of our forces in space. A single soldier, possessing innate combat abilities and a charismatic streak that allows nearly perfect command over her subordinates. A person like that cannot simply win the war, but if enough of them were to be gathered into Bardone’s ranks, it would spell trouble.”


“Hmm.” Char Seykan had become a boogieman for the Federation when she first appeared in the battle at Luna II. The combat reports of surviving ships, servicemen, and black-boxes described a fast-moving red streak that dealt out death and destruction. A machine that was described as three times as fast than the usual combat data regarding Armored Suits. “I’m pretty sure that Bardone has been watching too many old animation series.”

“You may not believe me now, but I heard you had an encounter with her. I believe on the Aegis, the new model warship?”

“I did, but if that was really Char herself, then her performance is lacking. A civilian with no prior Armored Suit training was able to hold her off during a sandstorm.”

“A Civilian!?” Algo nearly knocked over the cup of coffee he had on the table. “A civilian who can pilot our latest Armored Suit without any training.” It was a long shot, but if this civilian represented the secret that Bardone had for the war, the Federation’s odds might increase.

“I can tell from that look in your eye. He’s nothing special, its only thanks to the cutting-edge technology of our scientists and engineers that allowed that child to fight the way he did.”

“A child?!” Algo had an idea. It was an idea that once was prevalent in the previous century. When mankind was still stuck on the earth, immersed in its petty squabbles over land and resources. There was a legend about extraordinary beings that once existed. Perhaps this child was one of them, born with the latent potential hidden inside mankind. “Where is this child now?” Hawthorne could see there was no way to change his friend’s mind. Sighing he waved his hands and turned around.


“He was conscripted into the Federation. Last I saw, they had him designated as the X-Gain’s pilot.” Hawthorne scoffed. Whatever future that was in store for humanity couldn’t be in the hands of some child. Leaving the room, he gave a courteous bow to Algo and left.

Elation flowed through Algo’s body. A child that keep up with The Red Lighting without any training? Walking to his window, he saw his own reflection. Something told him that the Aegis could be the key force he needed to push the Federation back into space.

“General!” An advisor suddenly burst into the room. Out of breath, he slammed down a file. “Its here. The report on the mining base. It was a success!” Algo raised an eyebrow, then his lips curled into a smile.

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